Showing posts with label HIV Rash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HIV Rash. Show all posts

Monday, March 06, 2017

HIV Rash – Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Treatment, Home Remedies

HIV Rash – Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Treatment, Home Remedies

HIV is the short form of Human Immunodeficiency Virus which attacks vital cells in the body thus destroying natural immunity. It causes a disease called AIDS and such patients would develop multiple symptoms in their body one of which is HIV Rash. A person infected with HIV virus gradually loses the ability of the body to fight against diseases. In short this virus targets and kills the lymphocytes by name CD4 cells which are responsible for guarding our body. Slowly the number of CD4 cells reduces in volume and finally reaches a dangerous level making the body prone to any number of infections.

HIV Symptoms :

A man infected with HIV virus would develop flu like symptoms within 3-4 weeks of infection which includes body rash, severe Headache, Sore Throat and fever. The symptoms are not the same for each person and fortunately not every person infected with this deadly virus would develop AIDS. The person whose immune system is compromised has the chance of developing AIDS.

Skin rash is the characteristic feature of HIV infection. If you have flu like symptoms along with rash you need to check with your doctor without delay. The virus remains in the hibernation for several weeks before manifesting itself into full blown disease called AIDS. In the developing stages HIV can be easily controlled and destroyed with combination antiretroviral therapy. So, in future, if you have symptoms of fever, sore throat, muscle pain and skin rash never ignore the symptoms since it can be HIV infection. Some people may also develop signs of nausea, vomiting, loose stools and enlarged lymph nodes in addition to the above symptoms.

HIV Rash

Causes Of HIV Rash :

In addition to other signs mentioned above, rash is considered to be the most prominent symptom of HIV. Once the virus gets into your bloodstream it targets and destroys the white blood cell which is the main cause of HIV rash. Generally HIV rash can develop within 2-3 weeks of getting infected indicating the body is losing plenty of WBC. There are few people who may develop rashes in later stage when the body could still maintain the level of WBC count.

  • Weakened Immunity :

People with pre-existing immune diseases like Diabetes, Arthritis and Cancer are at high risk of getting infected with HIV virus. The body already has poor ability to fight against any disease and in other words the body is vulnerable to any infection or disease. Under such condition, the person is likely to be infected with several viral infections like Herpes Simplex, Herpes Zoster or Shingles and Kaposis Sarcoma.

  • Medications Given For AIDS :

HIV rashes can develop due to the effect of medications. HIV rashes would be full blown on people who are under medications for HIV. These drugs trigger chemical reaction in the body for fighting against the virus triggering Skin Rashes.

  • Allergic Response :

Since HIV is a disease that lowers the immune system, medications given for treating it would obviously trigger the immune system causing plenty of changes in the body. The body becomes sensitive to these changes causing skin rash.

  • Shape Of HIV Rash :

HIV rash is seen in the form of small red papules in the skin. It can occur anywhere in the body and often is widely distributed on the entire skin area. HIV rash resemble Maculopapular Rash giving a red coloration to the skin. Molluscum contagiousum rash would present itself in the form of firm pink lesions connected to the skin by a stalk. The rashes are much bigger in size in HIV patients (who already have been infected) and can cause disfigurement. Such rashes are difficult to be treated.

HIV Rash

HIV Rash :

  • Small red lumps resembling pimples

  • Rashes often occur in clusters

  • Generally the rash is not itchy but in some cases it can be itchy

  • Rash can occur anywhere in the body but prominently found in shoulder, chest and face

  • HIV rash is not contagious and can last up to 4 weeks.

HIV Rash Types :

HIV rash cannot be categorized but for better understanding we can differentiate it into 4 main types.

  • Adverse Reaction Of Drugs – A person diagnosed with HIV is put on antiviral medications therapy which can cause prominent rashes. Drugs like Nevirapine or Amprenavir or Abacavir can cause severe rashes on the body. The rashes remain in the body as long as you continue to take medications.

  • Acute Rash – Acute rashes can occur in the body within few days of getting infected. Often acute rash is seen with other symptoms like fever, body pain, chills and sore throat.

  • Symptomatic Rash – HIV rash of this kind are red or pink in color and can be itchy. The body is under the 3rd phase of infection and from this stage on rashes is difficult to be treated. It may last for longer period for years together. The areas like groin, arms, chest, face and back are targeted largely with rash.

  • Herpes Rash – Along with HIV virus, herpes simplex virus can also infect the body. It becomes very difficult for the medical person to treat such rashes and in such cases mortality rate is high.

  • HIV Rash

    Hiv Rash Distribution :

    Initially HIV rash starts with small red spots on one or two areas of the body. But as the virus multiplies vigorously the rash would continue to spread in the body within few days. Distribution of rash becomes extensive.

    Hiv Rash Period :

    • In case of acute HIV rash the rashes may remain in the body for 3-5 weeks and would resolve automatically when the immune system is strong enough to destroy the virus infection.

    • In case of Molluscum contagiosum rash it may remain in your body for few months. It may take some weeks or months for responding after taking medications.

    • Herpes Simplex rash is difficult to be treated since it occurs repeatedly remaining in the body for months together. Antibiotic treatment is to be continued for longer period even after the disappearance of rash failing which it may recur.

