Sunday, June 26, 2016

What Does Meth Do to You?

What Does Meth Do to You?

Meth or methamphetamine is an attractive drug because many users say that it makes them have a sudden "rush" of pleasure. Others say it gives them with increased focus, energy, sexual prowess, confidence, and feelings of desirability. The problem is that you will require more and more to get the same high you get the first time you tried the drug. Doing this will have dire consequences – it may change your physical appearance, hurtyour body health, and affect your cognitive abilities. Keep reading to find more damages of meth.

What Does Meth Do to You?
Regular use of meth will lead to serious mental and physical complications. Some common damages are shown below.

1. Damage to Your Brain and Nervous System
Meth makes your brain release neurotransmitters when it crosses blood-brain barrier and these neurotransmitters send alert signals to the digestive system, the heart, the lungs, the kidneys, and the glands that produce different hormones. This puts your nervous system into high gear and you notice certain changes in your body such as large pupils, constriction of blood vessels underneath the skin, goose bumps, and elevated body temperature.

When this change occurs regularly, your stores of neurotransmitters will deplete and you will become more susceptible to anxiety and paranoia. Excess norepinephrine, dopamine, and lack of sleep will lead to the development of psychosis. Moreover, you are at a greater risk of Stroke because blood vessels in the brain become blocked overtime.

2. Damage to Your Teeth
Good blood circulation is important for healthy gums and teeth, but the use of meth will lead to the constriction of blood vessels that supply blood to oral tissues. Repeated use will lead to permanent damage to the vessels and tissues.Regular use of meth may lead to gum problems, Tooth Decay, tooth loss, and bone loss. Dry mouth is another common concern, which increases your risk of developing cavities and decay.

3. Damage to Your Lungs
What does meth do to your lungs? Your lungs get oxygen from the outside area and transfer it to the bloodstream. Without enough oxygen, cells in your body cannot survive. Meth can relax your air passages to increase your intake of oxygen.Regular use of meth can lead to blocked vessels in the lungs – this happens due to the materials used to cut meth. Overtime, this affects your lungs ability to take in enough oxygen.

4. Damage to Your Circulatory System
The network of arteries helps take fresh blood, nutrients, oxygen and drugs from the heart to the rest of the body. Veins take the "tired" blood after it nourishes the organs and muscles back to the heart. You experience the high when methreaches the heart through veins and is pumped to the rest of the body through arteries. The process usually takes 10-15 minutes.When it happens, your heart starts beating faster and harder. This often makes arteries and veins to become skinnier, which in turn affects the flow of blood. This can lead to several complications including Heart Attack and Hypertension.

5. Damage to Your Liver
The liver is your largest internal organ and helps eliminate toxins and drugs from your body. When you use meth, your liver tries to break it down into simpler chemicals every time your blood passes through the liver.Regular use of meth makes it difficult for the liver to eliminate overload of toxic substances, which in turn can lead to several complications including dangerous drug interactions. Your Blood Pressure may increase and the supply of oxygen to the brain may be get affected too. This leads to an increase in the body temperature, which makes you sweat profusely and increases your chances of passing out and having stroke and heart attack.

6. Damage to Your Kidneys
Along with the liver, your kidneys help filter the blood and eliminate wastes through urine. The use of meth can affect the function of your kidneys and lead to several complications.For starters, meth constricts blood vessels in your kidneys and reduces blood flow. This affects the production of urine, making the toxic substances to recycle back into your bloodstream. This causes Headaches and increases your risk of developing bladder and kidney infections.

7. Damage to Your Digestive System
What does meth do to your digestive system? The digestive system helps turn nutrients into simpler chemicals but meth slows down the process. Methcan also stop the movement of the digestive tract, leading to decreased thirst and appetite.The most common digestive issues related to meth use include cramping, Diarrhea, Constipation, dry mouth, and Dehydration. Some people may also experience Anorexia, malnutrition, and sudden Weight Loss.

8. Damage to Your Sex Life
While it is true that some people believe meth helps them prolong sex by delaying orgasm, the long-term effects can be devastating.Injecting meth to boost sexual performance may lead to infections; in fact, manybisexual or gay menwho inject meth have Aids or Hiv. Prolonged sexual activity can also damage tissues of the anus or penis, which in turn increases the risk of infections. It is also easy to become dependent and find it impossible to have sex without using meth.

9. Damage to Your Skin and Physical Appearance
Methamphetamine use can make your skin to become dry and feel itch, which causes widespread acne. Many meth users say they feel as if bugs are crawling beneath their skin, and this leads to obsessive picking and scratching.The color of your skin may turn pale because of the physical Stress caused by meth use. You are more likely to develop wrinkles earlier. The use of meth may also decrease appetite, which leads to suppressed appetite. This results in malnutrition that will make you a skeletal appearance.

Cautions for Pregnant Women
What does meth do to you when you are pregnant? It can cause serious complications, including birth deformities and premature birth. High dose of meth can increase your baby's blood pressure, which in turn increases risk of brain hemorrhages and strokes before birth. Growth and developmental delayes are also common concerns.

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