Showing posts with label Hiv. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hiv. Show all posts

Saturday, July 01, 2017

How Is HIV Transmitted?

How Is HIV Transmitted? AIDS is a chronic and often life threatening condition that is the result of damage to the immune system by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV interferes with the body’s mechanisms that are used to fight off harmful organisms which cause illness. Currently there is no cure for HIV/AIDS, but some medications can help prevent the disease from progressing as quickly. The administration of these drugs has helped to reduce deaths from AIDS but HIV continues to be a serious problem for parts of Asia, Haiti and Africa among others. Know how HIV is transmitted can help avoid being infected with this terrible disease. How Is HIV Transmitted?
When vaginal secretions, semen or blood infected with HIV enter the body it can spread the disease. Contact such as dancing, hugging, kissing or shaking hands will not spread HIV, nor can it be spread through water, the air or insect bites. You can become infected with HIV in several ways, including: 1. Having Sex
Having oral, anal or vaginal sex with someone who is infected with HIV/AIDS can spread the disease if their vaginal secretions, blood or semen enter your body. The virus can enter the body through small tears in the vagina or rectum caused by sexual activity or sores in the mouth. Those receiving oral sex can spread the disease if the vaginal fluid, semen or blood enters their partner’s mouth. 2. Blood Transfusions
Blood transfusions can spread the HIV virus in some cases. American blood banks and hospitals scan all blood donations for HIV antibodies to reduce this risk. 3. Sharing Needles
Needles or syringes that are contaminated with blood that is infected with HIV antibodies can spread the disease if these needles are used by others. Sharing drug paraphernalia can seriously increase your risk of contracting HIV and other diseases including hepatitis. 4. From Mother to Child
If a mother is infected with HIV during their pregnancy, delivery or while they are breastfeeding they may pass the disease to their child. You can decrease this risk by treating an HIV infection during pregnancy. Bodily Fluids that Transmit HIV
HIV does not spread through the air like other viruses such as the ones which cause the flu or the Common cold. Instead HIV lives in bodily fluids and the bloodstream so the only way to spread the virus is by coming into contact with these materials. Bodily fluids that hold enough HIV to spread the infection include:
  • Breast milk

  • Vaginal fluids or menstrual blood

  • Semen

  • Blood

  • Lining of the anus

The main ways HIV spreads into your bloodstream are:
  • The thin lining on the inside of the vagina or anus

  • The thin lining of the eyes and mouth

Other bodily fluids including urine, saliva or sweat contain HIV but not enough to spread the infection. You cannot catch HIV from an infected person from:
  • Being sneezed on

  • Contact with healthy, unbroken skin

  • Spitting

  • Sharing cutlery, baths or towels

  • Mouth to mouth resuscitation

  • Using the same swimming pool or toilet

  • Contact with insects or animals like mosquitoes

Risk Factors of AIDS
When HIV/AIDS was first discovered in the United States population it mainly affected homosexual men but it has since been discovered that heterosexual sex spreads HIV. Any sex, age, race or sexual orientation is at risk for developing HIV/AIDS, but you have an increased risk if you:
  • Have other STIs. Many STIs cause you to develop open sores on the genitals that can act as a doorway for HIV.

  • Have unprotected sex, which means having sex without the use of polyurethane or latex condoms. Anal sex poses more of a risk than vaginal sex and this risk further increases if you have multiple partners.

  • Use intravenous drugs. Most who use these substances share syringes and needles which could expose them to other people’s blood.

  • Are an uncircumcised man. Studies indicate that failing to get circumcised increases heterosexual transmission of the HIV virus.

How to Prevent HIV Infection
There is no vaccine for HIV and no cure for AIDS but you can protect others and yourself from infection. Educating yourself about HIV and avoiding risky behaviors that would put you in contact with breast milk, semen, blood and vaginal secretions can reduce the risk of spreading the disease. To help prevent spreading HIV: 1. Use Condom
If you do not know your HIV status or that of your partner you should use a condom every time you have vaginal or anal sex. This includes female condoms for women. Limit your lubricant use to those that are water based as those with an oil base which increase the risk of the condom breaking. A dental dam— a piece of medical-grade latex, or condom can be used during oral sex. 2. Tell Your Sexual Partners
If you know you are HIV-positive you should tell any sexual partners that you may have or have been with in the past. Your past sexual partners should have their HIV status checked to ensure that they do not unknowingly pass the virus to others. 3. Consider Truvada
The FDA approved Turvada in July 2012 as a means of reducing the transmission of HIV in high risk patients. This is usually taken along with other HIV medication as there are some risks involved in its use. You should only use Truvada if your doctor has approved it and you do not already have Hepatitis B or HIV. Take this drug daily as prescribed and continue using other protective methods including condoms when you have sex. 4. Use Clean Needle
If you use drugs that are injected with a needle, do not share it and ensure the needle is sterile before use. Many communities offer needle exchange programs and drug assistance to reduce this risk. 5. Consider Circumcision
Evidence has suggested that undergoing male circumcision can greatly reduce your risk for contracting HIV.

