Monday, September 24, 2018

11 Natural Home Remedies For Acne

Many youngsters, particularly young girls are concerned about acne. Of course, boys do get them at puberty, but it creates a great deal of Stress in girls. Acne is a chronic, inflammatory condition. The worse thing about acne is that it creates pimples and spots, particularly on the face. Of course, it creates spots in other areas of the body like upper arms, chest, neck, back and shoulders. But, the acne that occurs on the face creates distress.

Quick Facts About Acne

  • It is the skin disease that involves the oil glands at the root of the hair follicles
  • It affects three in every 4 individuals in the age group of 11 and 30 years
  • It is not life-threatening, but it can cause unpleasant scars
  • The treatment for acne should rely on its severity and persistence
  • The risk factors for acne include squeezing pimples and oil-based makeup. Those living in humid and hot climates are prone. Further, stress, Anxiety and menstrual cycle in women are also factors. Even, genetics cause acne in boys and girls.

What Causes Acne?

Experts are of the opinion that acne is caused by five main factors. They are

  • Excess activity of androgen hormones
  • Bacteria
  • Hair follicles that are clogged by oil
  • Dead skin cells and
  • Excess oil production

Factors Worsening Acne

Experts are of the opinion that certain factors can actually worsen acne. They are listed below.

  • Hormones – In boys and girls in their puberty, there will be naturally an increase in the androgen levels. They cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge. In turn, it will make more sebum. Further, hormonal changes happening during pregnancy is a factor. Even taking oral contraceptives can affect the production of sebum.
  • Certain Medications – Examples of medicines leading to acne are lithium, testosterone and corticosteroids.
  • Diet – Experts are of the opinion that certain dietary factors like foods rich in carbohydrates can worsen acne. Even, chocolate is known to worsen the skin issue.
  • Stress – Stress is yet another factor that can worsen the acne.
  • Read more on Cystic acne

    Home Remedies For Acne

    As you look for safe home remedies to bring down the acne, here are some remedies to try.

    1. Try Honey and Cinnamon MaskHoney and cinnamon are known for the antioxidant properties. Also, their anti-bacterial properties make them the best friends for individuals with acne.


    • Cinnamon powder – 1 teaspoon
    • Honey – 2 tablespoons
    • Water small quantity (if required)
    How To Prepare The Mask?

    • Take the cinnamon powder in a bowl
    • Add the honey to the powder and mix well until you get a fine paste
    • Do you find that it is not turning into a consistency that you can easily apply? Then, add a little water to get the paste-like consistency
    • Apply this paste as a face mask
    • Before applying, clean your face completely. After applying, leave the mask for about 10-15 minutes
    • Rinse off the mask and pat dry your face completely.
    Alternative Method

    • You can also use cinnamon extract by bringing cinnamon sticks to boil
    • Filter out the sticks and take the water
    • Add some honey to the water and wash off your face with this water.
    How Does It Work?

    Honey and cinnamon have the ability to fight off the bacteria. Even, they will help with reducing inflammation. These two factors contribute to treat acne and you will get the best acne relief with this remedy.

    2. Green TeaGreen tea is yet another home remedy that can do effective wonders against acne.

    How To Use?

    • Bring a cup of water to boil and add the green tea leaves to the boiling water
    • Switch off the heat and let the leaves sit in the water for some time
    • Finally, filter out the green tea leaves once the water reaches the room temperature
    • Now, use the green tea leaves extract as a face wash
    • You can wash your face twice with green tea extract in a day.
    Alternative Method

    Alternatively, you can take green tea bags and place them on the acne then and there.

    How Does It Work?

    Green tea is a popular anti-oxidant. Further, it is also known for its antimicrobial action to fight acne-causing bacteria.

    3. Yogurt MaskAs you know, yogurt contains friendly bacteria. So, it can effectively fight the acne-causing bacteria.


    • Yogurt – One Tablespoon
    • Raw Honey – One Tablespoon
    How To Prepare?

    • Mix the yogurt and honey to make a paste
    • Apply this paste like a mask. Make sure to pay special attention to jawline, hairline and other acne-prone areas
    • Let it stay for around 10 minutes and relax at this time
    • Finally, wipe off the mask with a damp cloth.
    Alternative Method

    In the place of honey, you can also use the lemon extract as well. Lemon has effective properties to fight acne.

    How Does It Work?

    Yogurt consumption is also good and the same thing applies to using it as a face mask. It contains lactic acid. This property of yogurt makes it the effective remedy to kill acne. Further, it will help with maintaining the right pH balance. In turn, it will prevent acne breakouts.

    4. Lemon JuiceLemon, as you know, is rich in citric acid. Further, its richness in vitamin C makes it the ideal choice against acne.

    How To Use?

    • You can use lemon as a drink. Squeeze half a sLice of lemon in a glass and add lukewarm water to it
    • Consume this drink daily before breakfast.
    Alternative Usage

    Alternatively, you can use lemon for topical application. Just squeeze half a slice of lemon in a bowl. Add water to dilute it. Take a cotton ball and apply it gently over the acne.

    How Does It Work?

    In addition to citric acid, lemon is also low in pH level. So, it is a natural anti-bacterial agent. When you take it for internal consumption, it will help with getting rid of toxins from your body. When you apply it topically, it will act as a peel. In turn, it will help you get rid of whiteheads, blackheads and other blemishes.