    • In case of drug induced rash (people who are in medications for HIV infection) the rashes can resolve within few weeks but sometimes it may take months together. Rash period depends on the intensity of infection. The milder is the infection the lesser is the time taken for treating rash and vice versa.

    Diagnosis :

    After completing physical examination and checking with the symptoms, your doctor would request for blood serum test to check the levels of WBC. If necessary biopsy of the small tissue sample from the rash is analyzed in the laboratory for confirming the diagnosis. Further to get accurate picture of the infection, ELISA test would be done and if the result is positive, Western blot test will be done.

    HIV Rash

    Hiv Rash Treatment :

    Suitable antiviral medications are prescribed for treating HIV rash. However your physician would have to diagnose the root cause of HIV infection before giving any drugs. In case you have developed HIV rashes only after taking medicines for HIV your doctor may give suitable alternative drugs.

    Oral medications along with topical creams that contain hydrocortisone are effective in treating HIV rash. OTC antihistamines and topical steroid creams can give quick relief from HIV rash. For treating Molluscum conagiosum rash your doctor may prefer laser therapy or liquid nitrogen cryotherapy method. For more severe cases like Kaposis sarcoma chemo or radiation therapy is recommended. It might take a long time for the HIV rash to completely heal. It can range anywhere from weeks to months or sometimes even years. Cause of HIV, intensity of the infection, age and intensity of immune disorder determines the time of healing of HIV rash.

    Hiv Rash Prevention :

    • You cannot totally prevent getting viral infection. But you can always keep the immune system powerful by taking suitable precautions.

    • Avoid having sex with multiple partners.

    • Avoid having sexual relationship with total strangers.

    • Avoid going out in harsh sunlight and similarly wear protective clothing if you are going out in extreme cold climate. Extreme weather conditions can trigger HIV rash.

    • In case of medical emergency ensure that you are given safe blood transfusion since you can get HIV infection through blood.

    Hiv Rash Home Remedies :

    • Wear cotton clothing only and avoid synthetic and other fabrics if you are suffering from rash.

    • Do not take hot water bath since it may worsen the rash instead opt for cold water or lukewarm water bath.

    • Do not change soap or detergent and follow the instructions of your doctor.

    • Complete the course of HAART treatment even if the symptoms have improved.

    • Don’t hesitate to consult your doctor if you suspect HIV rash since delaying the treatment can make conditions worse.

    • HIV is a complicated disease that destroys your immunity and sooner the diagnosis and treatment sooner will be your recovery.

    Tuesday, May 10, 2016

    HIV Rash – Pictures, Symptoms and Treatment

    HIV Rash – Pictures, Symptoms and Treatment

    HIV Rash Symptoms

    An individual who tests positive for HIV may see what is often referred to as the HIV rash. At some point during the illness, at least 85% of HIV victims will have this rash. The symptoms occur around 2 to 4 weeks after a person is infected. But it should be noted that rash symptoms do not always occur in individual infected with HIV and having a rash does not mean that HIV has been contracted. Rashes are very common and can be caused by many diverse reasons.

    An HIV rash can look frightful, but physicians say it is not a cause for concern. An individual should speak with their physician if Skin Ulcers develop which can cause bacteria infection. There are other rashes that are common for instance Heat Rash, eczema as well as rashes due to stress so it is important to not get into a stage of panic.

    Signs and symptoms of this HIV rash include

    • Brown or red razor skin bumps resembling eczema. Bumps are dark red and brown in individuals with light skin while in those having dark skin; these bumps are dark purple and black.

    • Rashes affect any part of body, but develop mostly on areas such as the face, hands, feet as well as trunk.

    • Some individuals may experience blisters in the moist regions of the body such as mouth, genitals as well as eyes.

    • Folliculitis, pimples as well as acne may occur around follicles of hair on most skin areas of the body.

    • Rashes may also itch in some individuals.

    • Additional acute symptoms include skin peeling that can cause blisters as well as sores in the areas of the genitals.

    • Individuals with rashes are also likely to develop fever, Diarrhea, Headaches, decease in weight as well as vision problems.

    • Swollen glands, muscle pains and aches, loss of memory, extreme fatigues, painful and stiff joints as well as regular fevers that are not explainable.

    • Herpes virus infection can cause the symptoms of HIV rashes to worsen especially in individuals at the advanced stage of HIV. Characterized by red rashes that appear as fluid-filled blisters – especially with individuals with weakened immune system.

    Other Skin Rashes include

    Often during the 3rd stage of HIV which is known as symptomatic HIV, rashes which are more concentrated may occur. This is the stage of HIV which lasts from 1 to 3 years and occurs before full AIDS develops. The rashes throughout this stage are pink and often scaly. This form of HIV rash may show up on the scalp, face, armpit, chest as well as groin. It is imperative for individuals with HIV to take care of their health as well as the immune system to be able to defend against infections or complications.

