Showing posts with label Cold Sores. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cold Sores. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Toothpaste on Cold Sores: Does It Work?

Toothpaste on Cold Sores: Does It Work?

A cold sore often starts with Itchy Skin around your mouth, but before long, some water-filled blisters appear at the same place. There is no single treatment available to cure this contagious skin disorder, but you can try certain home remedies to relieve pain and itchiness. Different people have different remedies for cold sores, and many find toothpaste quite effective. Should you really apply toothpaste on cold sores? Are there other better remedies available? Keep reading to find out more.

Does Toothpaste Help Relieve Cold Sores?
While toothpaste may help relieve some discomfort, it is definitely not a miracle cure for cold sores. The reason is that you develop cold sores when you are infected with the herpes virus, and toothpaste is not going to kill that virus. Toothpaste may help make your sores less noticeable by drying them out, but it will provide temporary relief only. While there is no evidence of how effective toothpaste can be, there are even studies showing that toothpastes may contain irritants. These irritants, such as sodium lauryl sulfate, may aggravate your cold sores and even turn them into Canker Sores. It means that if you are really going to use toothpaste, be sure to select the one that does not contain any ingredients that may irritate your sores.

How to Relieve Cold Sores by Toothpaste More Effectively
You may consider applying ice before applying toothpaste on cold sores. This helps reduce the swelling. When applying toothpaste, always opt for a white paste instead of gels. You need to clean the area properly to trigger healing. You may also find people talking about several other remedies which are not clinically proven–one such remedy is to mix some salt and toothpaste and apply it directly to your sores. You can try it if that does not cause a lot of pain. Rinse it with cool water if you feel any discomfort.

Other Remedies for Cold Sores
If you are not convinced to use toothpaste on cold sores, you can take some other steps to help relieve pain and discomfort. For instance:

  • Soak a towel in cool water and wring it well. Place it on your sores thrice a day for 20 minutes each time to reduce swelling and redness.

  • Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen to reduce pain. Avoid aspirin if you are younger than 20.

  • Get a mouth rinse that contains baking soda and use it to soothe your sore mouth.

  • Avoid citrus fruits and anything that contains acid.

  • Try products like Zilactin and Abreva to accelerate healing.

  • Use Anbesol or Orajel to relieve pain by numbing sore areas.

  • Do not expose your affected area to direct sunlight and wear sunscreen all the time for protection.

  • Do not kiss or maintain intimate contact with people who have Genital Herpes or cold sores.

  • Avoid foods like chocolate, nuts, and gelatin to have fewer outbreaks.

  • Do not share razors, towels, toothbrushes, silverware or other objects of personal use with others.

Other People's Experience on the Effectiveness of Toothpaste on Cold Sores

It's been three years now since I've been dealing with cold sores every now and then. They are embarrassing, hurt a lot, and look gross. The other day I experience a strange tingling and felt as if my lip was swelling. I used Germ-x and ChapStick constantly and then applied the mixture of toothpaste and salt to the cold sore. That combination of toothpaste and salt works quite well for me and helps relieve the pain. It even helps decrease the size of my cold sores.

I have been dealing with cold sores since I was 6. I am currently dealing with a bad one. I have already tried every natural remedy I knew, but it seems quite stubborn. Salt, toothpaste, lancing and Zovirax have failed miserably. In fact, they have made my sores worse. They are spreading.

When I woke up this morning, I noticed a blister on my top lip in the left corner. I rushed for Virasorb, the only cold cream I had. It now seems that I took too long to treat it because it has already doubled in size and is very red. I have also tried salt and toothpaste trick but it has done nothing.

I have had my issues with cold sores. I have recently started using toothpaste on cold sores and I must say that it is working well for me. It dries up my cold sore quite quickly and this helps reduce its size. Mine responded well to OTC treatment, but that often proves quite expensive, especially when I opt for Aveeno. I am happy with this toothpaste thing because it is an inexpensive way to deal with cold sores.

