Showing posts with label Allergies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Allergies. Show all posts

Saturday, June 04, 2016

Can Allergies Cause a Fever?

Can Allergies Cause a Fever?

Regardless of the season, you can have allergic reactions to various things. Allergic reaction occurs when the immune system reacts negatively towards a foreign substance that does not cause a reaction in other people, such as a bee sting, pet fur and pollen grains. During such a reaction, the immune system will produce antibodies to fight against the foreign substances, which are basically harmless to the body. An allergic reaction can manifest in various ways, including inflammation of the digestive system, sinuses or the skin.

Can Allergies Cause a Fever?

Allergic reactions cannot lead to a fever.

The misconception of allergies causing fever may be because some of the symptoms associated with allergic reactions are similar to those of some viral respiratory infections. Such symptoms include Nasal Congestion, cough, watery eyes and runny nose.

When such symptoms manifest, many tend to think that it is an allergic reaction while, in fact, it is a viral infection in the upper respiratory tract.Under normal circumstances, a viral respiratory infection does not require any treatment as it heals on its own within a few days.

However, if the fever persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, it is advisable that you see a physician. Additionally, you may also need to keep a log of youractual temperatures. The doctor will use such information to rule out any other underlying medical condition and prescribe the appropriate cure.

How to Tell the Difference Between Colds and Allergies
Now that the question, can allergies cause a fever, has been addressed, you must now be wondering on how you can differentiate a cold from allergic reactions. While colds and allergic reactions tend to have similar symptoms, there is a slight difference between the two. The main differences between colds and allergic reactions have been summarized in the table below.


Allergic Reaction



While some allergies are seasonal, allergic reaction can occur any time of the year.

Colds are more prevalent in Winter as compared to other seasons.


Symptoms of an allergic reaction will last for as long as the patient is exposed to the allergen.

Symptoms of colds last three to 14 days.

Manifestation of symptoms

Symptoms may manifests immediately after exposure to the allergen.

Symptoms will take time to appear, after infection.


Allergic Reaction




In some cases










Sore Throat



Watery and itchy eyes



Stuffy or runny nose



Symptoms You May Have If You're Allergic
Can allergies cause a fever? Knowing these symptoms would surely help to answer the question. Depending on the allergen that is causing the reaction, allergic reactions have varying signs and symptoms. Additionally, the symptoms of this reaction may manifest in different body organs, such as the sinuses, nasal passages, digestive system, skin and the airways. Under different circumstances, allergic reactions will have varying levels of severity, ranging from mild to severe. The following are some of the symptoms of allergic reactions, depending on the causal allergen:

Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis)

  • Runny and stuffy nose

  • Sneezing

  • Swollen, red and watery eyes (conjunctivitis)

  • Itching sensation in the eyes, roof of the mouth and the nose.

Insect Sting

  • Anaphylaxis

  • Chest tightness, cough, shortness of breath and a wheezing sound when breathing

  • Edema – a large patch of swollen skin on the sting point

  • HIVes or a itching sensation all over the body

Allergic Reaction to Food

  • Tingling in the mouth

  • Hives

  • Anaphylaxis

  • Swelling of the lips, throat, face and tongue

Allergic Reactions to a Drug

  • An itchy sensation on the skin

  • Hives

  • Swelling of the face

  • Rashes

  • Anaphylaxis

  • Wheezing

Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)

  • Redden

  • Peel or flake

  • Itching

Treatment for Allergies
With the answer to "Can allergies cause a fever?" being a no, you should also know the proper treatment for allergies symptoms. There are various treatment options that may be used to treat allergic reactions, some of which are mentioned below:

1. Staying Away From the Allergen
As long as you are in contact with the allergen, your body will continue to manifest symptoms of an allergic reaction. With the help of your doctor, you should identify the allergen that is causing a reaction in your body, hence stay away from it. This is the initial step in curing the symptoms and preventing their recurrence.

2. Immunotherapy
When other remedies fail, your doctor may recommend immunotherapy to combat allergic reactions. This is particularly the case with severe allergic reactions. The therapy may involve injection of a purified form of the allergen over a span of time, usually a couple of years. Alternatively, allergen immunotherapy may be administered in the form of a tablet, which is placed beneath the tongue and allowed to dissolve. In other cases, sublingual drugs may be used to remedy pollen-related allergies.

3. Medications to Combat Symptoms
Depending on the causal agent, there are various medications that may be administered to alleviate symptoms of the allergic reaction. In this case, you may use either prescription drugs or over the counter drugs in the form of eye drops, oral medications or nasal sprays.

4. Emergency Epinephrine
If your allergic reactions to a certain allergen are always severe, the doctor may give you an emergency epinephrine shot to be carrying along with you every time. The shot should be administered the moment you are exposed to the allergen. The shot is meant to ease the symptoms until you get to the hospital for emergency treatment.