Showing posts with label Nasal Congestion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nasal Congestion. Show all posts

Monday, March 06, 2017

Nasal Blockage (Nasal Congestion) In Infants and Children – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Nasal Blockage (Nasal Congestion) In Infants and Children – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Blocked nose is one of the common challenges during infancy and childhood. It can be due to Allergy or infection or enlargement of adenoid glands. Stuffy nose occurs not due to the formation of thickened Mucus but due to the inflammation/swelling of lining of nasal membranes. The blood vessels of the nasal lining get inflamed due to infection or allergy and block the passage of mucus. This causes nasal congestion.

Functions Of Nose :

Nose is equipped with two openings called nostrils and a septum lying between them. Number of small pockets is present inside your face known as sinus cavities. Nose is responsible not only for smelling but it also does the function of tasting and breathing. Nose contains plenty of small hairs which act as a defense system purifying the air that we inhale. As the air passes through the nose, it enters the olfactory system which in turn sends signals to the brain to identify the smell and taste.

Mucus is basically made of water and protein particles and some salts and in normal condition it is clear. But the mucus changes its texture and color during an infection. The color of the mucus changes to green or yellow or brown during an infection. Defense mechanism of the body produces a chemical to fight the pathogens causing change in color of mucus.

Air contains plenty of dust, pollens, spores, chemical fumes, pollutants and germs. Nose actually filters the air before sending it to the lungs. Impurities are expelled by the body in the form of Sneezing and coughing. In case the impure air accidentally enters the lungs the body’s immune system releases “histamine” which increases blood flow to the nasal tissues. Because of swelling normal mucus flow is interrupted causing nasal congestion. Nasal blockage is a symptom and is not a disease. However babies can get affected largely due to nasal congestion. It can cause breathing difficulties and reduced feeding.

Nasal Congestion

Nasal Congestion Symptoms :

The child or infant having nasal congestion would have difficulty in breathing. He may not be able to feed well. He may breathe noisily. He may not be able to cry loudly if his voice his affected. It can cause nasal discharge (clear or thick). The baby may cough occasionally (if the cold is mild) and repeatedly (if the infection is severe). He may not be comfortable and can show irritant behavior. He may not get quality sleep which makes him tired. Keeping him in upright position can improve breathing and the symptoms get worse when lying down. Other symptoms of nasal blockage include coughing, wheezing and watery eyes.

Causes Of Nasal Congestion :

  • A number of factors can cause nasal blockage in infants which include dryness of air, pollutants, allergens, irritants, smoke (of any kind) and spores. These are external factors that cause nasal block.

  • Some other causes of nasal congestion are enlarged adenoids, cold and infection. Infection (bacterial or viral) can occur due to weak immunity of infants.

  • Some babies may have restricted nasal passage by birth.

  • Presence of foreign particles in the nose and excess usage of nasal sprays can also trigger nasal congestion.

Some of the Nasal Congestion causes are explained here in detail :

Dry Air – If the air contains low water vapor molecules and if there is low relative humidity level, this condition is described as dry air. Dry air can cause problems in newborns since they have tiny nasal passage depleting the nasal secretion leading to noisy breathing and nasal congestion.

Irritants – Many things like dust, smoke and wind come under this category. Sometimes even milk can enter the nostrils of the infant causing nasal blockage. The baby would start breathing noisily and indulge in sneezing. It can cause clear nasal discharge.

ColdCommon cold is the major cause of nasal blockage in babies. The immune system of infants is weak and susceptible to infection. Colds can be contacted easily from other members of the family and from day care centers.

Allergies – Allergy caused by dust and pollen can cause block in nostrils. Hay fever and grass fever occur due to allergies. Allergic Rhinitis occurs commonly in spring and also in summer months on exposure to mould and house dust.

Birth Defects – Some babies are born with cleft palate or deviated septum can cause nasal blockage. In severe cases surgical repair is necessary to prevent frequent nasal congestion and to overcome feeding difficulty.

Enlarged Adenoids – Adenoids are pair of tissues present near the entrance point of nasal passage. Adenoids cannot be seen like tonsils since they are found behind the nose. Both tonsils and adenoids are responsible for fighting infections by filtering the micro-organisms. Adenoid tissue grows large in size between 0-4 years and subsequently gets back to normal size. But some babies have inherent defects with large adenoids which have to be corrected surgically. Enlarged adenoids can interrupt normal mucus flow and block the passage completely. In rare cases babies can put small objects like beads, foam rubber and tiny toys into the mouth or even nose causing nasal block. Using nasal sprays more frequently can cause swelling of nasal membranes blocking the passage.

Tests :

No separate tests are needed to detect nasal congestion. Your doctor would examine the child closely paying more attention to nasal area.

