Sunday, June 26, 2016

Nursing Philosophy Examples

Nursing Philosophy Examples

Caring for people and the nursing profession is a true art form. It takes empathy for people and upstanding morals and values. Nurses contribute many things to society and are upheld to very high professional standards. Florence Nightingale historically set the bar for nursing standards and pushed for nurses to advocate for patients when they were too sick to speak for themselves. She was the first person to incorporate nursing philosophy so that the public knew what was expected of nursing care. For the nurses or even nursing students, it is helpful to write a personal nursing philosophy. This article contains some nursing philosophy examples to help you see how they are written.

Nursing Philosophy Examples
A nursing philosophy is a key statement of a nurse or organization and their commitment to accountability, professionalism, and compassion for the ill. Along with an organization, individual nurses are accountable for their personal growth and knowledge. A philosophy statement is a foundation for growth.A personal nursing philosophy needs to address the following criteria:

Nurses have always been held to very high professional standards. Nurses need to show they have a high level of accountability and show they have the knowledge it takes to take the lives of others into their own hands. They need to show they have self-control and can function to the best of their abilities at all times while working with a care team. They also need to show they can adhere to all standards, guidelines and rules set forth in the nursing profession.

Florence Nightingale once said, “I will not allow low self-esteem, self-limiting beliefs, or the negativity of others to prevent me from achieving my authentic goals and from becoming the person I am meant to be.” Nurses need to have personal accountability and continue to be competent in the nursing profession. They need to constantly further their education, keep up their License, and hold a high level of standards for themselves.

One thing is for certain, nurses must have compassion and understanding. They need to be patient, kind, and respectful of others. They need to be able to care for others no matter what their culture or lifestyle. Nurses must give others a sense of dignity and self-worth. They also need to give the same quality care regardless of race, economic status, religion or sexual orientation.

Nurses need to perform their duties with the highest degree of professionalism. Besides possessing necessary medical knowledge after lots of studying and testing, they need to work with their patients without any prejudice or personal bias. Nursing is a practice that includes proper behavior in the workplace, proper treatment of patients, and respect for their employer and facility.

Lastly, nurses need to include their own personal goals in their nursing philosophy. This is a promise to themselves and others that they will continue to grow in their profession. Here are a few nursing philosophy examples to help you get started:

Example One: Concise Version
A nursing philosophy doesn’t have to be long and wordy. It can be just a short personal statement about how you intend to treat others on all occasions in your life:

“Be kind to others. You will find it life is much better if you give someone a smile and kind words rather than mean looks and anger.

Have respect for others no matter who they are. You cannot judge someone unless you have walked in their shoes.

Treat others as you want to be treated.

Be a good listener and remember life isn’t just about me.”

Example Two: Detailed Version ( Personal Philosophy of Nursing)

One of the longer nursing philosophy examples is a bit more wordy and explains in detail your every wish for practicing nursing. This may be for a required nursing school assignment or a personal goal:

“My philosophy of nursing is to always see the beauty in the art of being a nurse. To quote Florence Nightingale, “Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, it requires an exclusive devotion as hard a preparation as any painter or sculptor’s work; for what is the having to do with dead canvas or dead marble, compared with having to do with the living body, the temple of God’s spirit? It is one of the Fine Arts: The finest of Fine Arts.”

As a nurse I will strive to uphold the dreams that Florence Nightingale had for the profession and appreciate the art in human beauty. I will always believe that we are a part of something bigger and promote the human connection by always striving to help others.

I understand nurses are entrusted with the lives of others every day. I will always try to understand the needs of others whether; physical, psychological, or emotional. Like the sculptor, I will pay very close attention to my patient’s condition and environment. As a sculptor uses his tools to create his craft, I will utilize my tools to create healing and comfort. I will always strive to maintain the knowledge I need, as well as the careful eye for changes. With this, I can craft the nursing care plan to fully meet the needs of my patient. I will use all of my skills for keeping a sterile environment and administer medications safely.

I will be an advocate for my patients. I will always keep in mind the ethics needed to uphold confidentiality and legal protection. I will always strive to uphold those fundamental human rights to rest, activity, elimination, acceptance, safety, oxygenation, and nutrition; as evidenced by Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

I honor and respect diversity. I will practice my art in appreciation of the beauty in different cultures, religions, and colors of the human race. All humans deserve dignity and to quote nursing theorist, Jean Watson “caring is the essence of nursing.” I am here to care for others regardless of where they came from.

In practicing nursing, I will learn firsthand from my experiences. However, I will continue to devote myself to learning more about my practice, more about disease, and more about how to help others heal. I also commit to being a “team player” and creating a peaceful place to promote healing.”

Tips for Writing About Your Nursing Philosophy
You can make your statement more structured by listing and explaining the points below:
1. What is nursing? What purpose do nurses fulfill? What is nursing's role in society?
2. What are the most important characteristics that a nurse should have? You can add quotes when explaining this point.
3. What does being a great nurse mean? What are important values to uphold and what mistakes or weaknesses should be avoided or limited?

4. What do I want to achieve in the nursing career? What are my responsibilities and commitments to patients, families and communities?

5. Are there other things to consider? For example, relationship with colleagues, how to better oneself, etc.
Make a list, think about it, polish it up and write it in the proper format!

Quotes About Nursing Philosophy
1) “It is not how much you do but how much love you put in the doing.” Mother Teresa

2) “Nurses have come a long way in a few short decades. In the past our attention focused on physical, mental and emotional healing. Now we talk of healing your life, healing the environment and healing the planet.” Lynn Keegan

3) “The character of the nurse is as important as the knowledge she possesses.” Carolyn Jarvis

4) “Nursing encompasses an art, a humanistic orientation, a feeling for the value of the individual, and an intuitive sense of ethics, and of the appropriateness of action taken.” Myrtle Aydelotte

5) “I can do no other than to have compassion for all that is called life. That is the beginning and the foundation of all ethics.” Albert Schweitzer

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