Showing posts with label Canker Sore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canker Sore. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Is Canker Sore Contagious?

Is Canker Sore Contagious?

The most common type of mouth Ulcers is a canker sore (aphthous ulcer). These open ulcers surrounded by red and inflamed soft tissue usually have a white or yellow base and are extremely painful. There are two main types of canker sores, simple and complex canker sores. Simple cankers are recurrent and people affected with it may experience up to four flare-ups yearly. They are very common in the age group of 10-20. Complex cankers are less common and usually develop in people who have had it before.

So Is Canker Sore Contagious?
Canker sores are recurrent but are definitely not contagious. You cannot catch a canker sore or give it to another person. Besides, canker sores are not infectious, so it can't be transmitted by close physical contact like mouth-to-mouth kissing or sharing food or drinks.

The exact cause of this type of Mouth Ulcers is not known, and it is still unclear why some people get them and others don't. Some experts believe that these sores might be a result of rubbing or bite injury. Stress also plays a role in bringing them on. Other factors that can trigger them are exposure to certain foods or chemicals, Dehydration and hormonal shifts.

Is It Really a Canker Sore?
It is important to differentiate whether the ulcer in your mouth is a canker sore or a cold sore because a cold sore is contagious while a canker sore is not.

The main differences between the two are:

  • Location: A canker sore is almost always inside the oral cavity, on the inside of lips, tongue or on the gums, while a cold sore is always present outside the moth, on or around the lips.

  • Appearance: Canker sores are small open ulcers with a white, yellow or grey base, surrounded by inflamed soft tissue. They can be single or multiple. Cold Sores are typically found in groups of red, fluid filled blisters.

  • Cause: While the exact cause of canker sores is unknown, they are definitely non-infectious and are brought out by a number of triggers as mentioned above. Cold sores are caused by Hpv virus (Herpes Simplex virus). Besides, fatigue, stress, exposure to certain conditions and injury can trigger them.

Is canker sore contagious? Of course not! But cold sores are. Watch the following video to know how to differentiate canker sores from cold sores in terms of causes, symptoms, transmission, etc.

How to Treat Canker Sore
Canker sores do get better and clear away in a couple of weeks. Medical care is advised for canker sores that are persistent, getting more painful or shows no signs of healing. Available treatment options are as following:

1. Home Remedies

  • Rinse your mouth frequently with half glass of warm water mixed with some backing soda or salt, which provides effective relief.

  • Spicy and acidic or abrasive foods can aggravate the pain and it is best to avoid them.

  • Ice is really helpful. Sucking on a few ice chips provides instant pain relief.

  • Dabbing the sore with a little milk of magnesia a couple times daily is tried and tested for good results.

  • Always choose a soft brush and toothpaste that is free from foaming agents to prevent further irritation or injury to the sores.

2. Medical Treatments
Even though the answer to "Is canker sore contagious?" is a big no and canker sores are self-limiting, medical treatments are need when the aim is to get symptomatic relief and speed up healing.

  • There are many over-the-counter creams, gels and pastes available. If applied as soon as the sore appears, they provide immediate relief and speed up healing as well.

  • Mouth washes containing steroid dexamethasone are prescribed for reducing inflammation, while some mouth washes with lidocaine (a local anesthetic) offer effective control of pain.

  • Some vitamin deficiencies are observed in people who frequently develop these sores. Supplements containing folate, vitamin B6, or vitamin B12 or zinc are sometimes prescribed to people with recurrent canker sores.

  • If the sores are not responding to topical treatment or occur too frequently, sucralfate (A medicine to treat stomach and gut ulcers) is prescribed. Steroids are used in very rare cases for resistant sores, but they can be associated with a lot of side effects.

  • All underlying medical causes must be investigated and treated properly.

3. Prevention
As for canker sores, contagiousness causes no worry. But once formed, a canker sore takes its time to heal and always brings your some discomforts. Follow the suggestions below to subsequently reduce your chances of getting canker sores:

  • Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, and avoid food that you are sensitive or allergic to. Crisps, pretzels, nuts, oranges and pineapples can irritate the oral mucosa and lead to these ulcers.

