Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Cellulitis Pictures

Cellulitis Pictures

When bacteria infect the skin, it can cause rash known as cellulitis. The bacteria belonging to the group of staphylococcus would cause cellulitis infection and it usually attacks the person when there is development of crack or cut in the skin. The skin of the infected part will become red and hot associated with pain.

If the person has history of breakage in skin or wounds in any part of the skin he is prone to cellulitis infection. For instance a cut or cracks on the skin will increase the risk of bacterial infection. Usage of corticosteroid drugs for long time would suppress the immunity of the person leading to infection. People who have Peripheral Vascular Disease have more chance for getting infected.

Fever, skin rash, hotness in the skin, skin sore and tightened skin is some of the symptoms of cellulitis. For some persons, there may be chills, fatigue, confusion, illness and muscle pain may be accompanied in the symptoms. Your doctor will examine the body of the affected area to diagnose the infection. Sometimes he may ask you to do blood culture test and culture of pussy liquid from the affected part.

Taking strong antibiotics will improve the situation in many cases. In rare case, hospitalization is required if the infection does not subside and you have weakened immunity.

Pictures of Cellulitis :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Cellulitis

Cellulitis Cellulitis Cellulitis Cellulitis Cellulitis Cellulitis Cellulitis Cellulitis Cellulitis

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