Saturday, May 21, 2016

How to Get Rid Of Genital Warts

How to Get Rid Of Genital Warts

Genital warts are the commonest type of genital infections which can be transmitted sexually. The appearance of genital warts is cauliflower like or tiny bumps of flesh color. A virus - Human papillomavirus (HPV) is responsible for causing genital warts on whole body. There are some home remedies available which can decrease the symptoms of genital warts but still it is vital to consult your doctor for treating the problem medically.

4 Steps to Get Rid of Genital Warts
1. Home Remedies
Before going to any aggressive and severe procedure of medical treatments, try simple and easy home remedies which are effective and safe of treating genital warts.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar. It is one of the very famous remedy for treating genital warts. Apple cider vinegar (that contains acetic acid as its active ingredient) that works wonders after a few applications. Exposing it on skin tissues continuously can decrease the growth of abnormal tissues in genitalia. Therefore, it is important to ensure continuous application of apple cider vinegar until disappearance of genital warts is observed. Before applying apple cider vinegar, take Vaseline or petroleum jelly and apply on the skin surrounding genital warts so that it keeps the healthy skin from any interaction with vinegar.
  • Vitamin E oil. One of the very potential natural solutions to get rid of genital warts is to use vitamin E oil. Continuous application of vitamin E oil on affected are can completely solve the problem and warts will disappear. For best result cover the affected area with crushed garlic after massaging the lesions with vitamin E oil. The dose recommended for this natural remedy is 25,000 IU. Fish oil is also another best source of obtaining vitamin E oil.

  • Garlic. Garlic acts as an antiviral agent and because of this property it is considered as best alternative home remedy helpful in treating viral infection caused by genital warts. Take garlic cloves and crushed them, apply it on the affected area and covered the area with gauze or bandage. Leave it for a day. Garlic capsules can also be consumed for treating viral infections. Recommended dose is 2 capsules per day until the warts disappear.
  • Oatmeal Bath. Oatmeal bath is another beneficial home remedy that is helpful in getting rid of the itchiness and discomfort caused by genital warts. Fine powder of oatmeal is easily available in the market which is an appropriate treatment. If oatmeal powder is not available, simply grind the regular oatmeal. Soak the affected area in warm bath containing oatmeal to relieve from this viral issue.

2. Daily Care
Home remedies can help relieve the discomfort and itchiness, while daily care for genital warts are also quite important in speeding the healing process of genital warts.

  • Keep Good Hygiene. Spreading bacteria can be harmful and to avoid this picture always wash your undergarments separately in hot water. Avoid wearing same undergarment not more than six to eight hours.
  • Avoid Scratching. Do not itch or scratch your genital wart, by doing this your wart can get abraded or open which may increase the risk of causing more warts and spreading bacteria to spawn. So if you feel itchiness, employ home remedies like oatmeal bath for comfort.
  • Keep the Genital Area Dry. Always try to keep the affected area dry. If the wart is moist then it can breed the bacteria and exacerbate the issue. Use a towel to dry the area or blow dries on low heat at the affected area. Dry warts heal quickly.
  • Take a Healthy Diet. If you are up on a healthy eating habit then your body can fight with any infection such as HPV bravely and that infection will disappear on its own. The opposite of this can make the case worst.

3. Medical Options
Always use medicine prescribed by the doctor. Avoid using over the counter medications as they are not designed to deal with wet tissues of genital area and can make the case worst.

  • Imiquimod. This cream is also known as Aldara and Zyclara. It boost up the immune system of body and gives strength to fight with the warts. While applying the cream, completely evade from sexual contact as it can irritate the skin of your partner and can weaken the diaphragms and condoms.
  • Podophyllin and Podofilox. They are a plant based resin used to destroy the tissues of genital warts. Do not apply this product internally and avoid using in pregnancy. Your doctor first administers the situation then applies the solution.
  • Trichloroacetic Acid. This treatment is always performed by doctor and is used to burn the genital warts.

4. Surgery
If you are pregnant or your wart is not further responding to medication and getting larger then surgery is the only option left. Different methods of surgery include:

  • Cryotherapy. Freezing the genital wart can form a blister around the wart which heals the skin. Lesion peels off and let the new skin to emerge.
  • Electrocautery. In this type of surgery electric current is used to burn the genital warts
  • Surgical Excision. In this procedure a special type of tool is used to cut the warts off. Local anesthesia is given to the patient for doing this procedure.
  • Laser Treatment. It is an expensive method which involves beam of light to treat the extensive and tough warts.

Preventive Measures for Genital Warts
  • Restrain yourself in indulging a risky thing is the best preventive measure. Using condoms can decrease the risk of spreading infection but it cannot fully protect from viruses. Though condoms do play an important role is stopping sexual transmitted infections. It is also seen that many people are unaware about their infection as they are not facing any symptom and that is why they become the infection carriers. Insist your partner to see the doctor if she or he is experiencing a genital wart issue.
  • FDA has approved two vaccines namely Cervarix and Gardasil, helps in decreasing the cervical Cancer risk in young women of age 11 years to 26 years against HPV strains. Gardasil has the capability to control 90% of genital warts in men and women caused by HPV virus. These vaccines are also used for protecting Anal Cancer.


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