Showing posts with label White Spots on Skin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label White Spots on Skin. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

White Spots on Skin

White Spots on Skin

A white spot on the skin is a common problem and occurs due to lack of skin pigmentation substance called melanin. It can occur in the form of dark spots, white spots or other colored spots on the skin. Similarly it may occur either in the shape of circular spots or dark patches anywhere in the body. It is largely found in the neck, upper back, shoulders, forearms and the shins. These spots do not cause any pain or discomfort but has gained importance for cosmetic purpose.

White spots are common on men and women and people with fair complexion and those living in hot climatic conditions are prone to get more number of white spots than others.

Causes :

One of the main causes for getting white spots on skin is Vitiligo. Melanocytes present in the skin produces melanin, a skin pigment responsible for giving coloration to the skin. If melanin is secreted in less quantity or totally absent it can result in formation of white spots. It can happen due to autoimmune disorder where body’s own immune system destroys healthy cells of melanin causing discoloration.

Vitiligo is commonly present in 3 million Americans which count for 2-3 % of total population of America. White spots occur during the age of 25-35 years affecting both sexes equally.

Who are at risk?

Those who are predisposed to vitiligo or with family history are more prone to get white spots than others. People with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis an autoimmune disorder can get white spots in middle age. Men with grey hair during early ages are also under risk of having white spots quickly.

Symptoms :

Exposed parts of the body like hands, legs, shoulders and back portion are quickly affected with white spots. Vitiligo will not affect the person totally. It leaves a gap known as period of stability during which the process of discoloration stops. This is followed by repeated whitish spots on the skin. It can affect the folds of the skin like armpits or areas in which there is skin injury. For some people it can occur on the areas where skin is injured or moles have developed. In rare cases it may develop on eyelids and on hair.

Diagnoses :

Your doctor can easily identify the white spots by thorough physical examination.

Pictures of White Spots on Skin :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of White Spots on Skin

White Spots on Skin White Spots on Skin White Spots on Skin White Spots on Skin
Treatment :

No treatment is required for white spots on the skin since they are benign (harmless) and does not cause pain or irritation. However many people want to remove it for cosmetic reasons. It is difficult to treat vitiligo but treatment can be given for improving the appearance and skin color.

Your doctor will induce pigmentation process for getting back the normal skin color on the affected areas. He may also prescribe corticosteroid or give phototherapy for removing the white spots.

There are several types of white spots like Tinea Versicolor, idiopathic guttate hypermelanosis and Pityriasis Alba. Skin grafting is done for removing white spots, in which normal skin is replaced by removing it from other body parts and fixing it on affected areas.

Antifungal drugs like clotrimazole and terbinafine are given for treating Tinea versicolor.

Idiopathic guttate are commonly seen on fair complexioned women and here white spots of size 2-5 mm in diameter can develop as scaly patches. It is believed to run on families passing the genetic factors from one generation to the other.

Pityriasis Alba affects young children and is characterized in the form of dry scaly white spots on the face.

Your doctor will identify the real cause for such discoloration before starting the treatment. In case of deficiency or malnutrition he would prescribe supplementary vitamin capsules for producing natural melanin to remove discoloration.

If the white spots are formed due to lack of amino acid by name tyrosine then you need to take drugs to produce that amino acid so that discoloration disappears in due course.

White Spots on Skin – Pictures, Causes and Treatment

White Spots on Skin – Pictures, Causes and Treatment

What are White spots which appear on the skin?

Human skin is very disposed to a assortment of conditions, with white spots being only one of many. In the majority of the cases the problem of white spots is due to the loss in the skin of pigmentation. There are numerous conditions of the skin or disorders of pigmentation which can cause these white skin spots. The majority of individuals normally get these white spots on the skin anyplace on the body, but typically on the upper back, shoulders, neck, shins, and upper forearms. Most kinds of spots that are white normally do not cause irritation, itching or hurting but still, they can be very noticeable on tanned or dark skin so most individuals find them distressing. These spots of white affect millions of people of every race as well as both sexes.

White Spots on Skin – Causes

Tinea Versicolor
This is a very common non-cancerous or benign skin problem which is triggered by a form of yeast, identified as Malassezia. This condition is also known as pityriasis versicolor. When an area of the skin turns out to be oily, moist and warm, this yeast can overgrow the normal flora of the skin and cause white spots on the skin. They may also be reddish-brown in color. These spots occur on the abdomen, upper arms, neck as well as thighs. This infection is not contagious.

Several of these conditions which make spots on the skin which are white and due to tinea versicolor are warm and humid weather, oily skin, Excessive Sweating, malnourishment, medications such as corticosteroids, or whatever causes the immune system to weaken as well as pregnancy.

This is a common condition of the skin which affects about 1% to 2% of individuals around the globe. It normally consists of white patches of spots on the skin. It is instigated since vitiligo terminates the cells which create the pigment of the skin. It most often occurs in individual with certain types of autoimmune syndromes such as pernicious anemia, hyperthyroidism, as well as adrenocortical insufficiency, alopecia aerate. Stress which distresses the immune system can also cause vitiligo. This condition often runs in families so there is possibly a hereditary facet to it.
Idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis
This condition causes white flat spots on the skin which usually measure about 2-5 mm in diameter. The cause of this condition is unknown. It usually occurs in fair-skinned individuals but it can occasionally arise in darker skin also. It appears on the areas of the forearms which have lots of exposure to the sun and as well as the shins. It also appears on the neck, shoulders and face. These spots seem to be linked with the natural aging process. They are usually smooth, but often can also be scaly. This condition seems to be linked with the normal aging process, occurring in individuals over the age of 40. They seem to occur in women more than men. It is also believed that heredity can be involved, since this skin problems does seem to run in families.

You're reading White Spots on Skin – Pictures, Causes and Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

White Spots on Skin – Treatment

Tinea Versicolor
The skin problem can be treated with anti-fungal medicines like miconazole, terbinafine as well as clotrimazole, all of which can be bought over the counter. It can also be treated with a shampoo that is also available over the counter. This shampoo contains selenium sulfide. It is applied like a lotion on the areas which are affected before bedtime and can be rinsed off in the morning upon waking up. If this condition lasts for more than 2 weeks of being treated daily, it is best for the individual to meet with a dermatologist.

There are many ways of treating vitiligo for example, photo therapy, steroid creams, psoralen photochemotherapy, and skin grafting in the early stages, depigmentation treatment, immunodulator creams with UVB Narrowband treatments, laser treatments and many others.

Idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis
In the majority of cases, treatment is not necessary as the marks are totally harmless. Sometime attempts to destroy the lesions can leave brown marks or white marks which are larger, which can look worse than the condition when it is left alone. Sun protection is important. The following measures can improve the appearance:

  • Light Cryotherapy

  • Pinch grafts or normally pigmented skin

  • Localized superficial dermabrasion or microdermabrasion

  • Tretinoin cream

  • Cosmetic over-up

  • Topical steroids

White Spots on Skin Pictures

white spots on skin
white spots on skin near eye

White spots on skin near eye

neck region

white spots on skin - hands
white spots on skin - shoulders

white spots on skin - hands

on hands