  • Maintain good oral hygiene with a soft brush to keep your mouth clean.

  • If you wear any braces or dentures, they can put pressure on the delicate tissue and lead to ulcer formation. Talk to your dentist about it if it happens.

  • Try to reduce and manage your stress.

Canker Sore on Tongue

Canker Sore on Tongue

Aphthous ulcer or canker sores are the most common type of mouth ulcer. They usually appear on the inside of the cheek or lip and are usually yellowish or white with red inflamed tissue around them. It is possible to develop a canker sore anywhere inside the oral cavity, including the base of the gums, soft palate, and tongue. Having a Canker Sore On Tongue and do not know how to relieve the pain? Keep reading to learn more about it.

Types of Canker Sores
You may develop a simple canker sore or a complex one. You will notice a simple canker sore to reemerge 3-4 times a year and is more common in people between 10-20 years of age. A complex canker sore usually affects people who may have had it in the past. Both types of sores usually heal within 1-3 weeks and are not contagious. A sore may take longer to heal, but pain usually subsides within a couple of weeks.

Not the Same as Cold Sores

It is important to understand that a canker sore is not exactly the same as a cold sore. Cold sores are the result of a viral infection, appear as a group of painful, fluid-filled blisters and are extremely contagious. The most common location for cold sores to appear is under the nose,chin, and around the lips; whereas canker sores only appear inside the mouth.

What Causes Canker Sores on Tongue?
What causes canker sores is not clear, but experts believe that your immune system has something to do with it. Other factors such as menstruation, emotional Stress, or injury to the mouth may also cause simple canker sores to develop. If you wear a dental appliance or have a sharp tooth surface, you may also develop canker sores.

You may also develop a canker sore on tongue because of an underlying health condition. Nutritional problems such as zinc, vitamin B-12, and iron deficiency; impaired immune system; or gastrointestinal tract disease such as Crohn's disease or Celiac Disease can all lead to a canker sore appearing.

How to Deal With Canker Sores on Tongue
You can try several home remedies and even find medical treatments to deal with a canker sore on tongue. Here are a few suggestions for you to consider.

Home Remedies
You may always try home remedies to accelerate healing. Canker sores usually heal on their own, but trying out certain remedies will help relieve pain and discomfort.

  • Add a teaspoon of baking soda or salt to half cup of warm water and use it to rinse your mouth.

  • Take milk of magnesia and dap a very small amount of it on your sore a few times a day.

  • Avoid eating acidic, abrasive, or spicy food while your sore is still healing.

  • Take small ice chips and place them over your canker sores.

  • Brush your teeth regularly with gentle force – use a soft brush and toothpaste without any foaming agent.

There are also other remedies to heal your canker sore on tongue faster:

  • Chamomile tea bag

  • Chamomile helps promote relaxation, induce sleep, and even helps with digestion. It also contains a compound called bisabolol that plays a big role in reducing inflammation. It has antiseptic properties and helps reduces pain caused by canker sores. Take a bag of chamomile tea and soak it in water for a minute or so. Soak it thoroughly and then place against your sore for 5-10 minutes to promote healing.

  • Coconut oil

  • It works because it has anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties. Take a cotton swab and soak it in coconut oil. Now, place it directly onto the sore and leave it there for some time.

  • Honey rub

  • Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, raw organic honey works amazingly well to help you get rid of your canker sore. Start by swishing some warm water in your mouth. Then, take organic raw honey and apply a thick layer onto your sore. Repeat twice a day, especially before you go to bed at night.

    4. You can find several over-the-counter and prescription creams, pastes, liquids, and gels to relieve pain and accelerate healing. Opt for products that have active ingredients such as hydrogen peroxide, fluocinonide, or benzocaine.

    Medical Treatment
    You usually do not require any medical treatment for canker sores because they respond quite well to simple home remedies. However, if you experience persistent or unusually painful canker sore on tongue, you may try some medical treatment options.

    • You can use medicated mouth rinses to relieve pain. They contain the steroid dexamethasone that reduces inflammation and pain.