Nasal Congestion

Treatment :

Mild form of nasal congestion would clear on its own without wanting any medication or treatment. Body’s immune system would swing into action to release necessary chemicals to fight off the infection/cold and clearing the nasal blockage. If the symptoms are moderate or severe you need to consult your doctor without delay. He/she would identify the root cause of nasal blockage before attempting to treat it.

Saline Sprays :

  • You can use saline nasal drops to add mucus to the baby’s nasal passage, if they are dried out. Dry air affects infants more than adults since they have tiny nostrils causing difficulty in breathing. Saline spray often contains 0.9% of sodium chloride dissolved in water which helps in clearing off the nasal block caused by irritants.

  • Nasal block caused by irritants, allergies and dry air can easily get resolved with saline nasal sprays or drops.

  • Chest rubs can provide comfort to the babies if it contains eucalyptus oil.

  • Babies cannot blow their nose and hence nasal aspirators can be used for removing the mucus. You can add 2-3 drops of saline spray into the nostrils if the mucus is thicker and sticky.

  • Dry air in the room can be changed by adding vaporizers or by using humidifiers.

  • Nasal congestion caused by other causes requires prescription medication and nasal aspirator. If infection is causing the problem your doctor may prescribe mild antibiotic nasal drops or oral drops for your baby depending on his health.

Nasal Congestion Home Remedies :

  • You can place a sLiced onion next to the baby’s cradle to add more humidity in the room thus clearing off the dryness in air.

  • Hot Vapor : Stuffy nose of your infant can get resolved by holding your baby in a steamed bathroom for few seconds.

  • Dip a cotton swab in warm water and gently rub the nose of your child to remove sticky mucus.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Nasal Congestion

Nasal Congestion

Nasal congestion (also known as stuffy nose) is a condition in which the nasal tissues become swollen and gets accumulated with excess of fluid. It would cause stuffy feeling for the person and there will be nasal discharge of mucus causing “runny nose”. Nasal congestion occurs commonly in children and even for grownups. It can cause complications in infants which cannot breathe properly and may have difficulty in feeding due to nasal congestion.

Causes :

Number of factors cause nasal congestion. Anything that cause irritation on the nasal tissues can cause congestion on your nose. Ranging from Common Cold to severe forms of allergies and Sinusitis many factors can cause nasal congestion. Acute sinusitis, chronic sinusitis, common cold, cluster Headache, exposure to cold temperature, Allergy of many kinds, drug addiction, over-usage of nasal spray, enlarged adenoids, hay fever and presence of foreign particles in the nose can cause nasal congestion.

Dry air, dust allergy, food allergy (allergy caused by many food items), hormonal changes, flu, harsh perfumes, Asthma, Nasal Polyps, stress, thyroid problem, hormonal changes, and tobacco smoke can also cause nasal congestion. The underlying tissues of the nose become swollen during nasal congestion in most of the cases. But for some it can occur due to blockage caused by thick mucus.

Symptoms :

Infants can have feeding problems when their nose gets blocked due to congestion. It can cause complications and serious breathing problems in infants. Children will have difficulty in breathing and swallowing due to congestion. In older adults nasal congestion causes discomfort and annoyance. For some people it will affect the ears causing hearing problem and can also interfere with speech. It can affect their quality sleep also. Very often, nasal congestion causes thick mucus running from your nose.

Tests :

It is easy to identify stuffy nose or nasal congestion by checking for the above symptoms. Your doctor may if so desire, order for sputum culture, blood culture for checking CBC, X-ray of the chest and serum total. He may request for any other allergy tests if the nasal congestion does not respond to the treatment.

Treatment :

Plenty of over the counter syrup are available for getting relief from stuffy nose and nasal congestion. The main purpose of treatment should be to make breathing comfortable and reduce the symptoms of runny nose. Decongestants can be used for getting temporary relief from stuffiness but it may shrink the inner lining of blood vessels of your nose. You can try these drops and nasal spray for 2-3 days before visiting your doctor. Antihistamines are largely used for reducing the mucus secreted from your nose. But it can make you drowsy and hence you should avoid driving your vehicle in case you are taking antihistamines.

Medications obtained over the counter will not always treat the underlying condition but will provide relief from nasal congestion. Check for the ingredients overleaf before you make a deal in the store. You can use gentle nasal spray for clearing the mucus. Drink plenty of fluids preferably hot water or tea. Humidifier can be used to increase the humidity of the room you sleep. Home remedies like drinking hot water can clear the mucus very well and provide relief from Sore Throat also. You can also inhale steam vapor to get immediate relief from nasal congestion. The condition can become worse when you lie down and hence keep your head in elevated position even while you are sleeping.

