Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tick Bite

Tick Bite

Ticks are arthropods that act as carriers of virus that infects your body. Next to mosquito they are well known to spread many diseases through secretions or saliva injected into the bloodstream. Some of the major diseases that is caused by tick bite are Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Babesiosis, tick related rash, tick borne fever, Tularemia, Colorado tick fever and Q Fever and African cattle disease.

Tick related diseases are intense from April-September since it is the time they metamorphosis from larvae to adults. It usually starts with mild winter or during early spring season where there is increased frequency of tick bites. The life cycle of different ticks is different and so the range of diseases also varies.

Ticks thrive in bushy areas and hence people who walk barefoot on the grass can easily become a host. Apart from human ticks also sucks blood from pet animals like dogs, cats, or sheep. On invading the host, it secretes some fluid like saliva which contains neurotoxins. Hence the person may not feel any pain or irritation when the tick is sucking blood. Some people develop allergic reactions in response to tick bite.

Symptoms :

The range of symptoms is not common for all persons who suffer a tick bite. It depends on various factors like age, health condition and intensity of tick bite and the type of tick etc.

Often there may be signs of numbness on the affected area, fever, rash or allergic skin reaction, flu, weakness, confusion, pain or swelling in the joints. In very rare cases, there can be shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, increased heartbeat, palpitation and fatigue.

Diagnoses :

There are no concrete tests to detect the tick bite since the tick dislocates from your body after biting. Hence your doctor will physically examine the part of the bite, and look for the above symptoms before making the right diagnoses.

In some cases, the tick may be found still attached to the person’s body and diagnoses become easy for the doctor.

Often he may order for complete blood profile for diagnosing the type of parasite that has been injected into the blood.

Tick Removal :

It is not that easy to remove the ticks from your body. In the event of removal, you may increase the chance of spreading the infection to other parts.

Some people use hot match head on the affected parts to destroy the ticks. This is not the right procedure for removing the tick completely. You can use a forceps or tweezers for carefully removing the tick from the body. You can flush it off in the toilet and wash your hands thoroughly.

Treatment :

The course of treatment depends on the symptoms and nature of tick bite and the nature of parasite it has infected. It is very much necessary to wash the affected area with cleansing liquid and apply antibiotic cream.

In case of itch your doctor may prescribe Benadryl cream or oral preparations. Further he would give you antibiotics after studying the symptoms. Often oral antibiotics will do for reducing the pain and discomfort. But sometimes you will be put on IV fluids and hospitalized if the symptoms are serious.

Based on blood test report treatment methods and antibiotics are chosen.

Pictures of Tick Bite :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Tick Bite

Tick Bite Tick Bite Tick Bite Tick Bite Tick Bite Tick Bite
Prevention :

Avoid wandering in grassy areas barefoot and often ticks will be lying on the trees and shrubs waiting for a host. You have to be little more careful during the peak season of winter and spring. Wear tight clothing of light colors so that you can spot them and remove. Cover the heels with socks and shoes.

In case your work warrants you to be on grass for long time, you can use inspect repellants like DEET.

If you have any doubts, you should promptly check the parts for locating ticks. Ensure that the ticks are not affecting your pets which in turn may affect you.

No vaccine is available for preventing tick bite till today.

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