    • Take oral medications when your sores do not respond well to topical treatments. Your doctor may prescribe medications such as sucralfate, which is usually used for the treatment of intestinal ulcer. Sometimes, you need to take oral steroid medications to treat severely painful canker sores – be sure to discuss side effects of these medications with your doctor before taking them.

    • You may get canker sores due to nutritional deficiency and your doctor may prescribe a supplement to provide you with more vitamin B6, folate, zinc, or vitamin B12 to help prevent canker sores.

    • You may consider cautery of sores that involves using a chemical substance or instrument to sear, burn, or destroy tissue. Debacterol is a commonly used topical solution for canker sores – it helps cauterize canker sores chemically and accelerates healing. Silver nitrate is another option.

    When to See a Doctor
    You should contact your doctor if:

    • This is the first time you develop canker sore on tongue.

    • Your sore is larger than a centimeter across.

    • You have started getting more sores all of a sudden.

    • You have other symptoms such as joint pain, rashes, Diarrhea, and fever.

    Sunday, June 05, 2016

    How to Get Rid of Canker Sores Fast

    How to Get Rid of Canker Sores Fast

    The small, painful sores that develop inside your mouth or near your gums are called canker sores, of which the pain can make eating and talking very hard. Canker sores often go away in a week or so, while there are many home remedies you can try to ease the pain. You should call your doctor or dentist if your canker sores are really big or if they do not heal within a short period of time.

    10 Ways to Get Rid of Canker Sores Fast
    1. Aloe Vera Juice

    You can apply aloe vera juice to a canker sore several times a day. Aloe vera juice has antibacterial and antifungal properties that help it soothes the pain and relieve canker sores. Aloe vera juice can also be used as a mouthwash. Remember not to do this too much, for overuse of aloe vera may lead to kidney problems.

    2. Salt Water
    Many kinds of oral infections can be treated with salt water. Rinse your mouth several times a day with a mixture of a teaspoon of salt and hot water, about 30 seconds each time.

    3. Baking Soda
    You can decrease the alkalinity in your mouth by using a mixture of baking soda and hot water and rinsing with it several times a day. A paste can be made from baking soda and water and applied directly to the canker sore. The mixture of salt water and soda can reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth if you use it as a rinse.

    4. Mouth Wash

    Using mouth wash will help to keep your mouth clean. Mouth wash contains an antiseptic that can reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth and will help canker sores heal. Never swallow mouth wash and never use too much as this can reduce the amount of helpful bacteria that is in your mouth.

    5. Hydrogen Peroxide
    It is best to only use hydrogen peroxide when you are trying to heal a canker sore. Use a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and mix a 50/50 solution with the hydrogen peroxide and water. Do not overuse the mixture and do not swallow it. Only use the solution as a rinse for your mouth.

    6. Magnesia Milk
    After using the hydrogen peroxide mixture, it can also be helpful to use magnesia milk on the canker sore. Magnesia milk can counterbalance the sour environment of your mouth. It can be used 3 – 4 times a day and will reduce canker sore pain.

    7. Vitamin Supplements

    If you do not eat properly, your doctor could prescribe a vitamin supplement, such as folate, vitamins B-6, zinc or vitamin B-12, to help treat canker sores.

    8. Acidophilus
    To stimulate your body’s resistance, try using a probiotic known as acidophilus. This can be found in yogurt or can be taken in pill form. You can take 2 -4 pills each day.

    9.Topical Paste
    Using topical pastes such as Anbesol, Lidex, Vanos or Aphthasol can help ease the pain of canker sores. For the best results, they need to be applied to the sore as soon as it appears. If your doctor recommends a paste, you may be instructed to use it two to four times a day until the sore is gone.

    10. Oral Medications
    Some medications that are used to treat Gout or Heartburn can be used to treat canker sores. Because these medications can have serious side-effects, they are only tried as a last resort for severe canker sores that are not responding to other treatments.

    Here is a video of other ways to get rid of canker sores.