For infants who cannot blow their nose you can gently apply saline drops on the nostril. You have to be very careful when handling infants and young children. Aspirator can be used for clearing the mucus from the infant’s nose. You can consult your pediatrician if you are unsure of applying nasal drops to the infants. Always keep the head in raised position if your child gets nasal congestion which will make them to breathe comfortably. Infants should be kept well hydrated to prevent dehydration.

Nasal Congestion

Nasal Congestion

What is Nasal Congestion?

Nasal congestion also referred to a “stuffy nose” develops when nasal blood vessels and tissues swell with surplus fluid, causing a “stuffed up” feeling. This congestion can be triggered by Influenza, a cold, allergies to items such as pollen, pet dander, dust or as a reaction to many irritants for instance cigarette smoke. Many individuals have a chronic nasal congestion for no obvious reason. This is a condition referred to as “non-allergic Rhinitis”. Congestion of the nasal passages can also be linked to nasal discharge or basically a “runny nose”.


This type of congestion normally is only an aggravation for adults and older children. But congestion in infants is very serious because it disrupts nursing and breathing.

Nasal Congestion Symptoms

Symptoms and signs of nasal congestion include:

  • Swollen nasal membrane lining

  • Inflamed nasal blood vessels

  • Excessive mucus

  • Interference with ears, hearing and speech

  • Interference with sleep

  • Snoring

  • Sleep apnea

  • Enlarged adenoids

  • Insufficient levels of oxygen

  • Right side heart failure

  • Mild head and facial pain

  • Green or yellow nasal discharge

  • Cough from drainage in back of throat especially at night

Nasal Congestion Causes

Possible causes of nasal congestion can include:

  • Lights that are bright

  • Acute Sinusitis

  • Bronchiolitis

  • Chronic sinusitis

  • Chickenpox

  • Temperatures that are cold

  • Overuse of decongestant nasal sprays

  • Common cold

  • Septum that is deviated

  • Addiction to some drug

  • Air that is dry

  • Allergy to Dust Mites

  • Foreign body in nose

  • Food allergies

  • Hay fever

  • Changes in hormones

  • Flu

  • Allergy to latex

  • Medications

  • Allergy to milk

  • Allergy to mold

  • Nasal polyps

  • Allergy to peanuts

  • Allergy to pet dander

  • Allergy to shellfish

  • Foods that are spicy

  • Swollen lymph nodes

  • Thyroid problems

  • Stress

  • Tobacco smoke

Nasal Congestion Treatment

For adults and older children the treatment of nasal congestion can include:

  • Over-the-counter medicines

  • Decongestants to shrink the nasal blood vessels

  • Nasal drops or sprays

  • Antihistamines to reduce mucus

Medications are not the only method to treat nasal congestion. Below are measures to thin the mucus and nasal secretions:

  • Use of saline nasal spray

  • Increase humidity in the room with humidifier or vaporizer

  • Drink more fluids including hot tea, chicken soup or broth

  • Keep head elevated

  • Adhesive nasal strips to widen the nostrils

For younger children and infants, treatment can include:

  • Saline nasal drops

  • Use of nasal bulb to remove mucus

  • Raising the head of the child’s bed

  • Drink lots of fluids

  • Cool-mist vaporizer for the room

  • Steam in the bathroom shower

Nasal sprays, cough and cold medications are not recommended for children under the age of 2.
Your primary care physician needs to be called if your child or you experience:

You're reading Nasal Congestion posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

  • Stuffy nose with swollen eyes, cheek, side of the face or forehead

  • Stuffy nose with vision that is blurred

  • Pain in the throat or yellow or white spots on tonsils or areas of the throat

  • Cough lasting longer than 10 days

  • Cough that involves gray or green-yellow mucus

  • Nasal congestion lasting longer than two weeks or that interferes significantly with daily activities

Nasal Congestion Home Remedies

There are plenty of plant or herbal remedies that help with congestion of the nasal passages. Listed are several recipes that have worked great for other people:

Garlic Juice

Get fresh garlic bulbs and take about 4 cloves peeling off the papery covering and cut into small pieces. Get a full cup of water. Boil the pieces of garlic with the water for approximately 5 to 10 minutes. After this juice cools down, drink it. Do this daily for nasal congestion. If you do not like the smell or taste of garlic afterwards, drink some tea mixed with slices of ginger.

Tomato juice

Add 1 cup of tomato juice with 1 teaspoon of chopped fresh garlic, ½ teaspoon of hot sauce, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and a pinch or 2 of celery salt. Heat all the ingredients and drink hot.

Other home remedies include consuming pungent or spicy foods. Chicken soup with heavy doses of black pepper seems to work well as do some ethnic foods known for being spicy. Many individuals get relief after eating spicy Indian, Mexican or Chinese dishes that have hot peppers in them.

