Sunday, June 26, 2016

What Does It Feel Like to Be High?

What Does It Feel Like to Be High?

People who have never used drugs often wonder, "What does it feel like to be high?" It's an obvious question that's not easily answered. Most people use drugs to enhance their perception of reality, lower inhibitions, or for social reasons. Some people will medicate themselves to dull pain, or mitigate emotional trauma. Many others do it just for the fun of it, because they enjoy it and it makes them feel better.

So, What Does It Feel Like to Be High?
For those that have experienced being high, they often describe it as euphoric and pleasant. They tell you that it provides an out of body experience, increased alertness and energy, or even a feeling of supremacy. Physicians explain that the different feelings of being high have a lot to do with the type of drugs, and their effect on the cells within our brains.

1. High Feeling with Marijuana

When you use marijuana, you feel a euphoric sensation, time-perception anomalies, an increased appetite, and an occasional dry-mouth. It can also make you focus on the moods and be concentrated. Many people who use marijuana are looking for an enhancing experience. You will often get a new perspective on a problem, a profound thought, or a sudden burst of creativity. The measurement of time will pass more slowly, allowing more detailed reactions and observations.

2. High Feeling with Cocaine

The high associated with cocaine includes a very special intense euphoria similar to the high feeling with marijuana. It creates a rewarding feeling that makes you crave it more and more. You have the illusion of feeling better about yourself, and feel superior towards other people. Another effect from cocaine is a greater level of energy and social ability. You could become very talkative and gregarious, along with hyperactivity that makes it hard to sit still.

3. High Feeling with Ecstasy

The stimulant ecstasy (MDMA) increases the bodies' metabolism while altering your perceptions of sounds, light and colours. This mood enhancing drug also leaves you feeling euphoric and hyperactive.Shortly after ingesting ecstasy, you will begin to feel a surge of energy, followed by a hypersensitivity to sounds and lights. Any inhibitions you may have had before taking the drug will be diminished, and you'll be more open to others that you may or may not know.

4. High Feeling with Heroin

Heroine is a powerful narcotic (Opioid)that is derived from a poppy flower, which can be ingested by smoking, snorting or intravenous injection, and then absorbed into the brain quickly. You will get a rush of euphoria, accompanied by an intense feeling of happiness. Time perception is altered and the world around you seems in slow motion. You may also experience a sense of security and safety, where all of your worries become nothing. This is the reason why people live in poor and unsafe surroundings are more prone to taking heroin for relief. It slows down your heart rate and breathing while blocking out pain.

5. High Feeling with LSD

Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a hallucinogenic that will put you in a powerful altered state of reality.Images become altered and vivid, sounds become intense, and sometimes you may feel an out of body experience. The effects of LSD are unpredictable, depending on the personality of the person taking the drug:you may feel extremely euphoric, or the "trip" can be extremely frightening. Hallucinations are common as the drug affects the sensory preceptors in your brain.

Why Do Drugs Make You Feel High?
Since the answer to the question "What does it feel like to be high" has been cleared, maybe you want to know more about why these drugs give you such kinds of feelings. Generally speaking, these drugs contain some chemicals that are similar to chemicals your body has made by itself. By taking them, the way that the nerves send, receive or process information can be changes, thus making you feel totally different and be high.

For instance, marijuana and heroin have chemicals that are similar to our body chemical messengers called neurotransmitters. With these chemicals, the drugs can activate cells to send abnormal messages. Cocaine and methamphetamine can cause the receptor nerves to release abnormal amounts of neurotransmitters, thus preventing the normal recycling of these chemicals, and resulting in the failure to shut the signal off. The disruption creates an amplified "high." What's more, all drugs target the brain's reward system, producing euphoric effects.

However, when people use drugs over a long period of time, they become tolerant because the brain adapts to these chemicals, and their impact on the reward circuits is lessened.This reduces the person's ability to enjoy the euphoria they experienced at the first time. As a result, people tend to increase their consumption in order to make up the difference in order to achieve that initial "high."

Can Drugs Be Harmful?
The short answer is yes. Although people who believe illegal drugs are safe, the wondering of "What does it feel like to be high" can often cause drug abuse and lead to inherent risks. For example:

  • Marijuana and its synthetic counterpart K2/Spice could make you feel anxious and paranoid, causing you to panic. It could also lead to Mental Illness, including Schizophrenia.

  • Cocaine and methamphetamine uses increase the body's metabolism, speed up heart rate, and may cause high Blood Pressure/Heart Attacks. In extreme cases, it could also lead to death.

  • Ecstasy, MDMA/Molly and alcohol have nasty side effects when the drugs begin to wear off, including nausea and vomiting. These drugs also have an adverse effect on organs, such as the heart, kidneys or liver.

  • Heroin and Opioid are extremely addictive, sometimes after only one or two uses, you can find it is very difficult to stop using them.Overdoses can shut downbreathing,leading to unconsciousness and even death.

  • LSD and hallucinogens can alter reality by creating paranoia and schizophrenia, and these bad "trips" can lead to self-harm or suicide.

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