    Preventative Measures for Canker Sores
    1. Eat Healthy Foods. Eating a lot of whole grains, fruits and vegetables will keep you from developing nutritional deficiencies that can lead to canker sores. Avoid foods you know will irritate your mouth, such as nuts, spices, chips, and acidic foods like oranges, pineapples and grapefruits. If you know you have a sensitivity or Allergy to any food, be sure to avoid those also.

    2. Keep Good Oral Hygiene. Flossing once a day and brushing your teeth after meals can help keep your mouth clean. Getting rid of foods can prevent a sore from developing. Make sure you use a soft brush so you do not irritate your mouth and do not use toothpastes that have sodium lauryl sulfate.

    3. Protect Mouth. Braces or other dental equipment can cause canker sores if it rubs against your mouth. Use an orthodontic wax to cover any sharp edges.

    4. Eliminate Stress. If you seem to develop canker sores when you are under a great deal of stress, try stress-reduction exercises, such as meditation or guided imagery.

    Tuesday, May 10, 2016

    Canker Sore

    Canker Sore

    Canker sore is also called as Aphthous ulcer which is a painful ulcer in the mouth. Although the name canker sore is given to this disease, it is not cancerous.

    It is a common type of mouth ulcer which many of us get. The exact cause of canker sore is not defined but some are of opinion that it is caused by virus.

    A person can get canker sore if the immunity level is lowered. It can occur when he has a mouth injury, dental fixtures and other dental procedures. In some people, it can be as a result of biting the tongue suddenly. People get canker sores when they get emotional or stressed. Women are likely to get ulcers in mouth during menstrual days. Another common cause for canker sore is deficiency of vitamin B12 and folic acid.

    Symptoms of canker sore are painful, tiny reddish spots on cheeks and lips. It may also be present in palate and below the gums. The color of the sore is usually white or yellow. In very rare cases, the person may get fever and feel discomfort.

    Canker sores do not require any treatment. It will fade away after 3 or 5 days without taking any medicine. You can try home remedy like applying the mixture of hydrogen peroxide on the affected area. Apply yogurt on the part which will soothe the ulcerous growth and heal it completely. Avoid taking hot and spicy foods. Prepare a mixture of lukewarm salt water and gargle it many times a day.

    If any of the home remedies does not work, you can try over the counter medicines and ointments for healing the ulcer. In severe cases, you can consult the doctor who may prescribe you mouth gel like Lidex and other mouthwash.

    Pictures of Canker Sore :

    Images, Pictures, Pics and Photos of Canker Sore

    Canker Sore Canker Sore Canker Sore Canker Sore Canker Sore Canker Sore Canker Sore Canker sore

    Canker Sore – Treatment, Causes, Pictures, Home Remedies, Symptoms

    Canker Sore – Treatment, Causes, Pictures, Home Remedies, Symptoms

    What is a Canker sore?

    Canker sores are also known as apthous ulcers and are shallow small lesions which develop on the tissues in the mouth which are soft as well as the bottom of the gums. Different from Cold Sores, these sores do not happen on the surface of the lips and are not contagious. But they are often exceptionally painful and therefore can make talking as well as eating trying.

    Canker Sore Causes

    Causes for canker sores include:

    • Food allergies

    • A diet lacking in zinc, foliate, iron or vitamin B-12

    • Allergic responses to certain bacteria in the mouth

    • Helicobacter pylon, the same bacteria causing Peptic Ulcers

    • Inflammatory Bowel Diseases such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis

    • Celiac Disease which is an intestinal condition caused by a sensitivity to gluten which is a protein found in most grains.

    • Behcet’s disease which is a rare condition that causes inflammation thru out the body including the mouth.

    • HIV/AIDS which suppresses the immune system

    • Faulty immune system which attacks healthy cells in the mouth instead of pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria

    • Emotional stress

    • Hormonal shifts during menstruation

    • Toothpastes and mouth rinses which contain sodium lauryl sulfate

    Canker Sore Symptoms

    The majority of canker sores are oval or round with a yellow or white center and a red border. They form inside the mouth – on or under the tongue, inside the cheeks or lips as well as the base of the gums. An individual might notice a burning or tingling sensation a day or two before the sores actually appear.

