Sunday, May 22, 2016

Essential Oils for Neuropathy

Essential Oils for Neuropathy

Neuropathy is a dysfunction or disease of one or more peripheral nerves. Damage to peripheral nerves in the body, often causes pain, weakness, tingling, and numbness felt typically in your hands and feet. Neuropathy may be the result of infections, traumatic injuries, metabolic problems, diabetes, vitamin deficiencies, and exposure to toxins. If caused by a treatable underlying condition symptoms improve in most cases, when treated with medications and home remedies, such as essential oils for neuropathy, which can provide effective relief.

Essential Oils for Neuropathy
Here are some of the finest essential oils for neuropathy treatment:

  • Peppermint Essential Oil;
    is commonly found all over the world, and peppermint is widely used for its medicinal properties. When applied topically it has a cooling and soothing effect on the skin. It’s has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, stimulant, antispasmodic, and astringent properties

  • Black Pepper Essential Oil; is a forest plant and the woody vine uses trees or other supports when growing. As a constituent in a blended cream, the therapeutic properties of black pepper oil include analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitoxic and rubefacient (improves blood circulation).

  • Rose Geranium Essential Oil; comes from the plant Pelargonium graveolens of the Geraniaceae family, and Rose geranium essential oils for neuropathy has a balancing effect on the nervous system. On the skin, the antiseptic, astringent, and cicatrisant properties make this oil an effective aid to help with scar formation.

  • Eucalyptus Essential Oil; comes from Eucalyptus globulus or the evergreen tree, and it’s useful as a warming oil when used for muscular aches and pains, sprains, rheumatoid Arthritis, and poor circulation. The therapeutic properties include antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, astringent, and improves blood circulation.

  • Geranium Essential Oil; is extracted from the plant Pelargonium odorantissimum, and has a floral aroma with a hint of mint. It can be used to help in the treatment of poor circulation, while the cicatrisant properties ensure that it is helpful in wound healing, including Ulcers and burns.

  • Rosemary Essential Oil; is extracted from Rosmarinus officinalis and has a beneficial effect upon the central nervous system (nervine). On the skin, Rosemary essential oils for neuropathy increases the circulation, and helps to ease muscular aches, spasm, cramps, pain, puffiness, and swelling.

  • Spruce Essential Oil;
    is extracted from the North American Spruce tree, and its uses include easing fatigue, tired muscles, muscle aches, poor circulation, stiff joints, infections, immune support, adrenal support. Properties are anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, nervine.

  • Frankincense Essential Oil; is extracted from resin from the Boswellia carteri tree, and helps relieve pain associated with muscular aches and Rheumatism. Other uses include rejuvenating ageing skin, a skin tonic, and to help ease the pain of sores, wounds, scars and skin inflammation.

  • Blue Tansy Essential Oil; is extracted from the flowering plant of the Tanacetum annuum species. It supports the nervous system by relaxing and soothing stress and irritation. Although expensive, this oil is effective in relaxing muscles and relieving nerve difficulties. Blue tansy oil is one of the few plants that contains chamazulene, an anti-inflammatory artifact.

  • Lavender Essential Oil; is extracted from Lavandula angustifolia, and on the skin, it has a healing effect, while preventing scarring. Lavender essential oils for neuropathy has a calming effect on the nerves, and relieves pain for arthritis, rheumatism, lower back pain, and muscular aches and pains.

  • Rosewood Essential Oil; is extracted from Aniba rosaeodora or Brazilian rosewood, and is known for its skin rejuvenation. It boosts the immune system and has wonderful cell stimulant and tissue regeneration properties, making it a valuable product for skin care.

  • German Chamomile Essential Oil; is extracted from Matricaria Chamomilla, and is superbly effective on the skin, not only to calm and sooth, but also to heal with tissue regeneration. The oil contains azulene, a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, and only a small quantity is needed to be effective.

  • Helichrysum Essential Oil; is produced from Helichrysum italicum, and its properties include help for stiff joints, poor circulation, nerve pain, lymphatic support, immune support. It helps with infections (bacterial, viral), bruises, burns, scars, small wounds, allergic reactions, and inflammation.

  • Holy Basil Essential Oil; is extracted from Ocimum sanctum, and some studies indicate that holy basil essential oils for neuropathy may be useful in relieving the pain of peripheral neuropathy, arthritis, and other joint diseases. However, because of its chemical content, this oil may be a strong irritant and should be used in very low dilutions.

  • Birch Essential Oil; is produced from the White Birch or Silver Birch, which is scientifically known as Betula Pendula, and is known for its antiseptic and disinfectant properties. The components responsible for these properties are Salicylic Acid and Methyl Salicylate, and they protect the skin from both bacterial and fungal infections.

  • Clove Bud Essential Oil; is extracted from Eugenia caryophyllata, and its benefits include uses for muscle aches, stiff joints, infections, and poor circulation. When applied topically, clove bud oil can help with skin problems like acne, sagging skin, Warts, and wrinkles.

  • Cypress Essential Oil;
    is extracted from Cupressus sempervirens, and is effective in moving blood supply to the extremities, reducing the feelings of tingling or numbness, and promoting circulation. It’s also helpful when used for ailments related to bleeding problems, liver function, and respiration.

  • Marjoram Essential Oil; is produced from Thymus Mastichina, and is particularly effective as an antispasmodic and in soothing muscles. Marjoram essential oils for neuropathy may be helpful to relieving cramps while providing calm to muscle tensions or pain that may be related to nervous system issues.

  • Ylang Ylang Essential Oil; is extracted from Cananga odorata, and is used for its antidepressant, antiseptic, hypotensive (lowers Blood Pressure), and nervine benefits. Many people claim it gives a boost to the nervous system, saying it repairs damage, and strengthens the nervous system.

  • Wild Orange Essential Oil; is cold pressed from the peel, with stimulating properties. It minimizes numbness or tingling while promoting circulation. Sweet Orange oil costs less, but is an ineffective substitute, so make sure you stick with the Wild Orange variety. The antioxidants help to aid the body in healing itself.

  • Precautions for Using Essential Oils
    There are four effective ways to use essential oils in the treatment of neuropathy, and they include bath, massage, inhalation or compress. For better effects, you can try a combination of several essentials. Although essential oils are effective in treating neuropathy, you should keep the following precautions in mind.

    • Pregnant women, breast-feeding mothers, and children should avoid using essential oils.

    • If using topically, it is wise to conduct a small patch test to determine any sensitivity to the oils.

    • Some oils may cause skin irritation in some individuals and should not be applied to sensitive areas including eyes and mucous membranes.

    • You should consult with a doctor to determine if you are at risk of developing side effects from the use of oils.

    • You should check with your doctor before using oils if you have a medical condition, or if you are not sure how much essential oil you should use.

    • Never apply undiluted oils directly to the skin; always use a carrier oil to dilute them.

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