Saturday, June 04, 2016

Anti-Inflammatory Tea

Anti-Inflammatory Tea

Inflammation is a normal response of the body that often occurs due to irritation or harm to the body. Apart from the external factors, several internal factors that can cause inflammation exist. For instance, Arthritis can cause inflammation, and if left untreated, it can cause several other diseases. Fortunately, natural anti-inflammatory teas are present which can help control inflammation. The following article discusses some of the most prevalent teas that can inflammations effectively.

Anti-Inflammatory Teas
Here are 10 great teas that will not only help soothe your inflammation but also give your taste a feast:

1. Ginger Tea
Ginger tea has anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of phytochemicals; therefore, it helps in relieving arthritic pain. Ginger root is easily available in any grocery store.

How to take: It is easy to prepare – simply make it into sLices and steep in boiling water. Ginger tea also has blood thinning properties so anyone who is taking blood thinning medicines should consult their physician before consuming ginger tea.

2. Green Tea
The active ingredient, EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) present in green tea, imparts green tea of its anti-inflammatory properties. EGCG works by stopping the production of some inflammatory chemicals. It is, therefore, helpful in relieving the pain of arthritis.

How to take:It is prepared by steeping the tea leaves in boiling water (usually one teaspoon of leaves per cup of water). However, pregnant females should consult their physicians before using green tea as it has been proposed that metabolism of folic acid can be interfered by green tea.

3. Black Tea
Another anti-inflammatory tea is black tea. The ingredient quercetin present in black tea is a bioflavonoid with anti-inflammatory properties. According to research, quercetin helps to relieve the inflammation of Rheumatoid Arthritis and prevents damage to the joints.

How to take:It is also prepared by steeping the tea leaves in boiling water. However, black tea contains high amount of caffeine, which can cause jitteriness or adversely affect some medicines, hence, it is recommended to consult a physician before consuming it.

4. Willow Bark Tea
Willow bark has been used centuries back in certain parts of Europe and China. According to several studies, it has anti-inflammatory properties that are similar to those of aspirin. Hence, it is helpful in relieving the pain of Osteoarthritis. The chemical salicin and anti-inflammatory compounds flavonoids are responsible for its anti-inflammatory properties.

How totake: It is recommended that people who regularly take NSAIDS, beta-blockers, and blood thinners and pregnant females should not consume tea with willow bark.

5. Turmeric Tea
Turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It is a spicy powder that is obtained by grinding the dried rhizome of the herb curcuma longa. Turmeric is a part of the ginger family and often used to treat wounds, inflammation and Tumors. Today it is a popular ayurvedic remedy.

How totake:The recommended dosage is 1,200 mg per day. A delicious anti-inflammatory tea can be prepared combining ½ tsp. of turmeric powder with 1 ounce of frozen concentrate of orange juice and ginger tea.

6. Rosehip Tea
A tangy, tart, pink colored tea is prepared by steeping rosehips in boiling water. It mixes well with other teas such as hibiscus and is a common ingredient in many herbal teas. It is a rich source of vitamin C. According to a study conducted on patients with knee or hip osteoarthritis, supplementation with rosehip powder helps in significantly reducing joint pain, stiffness and overall severity of the disease. It is also useful in boosting the immune system, increasing energy and healing cells and tissues.

Note: It is recommended to consult your physician before consuming rosehip to relieve pain due to arthritis.

7. Nettle Leaf Tea
The plant stinging nettle has been used since centuries especially in parts of Europe to treat joint and muscle pain, Gout and arthritis. The stinging chemicals, which are released from the hairs present mostly on the underside of the leaves, have been found to reduce pain by decreasing the inflammatory chemicals in the human body and also by interfering with the process of transmitting pain to the brain by the body.

Note: Nettle leaf can be purchased from any health food store. However, it is recommended to consult a physician before using it to treat arthritis pain.

8. Frankincense Tea
The aromatic resin found in the boswellia tree is a powerful anti-inflammatory tea agent. It has been shown that the primary constituent of boswellia-boswellic acids inhibits mediators of inflammation. In a study, boswellia extract has been shown to reduce pain and improve physical functioning in patients suffering from osteoarthritis.

How totake: The recommended dosage of boswellia is 1,200 to 1,500 mg 2-3 times a day. It is advised to use standardized extract, which has 60-65% boswellic acids.

9. Alfalfa Tea
Alfalfa is a rich source of minerals and chlorophyll, which is an effective anti-inflammatory. According to a study conducted on rats at the National Institute of Animal Sciences, chlorophyll extracted from alfalfa showed anti-inflammatory activity.

How totake:Alfalfa has pleasant taste and can be steeped in boiling water to prepare tea. It can also be added to stews and soups.

10. Bilberry Tea
Bilberry is a close relation to blueberry, a North American fruit. The ingredient anthocyanin is present in bilberry. Bilberry is popular for treating inflammation in parts of North America and Europe. Studies have been conducted on lab mice at the University Hospital of Zurich to test the efficacy of this herb in providing treatment for inflammation of bowels. The results of the study have been positive. This prompts further study of the chemical anthocyanin for relieving other types of inflammatory diseases. The recommended dosage of bilberry is 160 mg 2-3 times per day.

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