    Minor canker sores – These most common canker sores:

    • Are less than about ½ inch in diameter

    • Are oval shaped

    • Heal without scarring in 1 to 2 weeks

    Major canker sores – These less common sores:

    • Are greater than about ½ inch in diameter

    • Have edges which are irregular

    • May take up to 6 weeks to heal as well as leave extensive scarring

    Herpetiform canker sores – These sores, which normally develop late in life:

    • Are each no bigger than 1/8 inch

    • Often develop in clusters of 10 to 100 sores

    • Have edges which are irregular

    • Heal without scarring in 1 to 2 weeks

    Additional symptoms
    Occasionally, an individual may experience other symptoms or signs along with the lesions, such as:

    An individual should see their physician if they experience any of the following:

    • Unusually large sores

    • Recurring ulcers with new ones developing before old ones heal

    • Sore which extend into the lip themselves

    • Persistent sores lasting 3 weeks or more

    • Extreme problems with drinking or eating

    • Pain that can not be control with self-care measures

    • High fever along with canker sores

    Any individual can cultivate canker sores, but these influences below do make a person more vulnerable:

    These sores particularly ones that grow in clusters of small lesions, are most common in females.

    Family history
    Approximately 1/3 of individuals with recurring canker sores have a history of this condition in their family. This could be due to genetics or to a collective influence in the environment such as allergens or certain foods.

    Canker Sore Treatment

    Treatment normally is not required for minor canker sores, as they have a tendency to clear on by themselves in a few weeks. But persistent, large or abnormally aching lesions need remedial care. A quantity of different treatment preferences exists and they range from topical ointments and mouth rinses to general oral corticosteroids for individual cases which are most severe.

    You're reading Canker Sore – Treatment, Causes, Pictures, Home Remedies, Symptoms posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

    Rinses for the Mouth
    If individuals who have a large amount of sores, a physician may recommend a mouth rinse that contains the steroid dexamethasone which reduces inflammation as well as pain. Oral liquids of antibiotics such as tetracycline can also decrease pain as well as reduce healing time. It can cause the individual to be more vulnerable to Oral Thrush which is a fungal infection causing throbbing lesions in the mouth and can lastingly stain the teeth in children.

    Topical Pastes
    Prescription as well as OTC pastes with ingredients such as amlexanox (Aphthasol), benzocaine (Orabase), as well as fluocinonide (Vanos, Lidex) may help with the relieve of pain as well as hurry healing if put on individual sores immediately as they develop.

    Medications Oral
    Drugs which are not intended precisely for the management of canker sores, such as Heartburn medication cimetidine (Tagamet) and colchicine, normally used for the treatment of Gout, can be helpful with canker lesions. Oral steroid drugs are also occasionally given when canker sores are severe and do not respond to any additional treatments. However these are normally considered a last resort treatment because of the side effects of steroids.

    This is a topical solution specifically developed to manage canker sores and gum difficulties. By the chemical cauterizing of lesions, it can reduce the healing time to around a week.

    Nutritional Supplements
    The doctor is probably to recommend a nutritional supplement if the individual consumes small quantities of essential nutrients such as folic acid, vitamin B-12, vitamin B-6, as well as zinc.

    Other Disorders
    If the canker sores appear to be linked to a more severe problem with health, the doctor will treat the primary disorder.

    Canker Sore Home Remedies

    • Rinse mouth – Using salt water; hydrogen peroxide weakened in half with water; or mix 1 part Benadryl with either 1 Kaopectate or 1 part Maalox; or baking soda (dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda with one-half cup of water which is warm).

    • Coat sores with paste made with baking soda.

    • Use OTC medications which have a numbing ingredient such as Orajel and Anbesol

    • Evade coarse, spicy or acidic foods which can cause additional pain and irritation

    • Hold ice to canker sores or permit chips of ice to gradually melt over the lesions.

    • Brush teeth softly using a brush which is soft with toothpaste lacking any foaming ingredient for instance TheraBreath.

    Canker Sore Pictures