Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Dry Skin on Face

Dry Skin on face

The face is the index of mind and every one of us love to keep our face soft and spot-free. Face of course, gets prominent attention in the body and lot of money and time is being spent on grooming the face. Since face is kept open all the time, face needs to be taken care of by regular massage and cleansing. There are several factors that may add dryness to your face and dry skin on face can be easily cured if you take little extra care for moisturizing the skin.

Causes :

People who live in cold climatic zones are definitely prone to get dry skin on face, unless they take proper care to prevent it. Basically when the skin fails to retain enough moisture, it becomes dry. There will be decrease in the secretion of sebum (a liquid secreted from sebaceous glands) when the skin loses moisture.

Dehydration is one of the major causes for dryness on the face. This can happen when you are not drinking enough water during winter season. Dryness can also be caused if you have plenty of coffee or other caffeine containing drinks.

Dry skin can occur due to deficiency of vitamins, in particular Vitamin A and B. If you are not taking balanced diet that contains nutritious food needed for glowing skin it can cause skin dryness.

Changing cosmetic products often can cause skin dryness on face. Sometimes new cosmetic can cause Allergy to the skin making it itchy and dry.

People who are diabetic and those with recurrent skin problem like psoriasis are also under the risk of getting skin dryness on the face. Hormone problem can also be the reason for dry skin.

Symptoms :

Clear signs of dry skin on face are Itchy Skin and cracked lips. When the skin becomes dry, it loses water content thereby causing dryness forming itchy patches. The skin on your face may become hard to touch and it may lead to the formation of acne. For some people, the skin on the lips may begin to peel off causing bleeding.

Diagnoses :

It is easy to identify the dryness of the skin by looking for the above symptoms. Your face will not be soft anymore and it becomes dry and itchy.

Treatment :

It is easy to treat skin dryness if you spend little time for caring your face. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Eat a balanced diet that contains fresh fruits and vegetables. Include lots of grains and nuts in your daily meal plan and reduce the intake of coffee. Avoid taking fried items and junk foods. You can include onion, garlic, avocado, egg yolk and honey liberally which will help in getting glowing skin.

Make sure that you are using moisturizing lotion daily. Before going to bed apply few drops of olive oil on your palm and gently massage it on your face. Do not wash your face often since it will reduce moisture content of the skin making it dry. Exfoliate dry skin using good facial scrubber.

When you get back home cleanse the face using moisturizing lotion. If you are planning to go out in sunny days, do not forget to apply sunscreen lotion before you start. Any type of cosmetic or make-up should be removed before going to sleep.

Aloe Vera, Vaseline and olive oil keeps your skin healthy and glowing all the time. You can prepare simple homemade face mask using orange juice, lemon juice, egg yolk, olive oil, honey and rose water and apply at least one of these products daily on the face.

If you still have dryness on face, consult your dermatologist and use only prescribed soaps and gel on your face instead of using regular commercial soaps.

Avoid smoking and alcohol completely to get speedy result.

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