How Long Does HIV Live Outside the Body?

How Long Does HIV Live Outside the Body? HIV or the Human Immunodeficiency virus is perhaps the most feared amongst those who come in close contact with body fluids, even miniscule quantities, and are often concerned about its transmission. More often, the idea of its ability to survive outside the body is a particular source of diStress and raises ample questions. This article will explain on how long HIV can live outside the body as well as the chances of being infected by HIV virus through other ways. How Long does HIV Live Outside the Body?
According to an Australian review (2003), “Viral survival is influenced by virus titer, volume of blood, ambient temperature, exposure to sunlight and humidity.” Laboratory studies, aiming to acquire data on HIV survival, developed solutions containing copious amounts of artificially grown viral concentrations and revealed that the viruses could be kept alive in the course of days to weeks, given that optimal conditions were maintained. However, drying of these fluids reduces the amount of infectious virus by 99 percent in a span as low as a few hours, according to CDC. So we can say that most of the HIV virus dies within several hours outside the body because of inappropriate temperature, lack of human host and other factors. Other Facts of HIV Survival
1. Being insensitive to extreme cold, HIV requires heat and temperatures as high as 60°C to be killed/ destroyed. 2. HIV levels in blood at room temperature remain markedly stable. It is interesting to note that the virus can persist in dried blood for at least a week at 4°C. 3. Survival of HIV in syringes, used to draw blood infected with the virus, can last as long as four weeks. The temperature played a role with a longer survival of the virus with temperatures lower than 4°C while viral activity was not detected after seven days when temperatures were elevated as high as 27-37°C. 4. Its sensitivity to changes in pH leads to variable survival term with HIV, the most suitable being 7-8, below or above which can quicken the death of the virus. 5. Survival of HIV in sewage water, as proven by the research of Thames Water, is up to several days. This survival, however, is inconsequential to the risk factor as HIV has hardly ever been isolated from feces and urine. FAQs of HIV Transmission
1. Can I Get HIV from Anal Sex?
The answer is, yes. Both sexes are at a risk of acquiring HIV. Since the lining of the rectum is thin, it allows the virus an easy access to the blood. It is perceived that the person receiving the semen is at a greater risk. However, a penis being inserted in an infected partner can acquire HIV through small cuts, abrasions, or open sore. It is also possible for the virus to transmit through the urethra. Abstinence is perhaps the safest option however latex condoms in combination with water-based lubricants are a viable option. 2. Can I Get HIV from Vaginal Sex?
This mode is perhaps the most common cause of HIV transmission. Both partners are at a significant risk of acquiring the virus. Abrasions, sores or cuts on the penis and abrasions along the vaginal path are a serious problem that may lead to providing an easy route of transmission. The use of condoms, latex and plastic are used to avoid exposure although it is believed that abstinence may be the only option. 3. Can I Get HIV from Oral Sex?
It is uncommon but not unheard of that people opting for oral sex might contact AIDS through blood, seminal or vaginal fluids. Although transmission of HIV is least likely for this mode of sexual activity than the others, it still constitutes a risk. The common causes are cuts or open wounds around the mouth or throat which can contact semen or vaginal fluids. 4. Can I Get HIV from Injecting Drugs?
While injecting a drug, the blood drawn into the syringe may be infected and the reuse of such a syringe constitutes a greater risk of inducing HIV or any other blood-borne disease. The most common mishaps occur through reuse of disposed syringe or sharing drug equipment which includes reuse of syringe to prepare drugs; reuse of water, bottle caps or other containers for dissolving. A particular nuisance is the ‘street sellers’ that sell used syringes as sterilized ones. The safest option is therefore to avoid these mishaps and buy syringes from reputed pharmacies. 5. Can I Get HIV from Kissing?
The idea that a person may acquire HIV from kissing is rare but not altogether foreign. It is however, accepted that closed mouth kissing does not constitute any risk. Infected people who have sores or cuts around the mouth or throat may transmit the disease through blood contact and a few instances have been reported where French kissing has led to the transmission of the virus. 6. Can I Get HIV Through Body Piercing?
It is in fact common, occurring in many places that people who reuse equipment without sterilizing or disinfecting it are at a risk of acquiring HIV or other such blood-borne diseases. For general health awareness, workers at piercing and tattoo parlors should be educated about possible hazards of reusing unsterilized equipment. It is also feasible to use and dispose onetime instruments for such instances where the skin is broken. 7. Can I Get HIV from Mosquitoes?
No. Mosquitoes and other biting insect, in fact, cannot transmit HIV or other such viruses because when bitten by such an insect, there is no contact with the blood of any previous person but the saliva of the very insect. HIV lacks the tendency to survive in a mosquito’s body and thus is not transmitted. This explains how areas heavily populated with mosquitoes and AIDs do not show epidemic outbreaks.