Lysine for Cold Sores

Lysine for Cold Sores

Many people suffer from cold sores, a painful condition that causes blisters near the mouth. The most common cause is the Herpes Simplex virus or HSV. Over 80 to 90 percent of people in the United States have been exposed to the virus and they are usually triggered by: compromised immune system, viral illness, emotional or physical Stress, sun, and poor diet. While there is no proven cure for cold sores, there are prescription medications that can help reduce the outbreaks. Lysine is a natural remedy that has been found to be somewhat effective in treating cold sores.

Lysine for Cold Sores: How Does It Work?
There are prescription medications for cold sores, but they don’t always work and taking them long-term may have unwanted side-effects. As a result, many people choose to use something natural. One of the more popular remedies is lysine for cold sores. Lysine is an amino acid that our body requires. We don’t produce it naturally, but we get it from foods that we eat. Some people that suffer from cold sores suffer from a lysine deficiency.

Herpes simplex 1 that causes cold sores is usually present from childhood. It is a virus that lies dormant in the body until a trigger occurs and makes it active. Herpes requires arginine to reproduce itself. We need arginine to survive and should never cut that from our diet. Lysine helps to cut levels of arginine in the body and therefore reduce the amount needed by the virus to reproduce.

Lysine Dosages for Cold Sores
Taking lysine for cold sores may be helpful to reduce outbreaks and make symptoms less severe. Try this natural lysine treatment:

1. Lysine Ointment
During an outbreak, dab lysine ointment directly on the lesions twice a day. Your doctor or naturopath may recommend something different, so make sure you check with him or her first.

2. Lysine Orally Taken
The common dosage of lysine for cold sores is 1,000 mg three times a day with meals. Do not take more than 3,000 mg daily. Once the lesions clear, drop your dose to 500 mg daily to prevent them from coming back. If you experience a repeat outbreak, increase to 1,000 mg daily until the lesions clear and do not return. Some studies show that it needs to be taken continuously to prevent outbreaks and some studies show that continued use of lysine may have adverse effects. Check with your doctor to see what he or she recommends in regards to taking lysine.

What Should You Notice When Taking Lysine?

  • Check with your doctor: There can be drug interactions with lysine, as well as effects on certain health conditions. Taking too much can cause gallstones. So always check with your doctor prior to using lysine.

  • Side effects: The side effects of lysine include; stomach pain and Diarrhea.

  • Length of Use: Healthy people should not take lysine for cold sores over one-year at the recommended dosage.

  • Health conditions affected by lysine: Lysine should not be used by pregnant or breast feeding women, because there have not been any studies to show it is safe in pregnancy. What’s more, people with kidney disease should not use lysine without a doctor’s advice.

  • Intolerance in children: Some children may be sensitive to lysinuric protein, and it can lead to stomach cramping and diarrhea.

  • Drug interactions: Always tell your doctor and your pharmacist that you are using lysine, so they can cross check any medications for drug interactions. Lysine can interact with the following drugs and supplements:


Lysine lowers the level of arginine that is absorbed in the intestines and also interferes with its action in the cells of the body. Also, if you have a high level of arginine, it will interfere with the action of lysine.


Some antibiotics are affected by lysine. Lysine interferes with how the antibiotics are metabolized and cause toxic levels to enter the kidneys. This includes: streptomycin, gentamicin, and neomycin. Do not use lysine while you are taking any aminoglycoside antibiotics and tell your doctor you are using lysine if prescribed antibiotics.


If you are on calcium supplements or medications or Osteoporosis, you should use lysine with extreme caution and talk to your doctor before using it. Lysine has been known to raise calcium levels dangerously high in the blood.

Dietary Sources of Lysine
The best way to prevent an outbreak is to make sure you are eating plenty of foods that are rich in lysine. This will help your body balance the amount of arginine absorbed from your intestines. The dietary sources of lysine are:

  • Red meat, chicken, pork, and turkey

  • Eggs

  • Beans, soybeans, soy flour

  • Fenugreek seeds

  • Spirulina

  • Fish, sardines, and cod

  • Cheeses (Parmesan is the highest source)

Other Remedies for Cold Sores
If you are a chronic cold sore sufferer, it helps to have a few tricks on hand to keep them from getting you down. Here are some helpful home remedies:

  • Use ice: The Herpes virus prefers warmth. Cooling down a cold sore will prevent the virus from replicating itself and reduce its duration.

