Monday, March 06, 2017

Home Remedies For Athlete’s Foot

Home Remedies For Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is a common fungal infection causing itching and burning pain on the toes. The skin on the toes and soles of the feet gets inflamed due to fungal infection causing redness and pain. The chances of spread of infection from your foot to other organs like groin and palms are high once you have athlete’s foot. Maintaining good hygiene of your feet can help in preventing athlete’s foot. It can cause symptoms of dry flaky skin on the soles of your feet and sometimes oozy blister which may spread to the sides as well. It can cause itching and pain.

Athlete’s Foot

The fungus that causes athlete’s foot is the same that causes jock’s itch. Using damp socks, tight-fitting shoes and humid condition can favor the growth of fungus. Athlete’s foot is contagious and can spread if you are walking barefooted in public areas like public bathrooms, swimming pools and saunas. Athlete’s foot is contagious fungal infection which can spread to groin and hands. Hence ensure that you are not touching it with raw fingers and wash your hands thoroughly after applying any cream or powder.

Athlete’s Foot Natural Home Remedies :

  • Baking Soda :

Prepare a paste by adding little water to 2 tsp of baking soda. Apply this paste on the affected area of your feet and leave it for a while to dry before washing. After removing excess of moisture from your feet apply little corn starch or talcum powder for complete drying. Repeat this remedy for 2-3 times a day and soon you will get relief from athlete’s foot.

  • Epsom Salt :

Soak your feet in lukewarm water mixed with 3 tsp of Epsom salt. Keep your feet soaked for 15 minutes. By repeating this procedure dry flaky skin of your feet will turn soft.

  • Tea Bags :

After using the tea bags you can add them to a cup of water and boil it for few minutes. Let the water become warm. Now soak your feet in this solution for 15 minutes. In few days you can see visible changes in your feet and there will be no itching or burning pain.

  • Yogurt :

Yogurt is very useful and it serves many purposes not only in your kitchen but also for your health. Apply yogurt generously on the affected area of your feet and leave it for few minutes to dry. Wash it with plain water. Friendly bacteria present in the yogurt are helpful in curing athlete’s foot.

  • Olive Oil :

Apply few drops of olive oil on the athlete’s foot portion each day to get quick relief from symptoms. You can add tea tree oil with olive oil to get rapid results. Olive oil is effective in softening the skin getting rid of thickened layer.

  • Aloe Vera :

Before going to bed, apply aloe Vera gel to the affected toes. Allow it to dry and cover it with socks while you sleep. Repeat this simple remedy for a week and you are sure to see the difference.

  • Calendula :

Calendula is an effective herb known for healing wounds and several skin problems. It reduces swelling and facilitates healing of athlete’s foot. Apply this cream liberally on the affected area and leave it overnight.

  • OTC Drugs :

Creams and ointments are available in the medical store for treating athlete’s foot. This includes miconazole, clotrimazole, terbinafine and tinactin all of them are used for treating fungal infections like athlete’s foot. Do not expect results in a day or two. You have to use topical medications for at least 3-4 weeks for getting result.

Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s Foot Medical Treatment :

People having immune-compromised diseases like Diabetes or Arthritis can develop severe fungal infection. This can become chronic if not treated in time. It is necessary for them to consult their GP and take antifungal medications and topical creams as prescribed. Athlete’s foot can develop into blisters if not treated promptly.

Tips To Prevent Athlete’s Foot :

  • Keep your feet dry. After taking bath you can dry them thoroughly before wearing any socks.

  • Change your socks daily since it is the ideal place with plenty of moisture for the fungus to hanGout.

  • Choose the right fitting shoes that give space for breathing. Avoid using plastic or rubber shoes.

  • Have at least two pair of shoes so that you can give sufficient time for it to dry.

  • Use some disinfectant sprays on the inside of your shoes after removing them.

  • Remember to wear slippers when you are walking in public places like locker rooms or swimming pools.

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