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

13 Natural Home Remedies For Hives

13 Natural Home Remedies For HIVes

Hives are nothing but tiny red bumps on the skin causing itching. In medical terms hives are known as uriticaria. It is a form of allergic reaction triggered by certain medications or even foods. Hives are formed due to over-exposure to radiation of sunlight, pressure or due to viral infection. Tiny red colored blisters or bumps are formed on the skin anywhere in the body but it often occurs around the eyes. Hives can be treated with antihistamine drugs. Hives are caused when the cells of your body releases histamine which induces blood vessel to leak out fluid in the deep layers of the skin resulting in swelling causing red swollen bumps.

Some Of The Best Home Remedies For Hives Are Given Here :-

1. Wet Compress 

Soak a soft cloth or towel in cold water and wring it gently before applying on the skin where hives are formed. Cold compress can shrink the blood vessels thus help in blocking release of histamine. Alternatively, you can pack some ice cubes in a cloth and apply it gently on the skin affected with hives. Repeat this 3-4 times a day until it shrinks.

2. Oatmeal Bath

Add 2-3 cups of oatmeal the bathtub and soak your body for 10-15 minutes. If you have cold do not try this remedy. You can also mix a cup of baking soda in the bathing water to get quick relief from itching.

3. Calamine Lotion or Vaseline

Cover the area of hives with calamine lotion and leave it for a while. Alternatively you can apply Vaseline cream on it. Astringents like these can help in releasing of histamines further into the skin thus shrinking the hives. You can also apply milk of magnesia to cover the hives which can reduce and shrink it due to its alkaline nature.

4. Baking Soda Paste

This is an effective remedy for controlling itching caused by hives. Make a paste by adding 2-3 drops of water with baking soda and apply this paste on the hives. Leave it for few minutes before washing.

5. Vinegar Solution

Add 1 tsp of vinegar with lukewarm water and apply this paste to cover the hives using cotton ball. It is effective in reducing itching. Alternatively you can soak yourself in bathtub filled with 2-3 cups of apple cider vinegar solution. Stay in this solution for 20 minutes which can produce refreshing effect in your body.

6. Fish Oil

You can take fish oil capsules daily twice a day until the hives are gone. Essential fatty acids and anti-inflammatory property of fish oil is effective remedy for hives.

7. Manage Stress

When you are emotional, you can get more hives and worsened itching. So practice relaxation exercise to reduce hives. Try to learn how to manage stress.

Home Remedies For Hives

8. Ginger or Chamomile Tea

Ginger is an excellent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent which helps in relieving swelling and itching by improving the blood circulation. Add 2-3 tsp of brown sugar and few fresh pieces of ginger in a cup of water and boil it for some minutes or until it gets thicker. Apply this paste on the area of hives many times a day to get quick relief. Alternatively you can apply fresh ginger piece directly on the hives but it can cause irritation for few seconds. Drinking lukewarm Chamomile tea can produce relaxing effect thus reducing stress.

9. Aloe Vera

Antibacterial property of aloe Vera is effective in reducing swelling and redness of the skin. You can apply aloe Vera gel directly on the affected areas of skin and allow it to dry completely before washing it.

10. Turmeric

Turmeric is a natural antihistamine and is ideal for treating hives. You can apply turmeric paste directly on the hives or drink a cup of hot milk mixed with 1 tsp of turmeric powder.

11. Nettle Leaves

Add few pieces of dried nettle leaves in a cup of boiling water. Cover it and boil for 15 minutes. Now strain this solution and drink it slowly. You can add a tsp of honey for taste.