  • Try garlic:Garlic is a powerful antiviral and can help your body fight the virus.

  • Compress with teabag:Soak a teabag in warm water and place directly on the cold sore. You can do this hourly to help relieve symptoms.

  • Take herbs:The following herbs can help heal cold sores: Echinacea, lavender oil, golden seal tincture, bayberry, burdock, nettle, and wormwood.

  • Avoid some food: An acidic environment helps the virus grow. Try to keep your body slightly alkaline by avoiding foods likecitrus fruit, vinegar, soda, or tomatoes.

Essential Oils for Cold Sores

Essential Oils for Cold Sores

Have you experienced having those painful blisters in your mouth or around the lips? They are otherwise known as cold sores which are caused by a virus. They are very contagious and it typically takes 2 to 3 weeks before they heal. They also tend to recur throughout life and there is no way to prevent or cure them permanently. Fortunately, there are essential oils you can use for cold sores that can help reduce swelling, soothe pain, and promote healing. Read more about them.

Essential Oils for Cold Sores
1. Melissa Oil

This essential oil is also known as lemon balm oil and comes from a plant called Melissa officinalus. Studies show that lemon balm oil can reduce swelling and redness from cold sores, promote healing and probably even prevent recurrence. However, it does not significantly reduce pain or wound scabbing.

2. Peppermint Oil

Some studies on essential oils for cold sores suggest that peppermint oil may help stop herpes virus from multiplying. However, lab studies have yet to show if it helps cure cold sores. Avoid applying peppermint oil to a small child's face, as it might cause seriousreactions.

3. Tea Tree Oil

This essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties against certain strains of herpes virus. Just be careful not to swallow this oil. Discontinue use if signs of allergic reaction (rash, swelling) occur.

4. Other Essential Oils
These include roman chamomile, lavender, eucalyptus, geranium, and bergamot, which may control blistering from cold sores. To use these oils, mix 6 drops with a small amount (about 5 ml) of Grapeseed orTamanu oil. Dab a small amount of the mixture on your blister with a cotton-tip applicator.

1. Avoid applying oil directly to open sores, especially if they cause irritation, rashes, or burning. You may be having an allergic reaction to essential oils for cold sores or you may be using a big concentration. Try diluting the essential oil before applying to your skin.

2. It is best to consult a doctor to confirm if you have Herpes Simplex sores. Ask the doctor about using essential oils to treat your sores.

3. Be careful when using essential oils if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as well as for using them on children. Talk to your doctor first before these products.

Essential Oils Based Recipes for Cold Sores
There are different ways to use essential oils for cold sores:

1. UseIt as an Astringent Lotion
Combine 3 drops of tea tree oil/lavender oil/melissa oil with 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar. Apply on affected area frequently until condition improves. Avoid using on broken skin.

2. Use It for Body Massage
In a bowl, combine 10 drops of geranium oil, 10 drops of lavender oil, 8 drops of lemon oil, 2 drops of thyme and 2 tablespoons of carrier oil (such as argan, sesame, coconut, jojoba, sweet almond, grapeseed, or macadamia oil). Use to massage your whole body, including the face and neck.

3. Use It as a Healing Lotion
This is best used when the cold sore starts to show signs of fading away. Combine 3 drops of tea tree oil, 3 drops of bergamot oil, 4 drops of lavender/myrrh oil, and 5 tsp of calendula/hypericum infused cream. Apply frequently, while making sure to allow time for sore to dry out between applications.

4. Use as a Protective Lip Gloss
Make our own lip gloss to heal cold sores and protect your lips from outbreaks in the future. First make a lip gloss base by melting 1 ounce of white beeswax in a double boiler. Then stir in 2 tablespoons of sweet almond oil, 10 drops of jojoba oil, and 5 drops of carrot seed oil. Then make an essential oil base by blending 8 drops of geranium oil, 8 drops of tea tree oil, 6 drops of german chamomile oil, 5 drops of lavender oil, and 3 drops of lemon oil. Take 20 drops of this essential oil base and blend with the lip gloss base. Let cool and place the mixture in a glass container. Apply to your lips three times a day.

