Showing posts with label Tingling Lips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tingling Lips. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tingling Lips

Tingling Lips

Tingling lips makes you feel like “pins and needles” on your lips. It is a common problem caused due to nerve damage when a person is exposed to extreme temperature. There are several causes for getting tingling lips ranging from allergic food products to cosmetic factors. Tingling of lips may vary in duration with respect to its causative factor. For some it may be for few seconds and for others it can extend for hours. There may or may not be numbness and pain when tingling of lips occur. For some people, it may affect their consciousness or may cause intense Headache. If there is repeated tingling of lips, accompanied with numbness you need to seek immediate medical care.

Symptoms :

Some of the common symptoms with tingling of lips are burning feeling on lips, dryness, numbness (for few seconds), Chapped Lips, pain (mild to moderate), warmth and redness over the lips, and inflammation of lips. For some people it may cause tingling on other parts of the body.

It can be a symptom of Stroke or any complicated nervous disorder if tingling of lips is seen with numbness on one side of your body. Tingling of lips can be a warning signal if it influences your conscious level or alertness. There may be slurring of speech or sudden inability to speak when nervous system gets affected. For some there may be inability to move body parts on one side indicating partial paralysis. Some people vision may get affected causing blurred vision and there can be worst headache which they have never had before. All these are serious symptoms wanting prompt medical care and hospitalization.

Tingling Lips

Causes :

There are several causes for tingling of lips. Allergic foods can cause tingling in some people. It can be due to chemical burn or change in cosmetics. Chapped lips may be the reason for tingling sensation. When a person is exposed to extreme weather conditions of heat or cold temperature, there can be tingling of lips. You may also get this problem due to the infection caused by Herpes Simplex virus. A simple cold sore can cause tingling of lips. Injury caused to lips may also affect the tissue covering of lips.

Sometimes, tingling lips can be caused by underlying diseases like cancer and cervical spondylitis. It is a signal to tell that nerve damage has been caused in the spine or neck area. Disease like Multiple Sclerosis may also produce the sign of tingling of lips, since it may affect the brain causing weakness and balancing problem. Shingles is an infection caused by zoster virus which can cause tingling lips. Skin problems like lupus erythematosus may also produce this symptom. For some people tingling lips occur when there is deficiency of vitamin B12. In rare cases, tingling lips (if accompanied by other symptoms) can be indicative of stroke and cranial nerve trauma.

Tingling Lips

Treatment :

Your doctor will have to find out the underlying medical cause for getting rid of tingling of lips. Since lips tingling are not an illness by itself and it is a signal for identifying other illness, it takes time for your doctor to treat this problem. In case if tingling lips is caused due to consumption of allergic foods, then you can avoid eating them. You can use antihistamines for managing tingling of lips.

If you are diabetic, tingling of lips may be signal of increased blood glucose. It can be due to deficiency of vitamin in children and hence it is necessary to supplement their diet with well balanced nutrition. For some people, tingling of lips can be controlled by practicing relaxation techniques like Yoga and other exercises. You can also try some herbal remedies for making this symptom disappear.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Tingling Lips – Causes and Treatment

Tingling Lips – Causes and Treatment

Tingling Lips Causes

One of the more common problem related to tingling lips is allergies to food. Lips are extremely sensitive and if individuals eat foods they are allergic to, lips are the first sign of warning. If the lips turn out to be puffy or tingly, individuals need to notice the food that was consumed recently. Allergies of course may differ in relentlessness and very often food allergies are restricted to some discomfort that is mild and occurring around the mouth and lips. There are other cases where the tingling can be followed with Allergy symptoms which are severe, for instance rash or airway closure.

Infections also can cause lips to tingle, especially herpes. Individuals with herpes normally notice some tingling shortly prior to an outbreak as well as other types of bacterial, fungal as well as viral infections of the mouth. Lips can be very itchy. Other symptoms of infection such as lesions, discoloration as well as strong smells can grow as the organism that is infectious takes a hold.
Often blood chemistry can play a role, especially in cases of change in levels of calcium. Tingling lips can be a symptom of hormonal imbalances. Issues which are neurological such as harm to the nerves in the face can also cause lips to tingle. Another probable offender is Raynaud’s phenomenon, which causes numbness, tingling as well as discomfort. Individuals visible to extreme cold might also experience lips that tingle without any causal pathology as the body reacts to the cold.

You're reading Tingling Lips – Causes and Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Often, individuals develop lips that tingle during attacks of panic. With panic attacks, the body is flooded with hormones when the “flight or fight” response grows. It is quite common to experience tingling, numbness as well as other atypical feelings in the extremities. The physical symptoms of a panic attack can be very severe and even can be incapacitating for many individuals.

Tingling Lips Treatment

Because lips that tingle is a symptom or sign and not an illness, the actual illness needs to be identified and treated properly for the tingling of the lips to disappear. If it is caused by allergies, the allergen substances have to be avoided. Often medications such as antihistamine are recommended for relief of allergies. If diabetes is causing peripheral neuropathy, the blood glucose levels need to be checked to stop the recurrence of lips that tingle. Deficiencies of nutritionals can be treated with supplements that are dietary as well as healthy food. For individuals who suffer with panic attacks in many cases can learn yoga or other techniques for relaxation and to reduce mental stress. There are also several herbal remedies which are available to help with herpes.

If an individual suffers from lips that tingle, they need to visit with their primary care physician and explore the causal reasons. There is no way that tingling lips can be prevented. But if an individual maintains a lifestyle that is healthy with a diet that is balanced, exercises and kept free of stress than the chances of the problem can be greatly reduced. If an individual has the tendency to get lips that tingle often, then it is further advised to avoid drinking too much alcohol.