Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Pyelonephritis is the medical term for kidney infection. Kidney is one of the important organs of the body that performs the function of excretion of waste products. Kidneys do the function of regulating Blood Pressure, restoring the electrolyte balance and also take part in producing red blood cells. The kidneys are connected to the urinary bladder by long tube called ureters.

Generally Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) in the lower part involves infection in the bladder and urethra and upper UTI involves kidney infection.

Causes and Risk Factors :

Bacteria can cause urinary tract infection and infection in kidneys. Normally urine becomes sterile when it passes out, but sometimes bacteria may enter into the urinary tract through urethra causing UTI and pyelonephritis. When compared with kidney infection, the UTI infection is less severe because when kidneys are affected it may also cause infection in the bloodstream thus producing serious complication. Similarly bacteria may enter into the vagina or rectum from the urethra causing infection.

Women who are in the premenopausal stage are more prone to develop kidney infection and UTI. Infection may occur from sexual activity, history of urinary tract infection, pregnancy and use of spermicides.

Symptoms :

Some of the signs of kidney infection are nausea, vomiting, pain in the stomach, fever, chills, shivering, pain while passing urine and frequent urge to urinate. Some people may have low back pain when kidney infection starts. For aged persons, symptoms may also include lethargy, poor concentration, reduced blood pressure and rapid heartbeat.

Tests :

Your doctor may look for symptoms like tenderness of flanks and fever. He may also ask you to do urine analysis if he suspects kidney infection.

Treatment :

Like any other type of bacterial infection, pyelonephritis should be treated with antibiotics. Once the doctor diagnoses the presence of particular bacteria from the result of urine analysis, then he would put you on strong antibiotic medicines. In case the bacteria are irresponsive to the drugs, then it is necessary to change the course of antibiotics for destroying the bacteria.

You have to take plenty of water and fluids for treating less severe form of kidney infection. Take cranberry products along with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. In case if the symptoms get severe with vomiting and Constipation, then you need to consult your doctor without any delay.

Pictures of Pyelonephritis :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Pyelonephritis

Pyelonephritis Pyelonephritis Pyelonephritis Pyelonephritis
Prevention :

You need to follow proper hygiene for preventing any type of urinary tract infection. It is wise to urinate after you had sexual intercourse to get rid of any bacteria. It is necessary for patients who depend on catheters to keep it sterile and change it frequently to avoid infection.

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