    5. Tea Tree OilThere is yet another home remedy with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial property. It is nothing but tea tree oil.

    How To Use?

    • The first thing you will have to do before using tea tree oil directly is to dilute it.
    • For diluting tea tree oil, you need carrier oil.
    • Mix these two oils. You can add the combined oil to essential oils, gels and creams that you use to apply on the acne for relief.
    Alternative Method

    If you do not use any form of cream or gel for acne treatment, you can just apply the diluted tea tree oil on the acne. It will bring the best relief.

    How Does It Work?

    Due to its anti-inflammatory property, it will reduce the redness and swelling. In turn, the acne will heal on its own. Further, the anti-bacterial action will kill the Propionibacterium acnes bacteria that cause acne.

    6. Turmeric MaskYou might have heard about the anti-inflammatory property of turmeric. So, it will help with acne relief at home.


    • Turmeric powder – A tablespoon
    • Honey – A tablespoon
    How To Use?

    • Bring the honey and turmeric powder together
    • Mix them to form a paste
    • Apply this paste on a wet skin
    • Keep the applied paste for about 5 minutes.
    Alternative Method

    As against honey, you can also use lemon extract along with turmeric. The turmeric-lemon mask will also do wonders against acne.

    How Does Turmeric Work?

    Turmeric reduces the inflammation and pain caused by acne. Honey will attack the bacteria that cause acne. So, they both work together to bring down the size of the blemish.

    7. Tomatoes For Acne ReliefTomatoes are excellent antioxidants. Further, they are rich in vitamins, thereby addressing acne.

    How To Use?

    • Slice a small tomato into two halves
    • Take one half of the tomato and rub it over the acne for some time
    • Then, rinse off your face with warm water
    • You can use this remedy two times a day for the best results.
    Alternative Method

    You can also prepare a face mask by beating the tomato in a mixer jar. You can apply this mask for some time and can wash your face with warm water.

    How Does It Work?

    The tomato is known for its antioxidant property. Also, it is rich in vitamin A and C. It also has the ability to tighten the pores in the skin and it can shrink pimples effectively.

    8. Epsom SaltIf you have a normal skin, combination skin or oily skin, you can use Epsom salt for acne relief.

    How To Use?

    • Add some Epsom salt to a cup of water, mix it well
    • Dip a cotton ball into the Epsom salt water
    • Dab it on the affected areas. Leave for a couple of minutes
    • Wash off the face
    • Do this for once or twice a day.
    Alternative Method

    Alternatively, you can also use the Epsom salt water for washing your face twice a day.

    How Does It Work?

    Epsom salt can cleanse the skin by exfoliating the dead skin cells. It can also kill the bacteria. Further, it balances the pH levels. Remember that Epsom salt can dehydrate the skin. So, you should use a moisturizer on the day you use Epsom salt.

    9. GarlicThe bacterium that invades your skin is one of the common contributors to acne. You can use garlic for acne relief.

    How To Use?

    • Slice a garlic clove into two halves
    • You can rub the garlic and its juice directly to the acne and pimples
    • Leave it for about five minutes
    • Wash off the skin with lukewarm water
    • You can repeat the process if your skin does not show any signs of sensitivity to garlic.
    Alternative Method

    You can alternatively, beat fresh garlic cloves using little water in a mixer jar. Grind it to make it like a paste. Apply it for some time and wash it away with lukewarm water.

    How Does It Work?

    Garlic is known for its antiseptic properties. So, it will fight off the bacteria. Further, it has natural components like Sulfur that can help with quickly healing acne.

    10. Baking Soda MaskBaking soda has the ability to exfoliate the skin. So, it will bring an excellent relief to acne.


    • Baking soda – 2 Tablespoons
    • Cinnamon Powder – 1 teaspoon
    • Lemon extract – From half a slice of lemon
    • Honey – 5 tablespoons
    How To Use?

    • Take 2 tbsp of Baking soda, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon Powder, lemon extract from half a slice of lemon, 5 tbsp Honey
    • Make a paste by mixing all the ingredients
    • Apply it on the acne-prone areas and wash off after 5 minutes.
    Alternative Method

    Alternatively, you can use baking soda alone and can make it a paste. You can do this by adding some water. Just apply it for five minutes and wash off.

    How Does It Work?

    Baking soda has the ability to exfoliate the skin. In turn, it gets rid of dead skin and unplugs the pores. Further, it has the ability to regulate the pH balance. Further, it has mild antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. For all these reasons, it is one of the best home remedies for acne relief.

    11. PapayaYou might have seen that many beauty products have papaya as an ingredient. It has the ability to get rid of dead skin cells effectively.

    How To Use?

    • Take a fresh papaya and cut some pieces
    • If you take fruit, you can easily mash it with your hand
    • Otherwise, use a blender and make it a paste by adding some water
    • Apply the paste and leave it for about 15-20 minutes
    • Rinse off completely with warm water.
    How Does It Work?

    Papaya has an enzyme called papain. It will help with bringing down inflammation. It will remove dead skin cells and excess lipids from the surface of your skin.

    Home Remedies For Acne


    If you are prone to acne, it is better to keep away from oily foods and other triggers. You can rely on the remedies mentioned above to treat and even to prevent acne.

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