Monday, May 09, 2016

Inflamed Gums

Inflamed Gums


A few of the symptoms and signs of inflamed gums include:

  • Swelling

  • Inflamed

  • Tenderness

  • Pain

  • Bad breath

  • Gums color can change to pink to bright and flushing red

Gums that are inflamed can become prone to bleeding easily even when only irritated slightly. Therefore, if these gums get irritated, while brushing or eating some food with sharp edges, they may bleed very easily.


Gum irritation or injury due to brushing harshly is a common reason for inflamed gums. But, such minor trauma or irritation normally doesn’t need any medical care and is prevented with dental care that is appropriate daily. But at times inflamed gums can be a sign or indication of complications which are serious rather than a minor irritation. Some of those diseases include:

  • Gingivitis

  • Periodontal disease

  • Poorly fitting dentures

  • Malnutrition

  • Some medications

  • Scurvy

  • Canker Sores

Gingivitis is a gum disease that causes gum inflammation that may result when oral hygiene is not managed properly such as flossing and brushing regularly. It is created by food particles deposited in the gaps in between the teeth and gums that are very small. Eventually this creates plaque formation, and over more time, leads to the advancement of tarter.

You're reading Inflamed Gums posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

All of this creates an environment which is very favorable for the creation of bacteria, leading to infections and gums that are inflamed. Gingivitis may eventually lead to other periodontal diseases many of which also are characterized by inflamed red gums. These periodontal diseases assail the bones which sustain the teeth, causing the teeth to come loose from the gums and in some cases than fall out.

Apart from diseases of the gum, dentures that fit poorly, malnutrition, some medications as well as scurvy caused by a vitamin C deficiency may also cause inflamed gums.


If injury or some minor trauma is the reason for gum inflammation, then this condition may resolve by itself without any medication or medical attention. But, if gums that are inflamed are a symptom or signs of a more severe condition then it would need treatment and medications that are proper. In these situations, the treatment for gums that are inflamed is dependent on the causes that is underlying. If it is due to gum disease, gingivitis, then dentists will eliminate the tartar as well as plaque produced in the small spaces between the teeth and the gum. To treat periodonitis, the dentist will as well remove the tissue that is inflamed, along with the formed plaque. So, each precise cause of gum problems can be treated by a different treatment or management options. But, to get any temporary aid from the inflammation and pain, dentists can advise anti-inflammatory or analgesic drugs either over the counter or by prescription.

Home Remedies

There are some remedies to use at home for gums that are inflamed that can aid in easing the pain and/or swelling caused. Such remedies for gums that are inflamed are:

  • Saline solution is a home remedy that is excellent for any troubles of the mouth or gums. Gurgling with salt water numerous times each day, will help with a reduction of the pain in the gum as well as speed any process of healing.

  • When ice is applied to the sore or inflamed gums it may produce relief quickly from the inflammation and pain.

  • Applying a paste made from baking soda and water on the gum can prevent bacteria growth inside the mouth. But, do not massage or rub the gum with baking soda paste.

  • Gel of aloe vera is also a home remedy excellent for pain relief as well as gum inflammation.

  • Clove oil can be applied to the affected gums. This is a product with known antiseptic properties and may be used for treating various teeth and gum diseases.

  • Besides clove oil, tea tree oil also has great antiseptic properties and therefore, can also be used for painful and inflamed gums.

But the really most important management therapy for gum inflammation that is recurrent as well as other gum disease is to manage good oral hygiene maintenance. Brushing regularly with a toothbrush that is soft as well as flossing are the 2 best things that an individual can do for proper dental care. But, individuals who are flossing for the first time as well as those with gums that are inflamed may experience some problems to start with. For example, gums that are inflamed after flossing may bleed slightly, especially when the flossing technique is incorrect. Therefore, be certain that the teeth are flossed in the correct manner and get dental exams regular – at least twice yearly.

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