Other Home Remedies for Cold Sores
Aside from the essential oils for cold sores, there are other home remedies you can use:

1. L-lysine
Also called lysine, this amino acid helps prevent the multiplication of herpes virus and prevents outbreaks. Apply directly as an ointment or cream to your cold sores. Consult your doctor about using L-Lysine products from a drugstore and follow directions on the packaging.

2. Ice Cubes
Cold sore viruses are likely to multiply in wet, warm places such as the mouth. Apply ice to your blemishes. It is also best to begin treatment immediately when you feel a tingling sensation around the mouth to stop a cold sore from erupting. Repeat every 10 to 15 minutes for a few hours.

3. Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera can help dry up your blisters and promote healing. Simply apply a small amount of gel with a cotton swab on the blisters several times a day until they dry up.

4. Hydrogen Peroxide
This common household chemical is often used to disinfect wounds and scrapes. However, it can also help dry up your cold sores. Soak a cotton swab in a small amount of 3-10% hydrogen peroxide and apply on the cold sore until stinging sensation stops. Repeat frequently to dry up blisters and reduce swelling. Avoid swallowing hydrogen peroxide.

5. Tea Bags
The use of tea bags for cold sores is an old home remedy. Simply apply a warm, moist tea bag onto the affected skin to reduce pain and promote healing.

How Long Are Cold Sores Contagious?

How Long Are Cold Sores Contagious?

Cold sores, also referred to as fever blisters, are caused by two strains of the Herpes Simplex virus, HSV-1 and HSV-2. Both types cause an infection that results in painful blisters.The wounds typically show up on the rim of your mouth or on your lip, cheeks, fingers and nose but are not restricted to these areas. People who have the virus can spread to another person. The greatest chance of spreading the disease is when the sores are oozing.Cold sores can be spread by sharing razors and towels, eating from the same utensils, kissing and oral sex.

How Long Are Cold Sores Contagious?
Cold sores are contagious for 7-10 days in the whole healing process. When a cold sore appears, it looks like a small raised bump. Shortly after the blister forms, it will break and ooze.A yellow-crusted scab develops and covers it but will eventually come off itself.The wound will clear completely in a week to 10 days.It used to be commonly believed that cold sores were no longer contagious once they scabbed over. This is untrue. When a blister is in the healing process, it can scab and slough off many times before it completely heals. It is contagious the whole time when it exists. It can be spread from the moment the blister starts.

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus, so they cannot be cured. Even when you are not experiencing an outbreak, the illness is always in your body.Because of this, you can spread it at any time but chances are greater when blisters can be seen.

Who Are at Higher Risk of Cold Sores?
So now that your know “how long are cold sores contagious”, it is important to know who have a higher risk it of suffering from them.

  • People who suffer from high levels of Stress or are fatigued.

  • People who have food allergies.

  • People who are exposed to the sun, which will increase development of cold sores on lips.

  • People with a weak immune system, which may cause them to have more or longer outbreaks and possibly face life-threatening symptoms.

  • People who have cosmetic procedures, like laser and dermabrasion treatments.

  • People who have injured their gums or lips or have undergone dental surgery or treatments.

  • People who are going through hormone changes, such as women who are menstruating or pregnant.

  • People who have the flu or a cold.

How to Tell If You Are Infected with Cold Sores
When you first contact the herpes simplex virus, you may not have any recognizable symptoms. This is called the primary infection.Some people may feel mildly sick or under the weather, but this usually happens to young children under 5 years old. The symptoms of primary infection include:

  • ŸBlisters on the inside of your mouth.

  • ŸBlisters on the rim of your lips or nearby.

  • ŸSwollen glands.

  • ŸSore Throat and swollen areas near your neck.

  • ŸIncreased saliva output.

  • ŸBad breath.

  • ŸBeing thirsty and dehydrated.

  • ŸFeeling sick and experiencing Headaches or fever.