12. Basil Leaves

Add 2-3 tsp of dried leaves of basil in a cup of hot water. Cover it and boil for few minutes until it becomes thick. Apply this directly on the hives using a cotton ball. Basil is enriched with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial property and helps in removing hives.

13. Mint Leaves

Mint leaves are easily accessible in supermarkets. Add few pieces of crushed mint leaves in a cup of boiling water. Strain this before applying this solution on the hives. You can also try drinking mint tea for getting quick relief from itching.

Tips To Prevent Hives :

  • Firstly you need to identify what are the triggering factors. Not everyone gets hives. Intensity of pollutants differs from one person to the other.

  • Watch what you eat and drink. Make a note of it in the diary if you are getting hives after eating something so that you can avoid it in future.

  • Avoid eating chocolates, tomatoes, fresh berries and certain kinds of fish. These items can trigger hives in some people.

  • Avoid taking bath in hot water which can irritate your skin triggering hives.

  • Wear loose fitting cotton clothing.

  • Avoid getting exposed in sunlight.

  • If you are getting hives after taking certain antibiotics or NSAID’s you need to avoid them in future. For some people certain sedatives or even diet supplements can induce hives.

Monday, March 06, 2017

Hives (Urticaria) – Causes, Facts, Pictures, Symptoms, Treatment, Home Remedies

HIVes (Urticaria) – Causes, Facts, Pictures, Symptoms, Treatment, Home Remedies

Hives also known as urticaria (in medical terms) are usually short lived reddened itchy bumps on your skin. It is more in women than in men for no apparent reason. An interesting feature of hives is its varying nature. Hives that are seen flaring up in the morning would almost disappear by noon but re-appear before night. Hives will not last in the same place for more than a day.

Facts On Hives :

  • Hives are raised itchy bumps on the skin ranging in many size and shape.

  • Hives are marked by characteristic itchy welts on the skin and itching can range from moderate to severe.

  • Hives would disappear quickly as it comes but may reappear in other place of your body.

  • Exact cause of hives is still not known.

  • Under normal condition, hives flare up acutely.

  • In rare cases hives are caused by environment factors like extreme weather condition and heat.

  • Repeated scratching and Stress can intensity hives.

Hives Types :

Hives can be acute (short lived) or chronic (lasting more than few months). Chronic form of hives is not serious but they can disturb the quality of life in interfering with sleep and daily routine. It is difficult to treat and diagnose chronic hives. Repeated testing should be done to identify the right cause. Your doctor would get a chart of complete medical history and personal habits. It is better to avoid certain allergic foods permanently if you have chronic hives.


Causes Of Hives :

  • Exact cause of hives is not known. It is believed to be caused when excess of histamines are released in the body from the mast cells. Histamines have the capacity to leak the fluid from the blood vessels which in turn appear in the form of red welts on your skin.

  • Hives are a nuisance and annoying but it requires no treatment and fades quickly as it comes.

  • Hives can be triggered by vigorous exercise and using pressure bands on the body.

  • For some people hives are caused due to allergic response to certain foods or medications or insect bites. Even coming in contact with pollutants can trigger hives. Drugs like aspirin, morphine or codeine and other NSAID’s can also cause hives.

  • Exposure to hot or cold weather can cause hives. Harsh sunlight can also trigger hives.

  • If you have a recent viral infection you are likely to develop hives.

  • Stress can trigger and intensify hives but is not known to cause hives.

Hives Symptoms :

  • Batches of white or red welts are found on the legs, arms and even on the face. Hives normally flare up acutely without any known cause.

  • Welts can appear in many places of your body causing intense itching and swelling. But it goes away on its own within few hours to again appear in some other place. Welts caused by hives vary in size and shape.

  • It can cause burning pain in some parts like eyes, cheeks and lips.

  • Hives get intensified due to excess of heat and exercise.

  • Hives may continue to re-appear in the body for many months in some people.


Complications :

In rare cases, hives can cause difficulty in breathing due to anaphylaxis. In such cases, seek prompt medical help. The bronchial tubes can get narrow causing shortness of breath and choking. The person may feel dizzy and sometimes pass out. People with chronic disorders like Arthritis, Thyroid problem, Diabetes and lupus are at risk of developing hives and varied complications.

Hives Diagnosis :

Your doctor would first complete physical exam thoroughly. He may ask questions regarding your personal habits, and any new medications you have taken. He may request for blood test and other Allergy tests to identify the cause of hives.


