Showing posts with label Tooth Abscess. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tooth Abscess. Show all posts

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Tooth Abscess – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention

A tooth Abscess is nothing but infection in any part of the mouth (oral cavity) or jaw or face. The major reason for getting Tooth Abscess is poor dental hygiene and delaying the treatment of dental problems. But for some people it can also develop due to underlying medical issues like autoimmune disorders, undergoing chemotherapy. A tooth abscess can become very complicated if it infects the cheeks, gums or even the throat. As you delay in taking timely treatment, there can be pus accumulation on the infected area causing increased pain and inflammation. In severe cases, the dental abscess may cause obstruction in the path of the airway making you difficult to breathe.

Causes :

Tooth abscess can be as a result of minor injury to the mouth or oral cavity. It may develop due to weakened immunity system, conditions of medical issues like Diabetes. Very often, tooth abscess is formed due to bacterial infection which grows and multiply on the tooth cavity invading the underlying soft tissues and even the bones of the face. Poor dental hygiene is one of the major causes for developing tooth abscess.

Symptoms :

There may be mild to moderate pain with inflammation of the oral cavity. Pain may radiate and infect the surrounding areas of the face like cheeks and throat. There may be redness in the mouth and even on your face. As the infection progresses, it can cause nausea, Fever and difficulty in swallowing and drinking.

The oral cavities may develop inflammation and it becomes tender. For some people the tooth abscess is accompanied with drainage of pus and they may experience pain in opening their mouth.

Diagnoses :

Your dentist may examine your tooth to identify the intensity of tooth abscess. If required, he may ask you to take X-ray of the infected teeth for getting clear picture of the infection.

Treatment :

Self Care :

For mild range of infection of tooth abscess, it is enough if you use anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and omaproxen. It would provide some relief if you rinse the mouth with warm water. However it is very much necessary for you to consult your dentist for complete solution.

First your dentist will examine the infection and intensity of tooth abscess before deciding upon the treatment. For severe infection, he could cut open the tooth abscess for draining the pus inside. Sometimes, he may prescribe strong antibiotic medicines for destroying the bacteria that causes the infection. He would also give you pain reliever drugs after the procedure.

In case if the tooth abscess has progressed up to throat or the floor of the mouth, your dentist will put you on anesthesia for operating and removing the abscess. Hence, the course of treatment depends on the severity of the infection and how far it has caused damage to the neighboring cells and tissues.

Pictures of Tooth Abscess :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Tooth Abscess

Tooth Abscess Tooth Abscess Tooth Abscess Tooth Abscess Tooth Abscess Tooth Abscess Tooth Abscess

Prevention :

You can easily prevent tooth abscess by adhering to the following health rules :-

  • Brush your teeth twice a day after taking your meals and at bedtime.
  • Regular flossing will prevent food particles getting accumulated in the oral cavity.
  • Pay regular visits to your dentist for cleaning and check-up.
  • In case you suspect any tooth abscess, do not delay in consulting your doctor.
  • Tooth decay can be corrected easily if detected at early stages.
  • Avoid using tobacco in any form.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tooth Abscess

Tooth Abscess

A Tooth Abscess is nothing but infection in any part of the mouth (oral cavity) or jaw or face. The major reason for getting tooth abscess is poor dental hygiene and delaying the treatment of dental problems. But for some people it can also develop due to underlying medical issues like autoimmune disorders, undergoing chemotherapy. A tooth abscess can become very complicated if it infects the cheeks, gums or even the throat. As you delay in taking timely treatment, there can be pus accumulation on the infected area causing increased pain and inflammation. In severe cases, the dental abscess may cause obstruction in the path of the airway making you difficult to breathe.

Causes :

Tooth abscess can be as a result of minor injury to the mouth or oral cavity. It may develop due to weakened immunity system, conditions of medical issues like diabetes. Very often, tooth abscess is formed due to bacterial infection which grows and multiply on the tooth cavity invading the underlying soft tissues and even the bones of the face. Poor dental hygiene is one of the major causes for developing tooth abscess.

Symptoms :

There may be mild to moderate pain with inflammation of the oral cavity. Pain may radiate and infect the surrounding areas of the face like cheeks and throat. There may be redness in the mouth and even on your face. As the infection progresses, it can cause nausea, fever and difficulty in swallowing and drinking.

The oral cavities may develop inflammation and it becomes tender. For some people the tooth abscess is accompanied with drainage of pus and they may experience pain in opening their mouth.

Diagnoses :

Your dentist may examine your tooth to identify the intensity of tooth abscess. If required, he may ask you to take X-ray of the infected teeth for getting clear picture of the infection.

Treatment :

Self Care :

For mild range of infection of tooth abscess, it is enough if you use anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and omaproxen. It would provide some relief if you rinse the mouth with warm water. However it is very much necessary for you to consult your dentist for complete solution.

First your dentist will examine the infection and intensity of tooth abscess before deciding upon the treatment. For severe infection, he could cut open the tooth abscess for draining the pus inside.

Sometimes, he may prescribe strong antibiotic medicines for destroying the bacteria that causes the infection. He would also give you pain reliever drugs after the procedure.

In case if the tooth abscess has progressed up to throat or the floor of the mouth, your dentist will put you on anesthesia for operating and removing the abscess. Hence, the course of treatment depends on the severity of the infection and how far it has caused damage to the neighboring cells and tissues.