With the primary infection, kids are more likely to form cold sores in their mouths and experience swollen gums, both of which are painful. The blisters will make it difficult to drink and eat, and can last up to two weeks.

As an adult if you experience symptom during your primary infection, they will most likely appear as Swollen Tonsils, a sore throat or a fever related illness.

Once you go through this stage of the illness, the virus is dormant in your system. When it becomes active, you will experience cold sores.

Symptoms of cold sores include:

  • ŸRedness, swelling and a tingling sensation around the area the cold sore forms.

  • ŸA blister which is filled with fluid that breaks open and forms a yellow-crusted scab. The scab sloughs off in about a week to 10 days.

  • ŸColds sores that reoccur typically at or around the same spot.

When to See a Doctor
Now that you have learned about “how long are cold sores contagious”, you need to know when you need to see a doctor. Most people who have blisters caused by HSV-1 type do not see a doctor.But if you suffer from a weak immune system because of medical treatment and illness like Hiv or Cancer, you may need to seek your physician’s advice.Also, if you experience frequent recurrences, have blisters that last over two weeks or the condition is affecting your eyes, you should seek medical care as soon as possible.You may be suffering from another illness that is causing the cold sores to develop.

How to Prevent Spreading Cold Sores
Ways to prevent spreading cold sores to others include:

1. Stop Sharing
It sounds mean but cold sores are easily spread by sharing things that go in or near your mouth.This includes drinking straws, eating utensils, glasses, chopsticks, toothbrushes, lip stick, razors, lipstick and lip liner.You can even pass by sharing a towel you dry your face with because the herpes simplex virus can survive for a short time on non-living belongings or surfaces.

2. No Kissing
When blisters and cold sores are present, avoid kissing.This includes anywhere on the body, but especially around the mouth and lips.

3. Avoid Touching
Illnesses are spread all the time by touching our faces after the contact with germs.When you touch your cold sores, you get the virus on your fingers and the next thing you touch can be used as a conduit for spreading the infection.Always wash your hands and frequently use hand sanitizer.

4. Wash with Hot Water
Anything you use such as dishes, sheets and towels should be washed with hot water.By doing so, you will kill the virus left on the items.

5. Keep Away from Triggers
When you are experiencing a cold sore blister you are most likely to spread the virus.Stay away from the things that make them appear, such as too much sun and excess stress.Try to eat healthy and get enough sleep.

6. No Oral Sex
The two types of herpes simplex viruses can be spread from one area to another. So if you have a cold sore and then engage in oral sex, you can spread the blisters to your couple’s genital area.

How to Treat Cold Sores If You Get Infected
Apart from the knowledge of “how long are cold sores contagious”, you may also need the remedies to treat cold cores in case you are infected.

1. Home Remedy
There are several things you can do at home to ease your cold sore symptoms:

  • Use a cool compress on the area of the blister to reduce inflammation and help the healing process.

  • Apply an over-the-counter cold sore ointment, such as Abreva, to potentially shorten the blister outbreak.

  • Try pain-relieving creams like benzocaine or lidocaine for pain relief.

  • Use over-the-counter cold sore remedies designed to be a drying agent to speed the healing process.

  • Apply moisturizing lip balm containing sunblock to keep your mouth and lips from becoming too dry.

2. Medicines
While cold sores usually clear up on their own, there are antiviral medications available through prescription that might shorten the outbreak. Some are in oral pill form, while others are creams.Pills tend to be more effective, but in the case of a severe virus infection, they may need to be administered by injection.

Medications include:

  • Penciclovir (Denavir)

  • Valacyclovir (Valtrex)

  • Acyclovir (Xerese, Zovirax)

  • Famciclovir (Famvir)

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Cold Sores

Cold Sores

Cold sores occur commonly in the form of blisters or lesions on the oral cavity. These bumps are red and swollen and are also found on the lips. The blisters contain a clear fluid which may break open after few days. Cold sores do not require any treatment since it would heal on its own within few days. Though body’s immune system will generate antibodies for killing viruses still it is not eliminated in full. For this reason the symptoms may recur after some time. Cold sores are a viral infection caused by HSV Herpes Simplex virus. The same virus would also cause painful sores on the genitals.