Hives (Urticaria) Treatment :

Very often, no treatment is required for hives that come and go promptly. You can get comfort with OTC pain relievers and antihistamines. You can contact your GP if the symptoms do not improve with home remedies. Your doctor would identify the underlying cause first before treating the hives. He may check the thyroid level and other chronic issues in your body. Antihistamines like Loratadine, Cetrizine, Levocetrizine and Clarinex are effective in managing itching. You can also try Benadryl or chloropheniramine if the above drugs are not giving relief.

Histamine blockers like Zantac, Pepcid and Nizatidine can be taken orally or injected for severe cases. Prednisone and other steroid medications can help in reducing swelling and itching. But remember to take these pills only for short term since it can be addictive. Topical creams that contain corticosteroid can be applied generously. Antidepressant drugs like Zonalon can be prescribed for hives. For people with chronic hives, a shot of Xolair is often effective for several weeks.

Hives Home Remedies :

  • If you have hives avoid going out in sunlight.

  • Wear loose cotton clothing.

  • Use wet compress over the affected area repeatedly.

  • Try to identify the triggers so that you can avoid it in future.

  • Avoid certain foods from your diet as instructed by your doctor.

  • Stay away from dust and other pollutants since it can worsen the symptoms.

  • Practice yoga and meditation techniques to prevent stress.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

How to Make Hives Go Away

How to Make Hives Go Away

Hives, also known as Urticaria, is a condition in which the skin breaks out in the form clusters of raised, red bumps that cause intense itchiness and stinging. At times, hives may have a light reddish appearance with a pale center.

Hives appear as a result of allergic reaction of the body’s immune system to certain allergens like insect bites, nickel, certain foods, Stress, viral infections etc. Hives may appear on any part of the body and may occur as small patches or may even cover large skin areas.

How to Make Hives Go Away
Here are some simple tips for relieving hives.

1. Cold Compresses
Applying cool, moist wash cloth or compresses to the affected skin site can help relive the itchiness and stinging sensation. Using ice packs also yields the same results.

2. Anti-Histaminic Drugs
Antihistamines like Cetirizine, Loratadine etc. work wonders for soothing the discomfort of hives since they block the actin of histamine, the key chemical mediator of inflammation responsible for eruption of hives. Pregnant women should avoid using anti-histamines.

3. Alleviate Stress
Stress is one of the most common triggers for hives. In order to decrease the odds of breakouts, decrease the stress factors in your life. You can also use techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga and visualization to calm your nerves.

4. Stinging Nettle
Stinging nettle is one of the best answers to the question of how to make hives go away. Extract the essence of stinging nettle leaves and apply it on the involved skin areas. Using this remedy everyday can yield significant results within days.

5. Oatmeal Bath
The pH regulating property of oatmeal can help soothe the hives-affected skin. Add 1 cup of ground oatmeal to a bath tub full of lukewarm water and disperse it evenly. Soaking in oatmeal-infused bath for about 20 minutes provides significant relief.

6. Aloe Vera Gel
The anti-inflammatory characteristics of aloe vera help alleviate the itchy and irritated skin caused by hives. SLice a leaf of aloe vera open along its length, scoop out its gel and apply directly to the inflamed skin for instant relief.

7. Vitamin C
Besides providing structural support to skin, Vitamin C counteracts histamine, thereby easing the discomfort of Urticaria. Blend together Vitmain C and Zinc and apply the mixture on the affected skin and let it absorb into the skin by itself. Repeat the procedure twice a day for noticeable improvement in the symptoms of Urticaria.

8. Soap and Water
The question, how to make hives go away, is best answered with the use of soap and plenty of water. The trick is to use a soap that is free of perfume, chemicals and other additives to avoid aggravating the condition.

9. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is one of the most effective remedies for skin breakouts including hives. Mix apple cider vinegar with corn starch to make a paste of even consistency and apply it to the site of hives. Leave it on for some time and then wash it off with cold water for visible difference.

10.Green Tea
Owing to its rich catechin content, green tea helps get rid of hives. Brew the green tea leaves for about 10 minutes and drink the tea at least twice daily for substantial results.

11.Castor Oil
Castor oil has potent anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial actions that help treat Urticaria. Direct application of castor oil on the affected skin helps lessen the distress caused by hives.

Know When to Call the Doctor
Hives are, quite often, a harmless condition but it is time to see the doctor if the hives don’t go away even after six weeks or if the skin breaks out frequently. Sometimes, hives may be a part of life threatening situation known of Anaphylaxis which may even result in death of the patient if not treated promptly.

Look out for symptoms such as difficulty in breathing, throat constriction, wheezing, continuous vomiting, chest pain confusion etc. These symptoms indicate that the person’s life is in danger and he needs to be rushed to the emergency department at once.