Pictures of Tooth Abscess :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Tooth Abscess

Tooth Abscess Tooth Abscess Tooth Abscess Tooth Abscess Tooth Abscess Tooth Abscess Tooth Abscess
Prevention :

You can easily prevent tooth abscess by adhering to the following health rules:-

• Brush your teeth twice a day after taking your meals and at bedtime.
• Regular flossing will prevent food particles getting accumulated in the oral cavity.
• Pay regular visits to your dentist for cleaning and check-up.
• In case you suspect any tooth abscess, do not delay in consulting your doctor.
Tooth Decay can be corrected easily if detected at early stages.
• Avoid using tobacco in any form.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Tooth Abscess – Symptoms, Treatment, Complications, Home Remedies, Pictures

What Is A Abscess">Tooth Abscess?

Although tooth abscesses are fairly common dental conditions, they are can be very painful and disruptive to anyone who suffers from one. A tooth abscess is an infection of the tooth socket, or an infection of the root area below the tooth. Bacteria becomes trapped under the tooth, creating a pocket of infection inside the tooth, the tooth socket, the root area, or any combination of these areas. An ‘abscess’ is a pocket of infection created by bacteria, and a tooth abscess is visible on x-ray by dental professionals as an abnormal, darkened area under or around the tooth. This pocket puts pressure on the blood vessels and nerves around the tooth, causing moderate to severe pain.

Tooth Abscess Causes

As mentioned above, tooth abscesses are fairly common and can be caused by multiple issues. The most common cause of tooth abscesses is the natural Tooth Decay caused by aging. As we get older, the enamel on our teeth weakens, causing microscopic holes and cracks in the surface of the teeth. These cracks and holes can leave portals of entry for bacteria to invade the tooth structure and create a tooth abscess. Inadequate dental hygiene can increase the likelihood of a tooth abscess, so it is very important to properly floss and brush the teeth, especially as we get older.

Other causes of tooth abscesses include cavities and dental work performed on teeth. Cavities are areas of decay in the enamel of the tooth, which leaves the tooth susceptible to any bacteria that may get inside and create a tooth abscess. Dental work may also expose the inside of the tooth or the tooth roots to bacteria and cause an infection. Most tooth abscesses created by dental work occur soon after the work is done, however in people with weakened immune systems or other dental conditions, the abscess may form slowly and not be noticeable until weeks or months after the dental procedure was performed.

Tooth Abscess Symptoms

The most common symptoms of tooth abscesses are a moderate to severe toothache and swelling of the gum and mouth immediately surrounding the tooth, if the tooth is still “living” and the root is healthy. The toothache is usually severe and makes the person very uncomfortable. A list of the the most common symptoms of a tooth abscess follows below:

  • Moderate to severe toothache of affected tooth and/or surrounding teeth

  • Swelling of the gum and mouth surrounding the abscessed tooth

  • Inability to chew or swallow, related to pain and discomfort

  • Fever, body aches, generalized feeling of being ill

  • Bad breath, related to abscess leaking or rupturing into mouth

  • Tooth pain worsened by hot or cold liquids or air (even breathing)

If the tooth is “dead”, which means the nerve tissue has died or been removed by a root canal, a tooth abscess will have a different set of symptoms because there is no nerve tissue to relay a pain signal to the brain. The first symptom for a tooth abscess in a dead tooth is generally a feeling of looseness (even if the tooth does not move), followed by feeling swollen related to the infection pocket below the tooth. The person will only begin to feel pain with an abscess of a dead tooth after the abscess begins to spread to surrounding areas and puts pressure on tooth nerves that are still active. Advanced abscesses of dead teeth can lead to jaw bone infection, decay, and disfigurement, and treatment should be sought from a dental professional.

You're reading posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Tooth Abscess Treatment

The primary treatment for tooth abscesses are oral antibiotics, prescribed by a dental professional. The antibiotics kill the bacteria that are causing the tooth abscess. If there is a compromise in the enamel of the tooth, such as a cavity or decay, the dentist will also seal the surface of the tooth with a filling or crown to prevent reinfection of the tooth. It may also be necessary for a root canal to be performed to clean out the infection from the abscess and prevent any further tooth abscesses from occurring. In more severe cases when the tooth is damaged beyond repair, the dentist may decide to extract the tooth completely. The tooth abscess can then be removed and treated and the socket allowed to heal.

Tooth Abscess Complications

The complications of tooth abscesses are related to allowing the abscess to remain untreated. There is a high risk of the tooth abscess spreading to other teeth and areas of the gum, and even into the jaw bone. Some of the most complications are as follows:

  • Rupture of abscess (leaking infection into surrounding areas)

  • Abscess infection spreading to other parts of the body, which can cause blood poisoning, heart infections, bone infections, etc.

Most complications of tooth abscesses may be prevented by seeking professional dental treatment as soon as possible.

Tooth Abscess Home Remedies

Because of the risks of complications from a tooth abscess, you should see a dental professional for treatment. However, if you are delayed in seeing a dental professional, there are several home remedies for tooth abscesses that you can try:

  • Take 3-4 300 mg garlic capsules a day, along with 1000 mg of Vitamin C three times per day as a natural approach to help your immune system kill the bacteria.

  • Place a dry tea bag between your tooth and cheek to reduce pain and swelling.

  • A piece of raw potato placed between the tooth and cheek is also said to reduce pain and swelling.

  • Dip a wet cotton ball in a mixture of 1 teaspoon of table salt with 1 teaspoon of baking soda, then place between the tooth and cheek.

  • Mix as much table salt as will dissolve in a glass of lukewarm water and hold and swish in your mouth for at least five minutes once an hour until swelling and pain diminish.

Tooth Abscess Pictures

tooth abscess pictures

tooth abscess pictures

tooth abscess pictures

tooth abscess pictures

tooth abscess pictures