Tuesday, May 10, 2016

HIV Rash

HIV Rash

HIV is the short form of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and the person who is infected with this virus will develop skin rash in 2-3 weeks. It is an important sign to know that the individual is infected with HIV. More than 85% of the victims with HIV will develop dark rashes on the skin within few weeks of infection. However having Skin Rashes do not mean that the person is infected with this virus. The rash can be just a Heat Rash or psoriasis or other types of skin infection.

There are several others signs and symptoms to identify HIV infection. Some of them are loss of appetite, weakened immunity, and Diarrhea, loss of memory, poor concentration, sudden Weight Loss and joint pain. If you have most of the symptoms above along with skin rash, you need to check for the presence of HIV infection with your physician. Getting skin rashes is quite common and that does not mean you are being infected with HIV.

Symptoms of HIV Rash :

The rash will appear on the body after 2-3 weeks of infection. It often develops on the hands, face, and feet but it can appear on other body parts as well. The rashes will be dark brown or red color with raised bumps or lesions on the affected area. A fair complexioned individual will have dark brown or reddish bumps on the skin and a dark complexioned person will have black colored bumps on several parts of the body.

There can be blisters or ulcerous growth on the rashes and it can infect your private parts and mouth and even on eyes. You can find the development of pimples or papules on moist areas of the body. The rashes will be itchy and irritating for the person.

HIV rash can occur due to the adverse effect of taking medications for AIDS. For some people the skin would be peeling on the affected parts with sores formation on the oral cavity and genitals. Other common symptoms of HIV infection are fever, loss of weight, poor concentration, temporary loss of vision and diarrhea. It can also cause joint pain, muscle pain, swollen glands, fatigue and unexplained fever.

Rash formation occurs during the third stage of HIV infection and it is the stage when the virus has fully developed on the body. It is very much necessary to consult your doctor and take regular medicines for improving the immunity and for fighting the deadly virus.

Diagnoses :

Your doctor will inspect the rash on close examination of the body. It will appear as raised brown red color patches that contain tiny papules. He would request for testing the rash by doing a biopsy (removing tiny portion of the lesions and testing it on the lab for the presence of HIV virus). Appearance of rash with fever and diarrhea is indicative of HIV rash.

Pictures of HIV Rash :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of HIV Rash

HIV Rash HIV Rash HIV Rash HIV Rash HIV Rash HIV Rash
Treatment :

It is true that there is no treatment for HIV infection but the symptoms can always be reduced and treated. Oral histamines are prescribed for managing itching. If you have HIV rash along with the above symptoms avoid going out in hot sunlight and do not expose your skin to cold weather since it can worsen the itchiness.

Take regular medicines as instructed by your doctor. The person should learn to cope with the HIV rash since there is no cure for it. Over the counter medications like Benadryl can be taken for controlling itching sensation. You can also use hydrocortisone cream for reducing itchiness and control rashes.

Avoid changing your soaps and cosmetics since it can aggravate the rash in other body parts also. In case you think that rashes are formed due to allergic reaction caused by other drugs you can consult your doctor to change or stop that particular medicine.

Do not get scared that you have got infected with HIV once you see the rashes on your body. It can be heat rash or eczema or any other skin disorder. Your doctor will have to confirm it after proper diagnoses methods. HIV rash is obviously an unpleasant side effect of the disease. People with HIV infection should learn to live with the rashes and find out ways to manage it for the rest of their life.

Blister formation and swelling of lesions can be controlled by proper medications. Avoid taking hot baths and for managing itchiness you can apply cold compress on the affected area many times a day. Wear only cotton clothes that will not cause any irritation.

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