Hives are a fairly common condition and the question, how to make hives go away, frequently Plagues the patients of Urticaria. With simple remedial measures, hives can be effectively managed.

Hives in Toddlers

Hives in Toddlers

Also referred to as welts or Urticaria, hives are characterized by swelling in certain areas of the skin. These swollen parts are at times itchy. Hives can be of different sizes and shapes, and are characterized by their central, pale raised areas surrounded by a red ring.

While hives are common, they are not contagious. Hives last for a few hours, and at times they can take days to clear. However, it is possible for one to have hives for months even though it is rare. Learning about the causes of hives in toddlers can help you better treat this condition. In serious cases, medical treatment is needed.

Causes of Hives in Toddlers
Hives appear when the body releases histamine. Still, there are many possible causes of hives making it hard to establish the cause of each case. The most likely causes are listed below.



Insect stings and bites

If your child suffers from allergies from fire ants or bees, it possible that they may develop hives if they are stung or bitten.


  • It is possible for children to develop hives from foods they eat. The most likely causes include milk, peanuts, eggs, soybeans, tree nuts, shellfish and whitefish.

  • There are food additives and preservatives that can causes hives. It is also possible for your child to develop hives from eating foods with protein, or it could be because the food has a chemical that triggers the release of histamine.

  • There are some children who develop hives by coming into contact with certain foods, like when strawberry juice comes into contact with the child’s skin for example.


It is possible for a child to develop hives when they fall ill especially from a viral infection. Though not common, it is also possible to develop hives from a bacterial infection.


It is possible to develop hives from cold temperatures. Also, sudden temperature changes can also cause hives.


Children who are allergic to substances can develop hives when they come into contact with the particular substance they are allergic to.


Antibiotics and other types of medications can cause hives.

Symptoms of Hives in Toddlers

It is possible that your child has hives if you notice some raised and swollen parts of their skin that are itchy. Hives can appear on any body part. They can last between a few hours and a few days.

To establish whether your baby has hives, you should look out for the following signs.

  • Sudden development of small raised patches that are at least 1cm to 2cm wide.

  • These patches, known as wheals, can be red or white in color, are itchy and surrounded by a red rush.

  • These wheals can merge to look like extensive patches on the skin.

Hives are quite common amongst young children. It is estimated that one in every five children is likely to suffer from hives in their lifetime.

How to Treat Hives in Toddlers
It is possible for the hives to disappear after a few days. However, if your child suffers from itchiness and irritation because of the hives, it is best to consult a doctor. The doctor is likely to prescribe antihistamine medicine to reduce the itching and swelling. If the case is very severe, the child may also need to take corticosteroid tablets.

1. Use Antihistamine
It is important to treat your child with antihistamine medicine as soon as you realize they are developing hives. This will prevent the symptoms from getting worse. Ensure you administer the medicine based on your child’s age. You can give a dose of the medicine after every six hours as this reduces the swelling and itching. Consult your doctor about this.

2. Use Ointment
You can use an ointment made from colloidal oatmeal or aloe vera to soothe the itching. Applying ice cubes directly on the hives to lessen the swelling.

3. Wear Loose Cotton Clothing
It is important to dress the child in loose clothes made of cotton. Wearing tight and warm clothing can cause the hives to spread, causing discomfort in your child.

4. Take Oatmeal Bath
An oatmeal bath soothes irritated skin and reduces inflammation. You can get readily prepared colloidal oatmeal mixtures in stores. These are in the form of bath soaks.

5. Get Rid of Allergens
The hives may have been triggered by something that irritated the skin. Once you realize your child is suddenly developing hives, you need to give them a bath to remove the likely cause.

6. Treat the Itch
You can treat the itching with a mixture of water and baking soda, or with calamine lotion. You can also apply cool, wet compresses. Cover the areas affected with bandages and dressing to soothe the skin and prevent scratching.

It is also possible to give the child a comfortable cool bath. Sprinkle some baking soda or oatmeal in the water.

7. Try Other Detergents and Skin Care Products
It is best to try using alternative skincare products and detergents as they may be the cause of the hives. Using non-biological washing powder and baby cleansers or soaps is best for your baby’s skin.

8. Avoid Common Triggers
These can include medication, food or natural conditions like extreme temperatures that can trigger allergies.

9. Keep a Food Diary
If you suspect that certain foods are causing the hives, you can start keeping a record of the foods you feed your child on. This will make it easy for you to determine the exact foods causing the hives.

