Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a demyelinating disease which affects the central nervous system and brain. It is prevalent more in women than men. Very often this disease is seen in age group of 20-40 but there are aged people who have got this infection. Multiple sclerosis attacks the protective covering called myelin sheath and infects the nerve signals. The nervous system develops inflammation and hence there is slow down of signals. It develops on brain, nerves and even on spine.

Causes :

Exact cause for multiple sclerosis is not known.

Symptoms :

The intensity of signs and symptoms vary with respect to the organ that is affected. Sometimes, there may be symptoms for weeks or even months. There is every chance for the disease to attack again after getting treated.

In the muscles, there can be muscle spasms, numbness, problems in moving legs and walking, difficulty in coordination and general weakness in arms and legs.

In the bladder, there can be problems in urinating, Constipation, Urinary Incontinence and impulse to pass urine urgently.

If it attacks the optical nerve, there can be problems with vision, discomfort in eyes, rapid eye movements, and partial loss of vision.

If it is on the brain, there can be dizziness, memory loss, reduction in logical thinking, Depression and poor judgment.

Diagnoses :

Your doctor will look for the symptoms of nervous disorder by making neurological examination. He may check your eyes for detecting optical nerve deformity. Further testing procedures include lumbar puncture, MRI scan of brain and nerve function test.

Pictures of Multiple Sclerosis :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis
Treatment :

Again in multiple sclerosis, only symptoms can be treated and not the disease.

Drugs like fingolimod, interferons, copaxone, novantrone and methotrexate are given.

Steroids are used for reducing the intensity of attacks. Symptoms can also be controlled by Baclofen for managing muscle spasms, cholinergic drugs for controlling urine problem, and antidepressant for managing mood behavior.

Further the patient should also make lifestyle changes by following healthy food and life. There are supportive therapies like physiotherapy, speech and occupational therapy for severe case of attacks.

Since the disease can relapse, it is very much necessary for the patient to follow the instructions of your doctor in making regular visits.

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