Thursday, May 31, 2018

Mild Eczema – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Eczema is also called dermatitis or common skin inflammation. It is otherwise called atopic dermatitis which is commonly seen in many people. Eczema is largely found in infants and children and sometimes on adults. People with eczema will extensively have family history of the disease or other allergic reactions like Asthma or hay Fever. However it is not contagious.

Causes :

The exact cause of eczema is still unknown. It may be caused by weakened immunity level or other environmental factors that trigger skin infection. Sometimes changing soaps and cosmetic items with harsh chemicals can cause this reaction. Working in extreme weather, changes in sudden temperatures, heightened emotions may also cause eczema. People who have a family history of eczema or other allergic diseases are more prone to skin Allergy than others.

Symptoms :

The affected area of the skin becomes red, itchy, and dry. It may cause blisters or lumps on the skin oozing out fluid from the surface. Sometimes due to repeated scratching of the skin, it may become totally dry and crusty. Very often, these patches are seen on the face, neck and knees and in infants they are largely seen on forehead and cheeks and on scalp.

Diagnoses :

Your doctor will physically examine the body looking for changes in your skin. He may ask you about family history and working environment. Very rarely, skin biopsy (cutting out sample of the skin portion) is done for confirming the disease. There is no laboratory test for diagnoses of eczema.

Treatment :

The treatment is given for curing the symptoms and prevents worsening of the skin inflammation. The affected person has to undergo lifestyle changes and dietary changes apart from taking medicines. Self care at home: Apply skin creams to keep the skin hydrated. Do not over-wash the area which will worsen the dryness. Apply petroleum jelly or creams and give warm or cold compressions on the skin.

Doctors would prescribe corticosteroid lotion for reducing the inflammation, depending on the intensity of infection. In case of severe itching, antihistamines can be taken. You can also take Benedryl or hydroxyzine for controlling itching. Alternatively, oral corticosteroids in the form of prednisone can be taken. For some cases, doctors suggest immunosuppressant drugs like Neoral or methotrexate if other medicines are not responding. In rare cases, phototherapy is given.

Pictures of Mild Eczema :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Mild Eczema

Mild Eczema Mild Eczema Mild Eczema Mild Eczema Mild Eczema Mild Eczema Mild Eczema
Prevention :

Avoid direct sunlight or over exposure of skin. Do not change soaps and cosmetics frequently. Apply moisturizing creams or sunscreen when you need to go out. Take bath only in warm water and not hot water. Avoid foods that are allergic to you and practice meditation to control Stress.

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