When to Take Your Child to the Doctor
Hives that occur as a result of an Allergy can be an early indication of an anaphylactic shock. Symptoms are quick to occur, and this can be fatal to the child. You need to call 911 immediately if your child has hives and develops the following symptoms:

  • Swelling of the lips, tongue and lining of the mouth and throat

  • Wheezing

  • Difficulty breathing

  • A rapid heart rate

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Skin that feels cold and clammy

  • Loss of consciousness

For more information on hives, you can watch this video

Monday, June 13, 2016

Hives During Pregnancy

Hives During Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, your body goes through a multitude of changes. Sometimes those changes can be great, such as the growing belly or the "okay" from your doctor to eat more ice cream! But there are other changes that can reveal the true Stress on your body. Some of these changes include skin problems. Hives during pregnancy is one of those uncomfortable problems that can make you feel awful during what should be a very happy time.

What Are Hives During Pregnancy?
Your body is going through serious changes, and hives during pregnancy might become one of them. Even if you have never had hives before, you might get them during pregnancy. It is quite common in all stages, no matter how many weeks or months along you might be.

Hives look like welts on your skin. They are raised and red, sometimes with a white center. They might also have some swelling around. They might stay in one place, or migrate to various parts of your body. Hives can also be there one day, go the next, and then come back again. They are almost always accompanied with itching, which can sometimes be severe.

Since hives looks very much like a rash, your doctor should always check them out to ensure that they are really hives, and not something more serious, such as autoimmune progesterone dermatitis of pregnancy or other problems that could lead to complications.

Are Hives During Pregnancy Dangerous?
Fortunately, most cases of hives are not dangerous at all – they are just very uncomfortable for the mother. However, it is very important to talk to your doctor to make sure there is no underlying problem. In addition, watch carefully to make sure you do not develop hives around the genital area. If you do, this has a slight chance of leading to a problem for your pregnancy, so get checked out immediately.

Sometimes hives can become very severe. This is especially true if the hives are caused by something other than pregnancy such as an allergic reaction. If you experience any of the following symptoms, you might be going into anaphylactic shock, and you should call 911 immediately:

  • Fainting

  • Difficulty breathing, extreme shortness of breath and wheezing

  • Swelling of the face and tongue

  • Trouble swallowing or throat tightness

What Causes Hives During Pregnancy?
In some cases, no one knows what causes this problemduring pregnancy. In other cases, the doctor can point out the reasons. Here are the most common things that cause hives during pregnancy:

  • Hormone imbalance. When you are pregnant, your hormones are changing drastically. Sometimes your body might see these hormone changes as a sign of a foreign invader and it will then try to ward off what it believes is an infection. The antibodies released to fight this "infection" can cause hives.

  • PUPP. This is a serious condition called Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques. This often happens in the third trimester, and can lead to hives that do not respond to antihistamines or other medications. This makes it vastly uncomfortable!

  • Dry skin. When the skin loses moisture, it can lead to itching. This is especially true in areas where the skin is stretched tightly, such as over your belly during pregnancy. This can also cause hives. Using lotion and moisturizing soaps can help ensure that hives don't appear due to the dryness of your skin.

  • Moisturizing soap. Using regular soap can make the problem much worse. By using moisturizing bar soap, you might be able to alleviate some of the redness and itching.

  • Lotions. Dry skin is often a culprit in hives during pregnancy. To avoid this, stay well-hydrated with lotion on your skin as often as you can remember to do so.

  • Oatmeal and baking soda. Take a lukewarm bath – but not hot because that can make it worse. Add oatmeal or baking soda to help relieve the itching.

How to Get Rid of Hives During Pregnancy
Home Remedies

  • Moisturizing soap. Using regular soap can make the problem much worse. By using moisturizing bar soap, you might be able to alleviate some of the redness and itching.

  • Lotions. Dry skin is often a culprit in hives during pregnancy. To avoid this, stay well-hydrated with lotion on your skin as often as you can remember to do so.

  • Oatmeal and baking soda. Take a lukewarm bath – but not hot because that can make it worse. Add oatmeal or baking soda to help relieve the itching.

If none of the home remedies work, you can try antihistamines that are deemed safe by your doctor. Never take anything that hasn't been approved by your physician! Some medications that are commonly used include Allegra and Benadryl, as well as Claritin and Zyrtec. If the condition is more serious, such as PUPP, your doctor will prescribe medications and watch you closely.