How cold sores occur?

It is the virus herpes simplex that causes cold sores. It will gain entry into the body through small cut or injury on the skin. The disease is also contagious and can easily spread to another person when he touches the infected fluid accidentally. It can spread when a person kisses the affected person, shares razor with him, or through any other fluid connection. The infected mother will easily spread the virus to the children in this manner.

Symptoms :

Some of the common signs of cold sores are swelling of mouth, Sore Throat, pain on the affected lips, and Swollen Lymph Nodes on the neck or other parts. Many adults would have fever with body pain. The affected person will develop red colored small lesions on the oral cavity which will eventually discharge pus or fluid once it break opens. This is the time when the virus spreads easily to others when they touch the fluid. It would also spread to other parts of the body and the same person would develop painful sores on the hands/legs. Cold sores can be painful for some people but not for all. There are people who may not show any symptoms even if they develop cold sores.

Causes :

It is the HSV virus that causes cold sores. Two types of herpes simplex are known to cause cold sores. Often Type 1 virus is the root cause of cold sores. Any person can get infected with the virus when he kisses or shares person items with the infected person. The infection can easily contracted if the person coughs through which saliva is passed to others. When a person has oral sex with someone who has been infected with herpes simplex virus he can easily get infected.

The virus becomes highly contagious when the blisters break open to discharge yellowish fluid. After few days the lesions are crusted over and eventually disappear within few days. It is interesting to note that you can get HSV from others even when he does not have any symptoms. There are many cases in which the person would not develop painful sores but may still have the virus.

Once the virus gains entry into your body it reaches the nerve cells and move up to ganglion. It is the safe place for the virus to stay for months together and even for years without causing any symptoms. This is called the latent period of the virus where it stays inactive. When the situations become favorable or if the immune system is weakened the virus would become active causing lesions on the lips or oral cavity.

Tests :

Your doctor will examine your body for the above symptoms to find out if you have been infected with virus. He would look for the painful sores on the mouth or on the lips or even other body parts. He would also examine if the blisters are oozing out fluid. No special test is needed for diagnosing cold sores.

Treatment :

Very often cold sores need no treatment since the symptoms will heal in few days. You can consult your doctor if you have painful sores that cause discomfort. Depending on the intensity of cold sores your doctor would prescribe topical ointments or creams. For some people he would give oral pills for getting quick relief from the symptoms. Once you have the initial symptoms of cold sores you need not wait to go to the clinic. You can apply antiviral creams on the mouth/lips or infected area to get relief from the symptoms.

Sometimes cold sores will give burning sensation or tingling feeling on the mouth. You need to apply skin ointment liberally inside the oral cavity several times a day. Alternatively you can also use cold sore patches available over the counter. Apply this patch over the painful blister for quick healing process. In rare cases cold sores can lead to dehydration if the person develops cold sores on his throat. He may not be able to drink anything causing dehydration.

Risk Factors :

Cold sores can develop on any one irrespective of the age and gender. Even children or older adults can have cold sores. But certain factors like weakened immunity, exposure to UV rays of the sun, change in hormones, stressful events and trauma or injury to the skin can trigger the virus to become active causing painful blisters on the skin. Fever or Common Cold is the topmost factors that can cause cold sores. Once the person gets infected with cold sores the virus would stay in his body for many years.

Pictures of Cold Sores :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Cold Sores

Cold Sores Cold Sores Cold Sores Cold Sores Cold Sores Cold Sores

Prevention :

You can avoid sharing towels, utensils or cups with someone who is suspected to have cold sores. Do not kiss or make direct skin contact with the person who has developed cold sores. Flaring of cold sores occur if you are exposed to harsh sunlight. Hence use sunscreen lotion liberally or avoid going out in hot summer.

The same person can spread the virus to other parts of the body. Hence it is advised not to touch the cold sores anytime once you are infected. It can easily spread to other body parts when you touch your eyes or genitals after touching the painful sores. Wash your fingers consistently before eating food.