Monday, May 09, 2016

Green Tongue

Green Tongue

Our tongue is normally pink or light reddish in color with patches of white lining. But certain medical conditions and diseases can affect the normal coloring of the tongue changing the color to yellow, orange, blue or green. Green tongue means the presence of green color on the surface of the tongue. It indicates infection or Oral Thrush. The color of the tongue may vary from yellow, pale green to dark blue. The intensity of coloration depends on the severity of the disease and infection.

Symptoms :

In addition to change in color of the tongue, the person may also show signs like bad breath, low level of taste and pain/discomfort while eating foods. Having metallic taste is quite common in green tongue infection. In addition the person can have problems like nausea, vomiting, Sore Throat and flatulence. The symptoms of green tongue vary in accordance to its cause.

Causes :

Poor oral habits can be major cause of green tongue. The person who is not brushing his teeth properly is likely to develop oral thrush infection. Babies and toddlers can develop oral thrush easily due to poor oral hygiene. Fungal infection is quite common in mouth since it is the area that is always moist. If the food particles are not removed completely from the oral cavity, it leads to the growth of fungus on it. This can cause bad breath, sore throat and green tongue.

Green tongue coloration can be seen in babies and adults equally. Oral candidiasis can cause white patches with green color on your tongue with pain and discomfort while swallowing. Taking certain antibiotics can affect the normal color of the tongue causing green tongue. People with weak immunity and those with chronic disorders like HIV or cancer are more prone to develop oral infections than others. Smoking, frequent change in hormone, dryness in mouth and certain medications can cause green tongue. For some people, hair growth can be seen on the tongue due to poor oral hygiene.

Tongue piercing and wearing jewels on the tongue can change the color of the tongue. If fungal growth is present in the tongue it can cause greenish yellow pus on the tongue. Constant smoking and using tobacco can cause green tongue. Mouth Ulcers and blisters on the mouth can cause green coating on your tongue. Children who eat lollipops (green or blue) frequently can develop green coating on their tongue.

Images, Pics, Photos and Pictures of Green Tongue :

Green Tongue Green Tongue Green Tongue

Diagnosis :

Your doctor can easily detect the green tongue by mere physical examination.

Treatment :

  • Your doctor will detect the actual cause of green tongue before treating it.

  • The best way to prevent oral infection is to follow good oral habits. Brush your teeth and clean your tongue daily.

  • Remove the food particles from your mouth after each diet since this may give room for the growth of fungus.

  • Avoid eating hot and spicy foods since this can affect the soft membrane of your tongue.

  • In case of infection like oral thrush, your doctor may prescribe suitable drugs in suitable strength.

  • Green tongue is not a matter to worry since it is the symptom of underlying disease like infection or any other medical condition.

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