How to Prevent Hives During Pregnancy
Fortunately, there are many ways to prevent hives when you'repregnant. Try out following tips and see which ones work to alleviate or diminish the hives you might be experiencing.

  • Avoid tight clothing, as any pressure on your skin can lead to irritation of hives.

  • Hot showers and hot baths can dry out your skin and make hives more common. Always use lukewarm water or take a cool shower, and follow up with moisturizing.

  • If your skin begins to itch, try not to scratch it because scratching can make hives worse.

  • Avoid stress as much as you can, since sometimes that can make hives worse. Relaxation techniques might help you avoid the problem.

Saturday, June 04, 2016

Oatmeal Bath for Hives

Oatmeal Bath for HIVes

A rash is usually a sign of an Allergy and can be traced back to something that has aggravated the skin or a specific item that was taken internally. Many times this rash is a sign of hives, also known as nettle rash or Urticaria.

If the rash is due to hives, it will appear as blisters or blotches that are itchy, red, and tiny. Hives can show up anywhere and is caused by blood plasma that has seeped into the skin because of too much histamine.

Does Oatmeal Bath Really Work?
While hives can leave you quickly or stay for several weeks, there are things you can do to treat them and an oatmeal bath is one of them. The benefits of oatmeal on the skin dates back through time. Because it relieves the itching, it is a proven cure for eczema and hives.

Some of the advantages of using an oatmeal bath for hives are:

  • It works best on rough dry skin.

  • It returns your skin to its natural state and replenishes the moisture.

  • The oatmeal gently exfoliates the skin removing the dry patches.

  • When you use an oatmeal bath, you won’t have to use soap which can dry the skin even further.

  • You will find other irritations on your skin restored as well.

  • You will get relief from the itching.

How to Make and Take an Oatmeal Bath for Hives
There are only a few items you need to prepare:

  • Unflavored plain oatmeal: Fine oatmeal is ideal; whole grain is preferred.

  • 1/2 cup to 1 cup of milk or buttermilk: This is optional; water works fine.

  • A coffee filter (size 4 works well or any type that you would use for 8 to 12 cups of coffee; or a piece of muslin cloth and an elastic band)

  • Epsom salts: This is also optional but it does create a refreshing soak.

  • Essential oils such as lavender or even lavender buds if you would like a soothing scent for your bath.

Here are the simple steps needed to create your oatmeal bath for hives:

  • Measure out around 1/3 cup to 3/4 cup of oatmeal. If you are using a coffee filter, you can use the smaller amount; if the muslin cloth is larger, use 3/4 cup.

  • Put the oatmeal in a bowl.

  • If your oatmeal is still coarse, take the back of a spoon and mash it down until there are no clumps. If you need to, you can put the oatmeal into a plastic bag and smash them with a rolling pin.

  • If you are adding any essential oils of lavender buds, you can add them now. If you are using this bath to treat hives, you may want to leave them out this time so you don't aggravate your skin any more than it already is.

  • Put the oatmeal mixture into the coffee filter or cloth piece and close it up with the elastic band.

  • Turn on the hot water and begin to fill the tub. If you are adding the buttermilk or milk, you can add it now by pouring it in as the water is running into the tub. If you are using Epsom salts, you can add about 3/4 cup in at this time.

  • Put the oatmeal bag at the end of the tub so it is not near the running water. Wait until the bathwater cools as this is when the benefits of the oatmeal will begin to infuse the water.

  • When the water is just tepid, you can get into the bath. If you want to get more of the essence of the oatmeal into the bath you can gently squeeze the filter. If you squeeze it too hard, it could break apart and you will have a bathtub filled with oatmeal. Soak in the tub for around 10 minutes then gently dry your skin when you step out of the tub. You can repeat this oatmeal bath routine every day if you wish.

  • Other Remedies That Help
    While the oatmeal bath for hives is an excellent remedy, there are other things you can try as well.

    • You can mix together borage and chickweed together and brew the mixture just like you are making tea. You should be able to find both of these items in a health food store or an herbal shop online. When the mixture cools down, you can apply it to your rash.

    • Witch hazel that is in a gel form or as a cream can be added to a warm bath with some baking soda. A handful or two of baking soda along with the witch hazel will bring down any swelling and relieve the itching.

    • There are a number of oils that can also be used to treat the inflammation of hives that is caused by the excess histamine. Lavender oil and tea tree oil can each be mixed with 1 tablespoon of base oil to 9 drops of either oil. This type of dilution will protect you from causing another reaction to your skin. Apricot kernel oil or jojoba oil are also effective at treating rashes from hives.