    HIV Rash Treatment

    Appropriate diagnosis of any rash is very important before beginning any treatment for it. Typically HIV rashes last 1 to 2 weeks. So, if an individual notices a skin rash which is especially accompanied by any of the above mentioned symptoms; the individual should meet with their physician as quickly as possible. There is no therapy or cure of the HIV infection. Many physicians can prescribe OTC drugs to relieve the irritation as well as any itchiness which is caused. Physicians also advise the individual to avoid any exposure to extreme cold or heat as this can worsen any rash or itchiness of the skin.

    You're reading HIV Rash – Pictures, Symptoms and Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

    Apart from the above, individuals should know that it is always desirable to follow preventive actions to evade the problems of HIV infections. Practicing safe sex as well as staying away from “blood to blood” contact is the major measures to stop HIV infections.

    Also it is important to know as well as be able to diagnosis HIV rash symptoms as they are one of the first spotting signs of AIDS. But, individuals need to keep in mind that skin rash is not always a sign of HIV.

    Once the individual’s physician is aware of any new developments, there are some things that can be done to help relieve the constant itching, skin irritation as well as swelling. These include:

    • Avoid extremely hot baths or showers as well as any direct sunlight. Heat will only aggravate any Itchy Skin rashes

    • Take baths as well as showers which are cool and apply cold compress several times a day.

    • Wear clothing which is light if at all possible, keeping the areas which are affected uncovered as clothing can irritate common rashes as well as cause itching.

    • Keep notes on any new foods or soaps which can have triggered the rash. This may point to Allergy involvement.

    HIV Rash Pictures

    pictures of hiv rash

    hiv rash on back

    hiv rash on chest

    hiv rash on hands

    on legs

    hiv rash on neck

    HIV Rash

    HIV Rash

    HIV is the short form of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and the person who is infected with this virus will develop skin rash in 2-3 weeks. It is an important sign to know that the individual is infected with HIV. More than 85% of the victims with HIV will develop dark rashes on the skin within few weeks of infection. However having Skin Rashes do not mean that the person is infected with this virus. The rash can be just a Heat Rash or psoriasis or other types of skin infection.

    There are several others signs and symptoms to identify HIV infection. Some of them are loss of appetite, weakened immunity, and Diarrhea, loss of memory, poor concentration, sudden Weight Loss and joint pain. If you have most of the symptoms above along with skin rash, you need to check for the presence of HIV infection with your physician. Getting skin rashes is quite common and that does not mean you are being infected with HIV.

    Symptoms of HIV Rash :

    The rash will appear on the body after 2-3 weeks of infection. It often develops on the hands, face, and feet but it can appear on other body parts as well. The rashes will be dark brown or red color with raised bumps or lesions on the affected area. A fair complexioned individual will have dark brown or reddish bumps on the skin and a dark complexioned person will have black colored bumps on several parts of the body.

    There can be blisters or ulcerous growth on the rashes and it can infect your private parts and mouth and even on eyes. You can find the development of pimples or papules on moist areas of the body. The rashes will be itchy and irritating for the person.

    HIV rash can occur due to the adverse effect of taking medications for AIDS. For some people the skin would be peeling on the affected parts with sores formation on the oral cavity and genitals. Other common symptoms of HIV infection are fever, loss of weight, poor concentration, temporary loss of vision and diarrhea. It can also cause joint pain, muscle pain, swollen glands, fatigue and unexplained fever.

    Rash formation occurs during the third stage of HIV infection and it is the stage when the virus has fully developed on the body. It is very much necessary to consult your doctor and take regular medicines for improving the immunity and for fighting the deadly virus.

    Diagnoses :

    Your doctor will inspect the rash on close examination of the body. It will appear as raised brown red color patches that contain tiny papules. He would request for testing the rash by doing a biopsy (removing tiny portion of the lesions and testing it on the lab for the presence of HIV virus). Appearance of rash with fever and diarrhea is indicative of HIV rash.

    Pictures of HIV Rash :

    Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of HIV Rash

    HIV Rash HIV Rash HIV Rash HIV Rash HIV Rash HIV Rash
    Treatment :

    It is true that there is no treatment for HIV infection but the symptoms can always be reduced and treated. Oral histamines are prescribed for managing itching. If you have HIV rash along with the above symptoms avoid going out in hot sunlight and do not expose your skin to cold weather since it can worsen the itchiness.

    Take regular medicines as instructed by your doctor. The person should learn to cope with the HIV rash since there is no cure for it. Over the counter medications like Benadryl can be taken for controlling itching sensation. You can also use hydrocortisone cream for reducing itchiness and control rashes.

    Avoid changing your soaps and cosmetics since it can aggravate the rash in other body parts also. In case you think that rashes are formed due to allergic reaction caused by other drugs you can consult your doctor to change or stop that particular medicine.

    Do not get scared that you have got infected with HIV once you see the rashes on your body. It can be heat rash or eczema or any other skin disorder. Your doctor will have to confirm it after proper diagnoses methods. HIV rash is obviously an unpleasant side effect of the disease. People with HIV infection should learn to live with the rashes and find out ways to manage it for the rest of their life.

    Blister formation and swelling of lesions can be controlled by proper medications. Avoid taking hot baths and for managing itchiness you can apply cold compress on the affected area many times a day. Wear only cotton clothes that will not cause any irritation.