Nasal Congestion During Pregnancy

Women when pregnant often have problems with nasal congestion because of the increased flow of blood thru the body. A clogged nose can lead to problems breathing, speaking, hearing and interferes with the pregnant woman’s sleep routine.

Getting plenty of rest and sleep is important while pregnant and many women have found relief or reduction in nasal congestion by sleeping on one side or with the head elevated. Other suggestions include:

  • Saline nasal drops

  • Wet, warm towel against the face

  • Inhaling steam

  • Increasing humidity in the air with humidifier or vaporizer

  • Drinking lots of fresh fruit juices and water

  • Hot tea, broth or soup helps in thinning mucus

  • Add onion or garlic to regular meals

  • Foods rich in vitamin A for instants mangoes, leafy vegetables, papayas, tomatoes, carrots, eggs, and yogurt help to prevent infections

  • Vitamin C helps form healthy epithelium tissues

Nasal Congestion

Nasal Congestion

What is Nasal Congestion?

Nasal congestion also referred to a “stuffy nose” develops when nasal blood vessels and tissues swell with surplus fluid, causing a “stuffed up” feeling. This congestion can be triggered by Influenza, a cold, allergies to items such as pollen, pet dander, dust or as a reaction to many irritants for instance cigarette smoke. Many individuals have a chronic nasal congestion for no obvious reason. This is a condition referred to as “non-allergic Rhinitis”. Congestion of the nasal passages can also be linked to nasal discharge or basically a “runny nose”.

This type of congestion normally is only an aggravation for adults and older children. But congestion in infants is very serious because it disrupts nursing and breathing.

Nasal Congestion Symptoms

Symptoms and signs of nasal congestion include:

  • Swollen nasal membrane lining

  • Inflamed nasal blood vessels

  • Excessive mucus

  • Interference with ears, hearing and speech

  • Interference with sleep

  • Snoring

  • Sleep apnea

  • Enlarged adenoids

  • Insufficient levels of oxygen

  • Right side heart failure

  • Mild head and facial pain

  • Green or yellow nasal discharge

  • Cough from drainage in back of throat especially at night

Nasal Congestion Causes

Possible causes of nasal congestion can include:

  • Lights that are bright

  • Acute Sinusitis

  • Bronchiolitis

  • Chronic sinusitis

  • Chickenpox

  • Temperatures that are cold

  • Overuse of decongestant nasal sprays

  • Common Cold

  • Septum that is deviated

  • Addiction to some drug

  • Air that is dry

  • Allergy to Dust Mites

  • Foreign body in nose

  • Food allergies

  • Hay fever

  • Changes in hormones

  • Flu

  • Allergy to latex

  • Medications

  • Allergy to milk

  • Allergy to mold

  • Nasal Polyps

  • Allergy to peanuts

  • Allergy to pet dander

  • Allergy to shellfish

  • Foods that are spicy

  • Swollen Lymph Nodes

  • Thyroid problems

  • Stress

  • Tobacco smoke

Nasal Congestion Treatment

For adults and older children the treatment of nasal congestion can include:

  • Over-the-counter medicines

  • Decongestants to shrink the nasal blood vessels

  • Nasal drops or sprays

  • Antihistamines to reduce mucus

Medications are not the only method to treat nasal congestion. Below are measures to thin the mucus and nasal secretions:

  • Use of saline nasal spray

  • Increase humidity in the room with humidifier or vaporizer

  • Drink more fluids including hot tea, chicken soup or broth

  • Keep head elevated

  • Adhesive nasal strips to widen the nostrils

For younger children and infants, treatment can include:

  • Saline nasal drops

  • Use of nasal bulb to remove mucus

  • Raising the head of the child’s bed

  • Drink lots of fluids

  • Cool-mist vaporizer for the room

  • Steam in the bathroom shower

Nasal sprays, cough and cold medications are not recommended for children under the age of 2.
Your primary care physician needs to be called if your child or you experience:

You're reading Nasal Congestion posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

  • Stuffy nose with swollen eyes, cheek, side of the face or forehead

  • Stuffy nose with vision that is blurred

  • Pain in the throat or yellow or white spots on tonsils or areas of the throat

  • Cough lasting longer than 10 days

  • Cough that involves gray or green-yellow mucus

  • Nasal congestion lasting longer than two weeks or that interferes significantly with daily activities

Nasal Congestion Home Remedies

There are plenty of plant or herbal remedies that help with congestion of the nasal passages. Listed are several recipes that have worked great for other people:

Garlic Juice

Get fresh garlic bulbs and take about 4 cloves peeling off the papery covering and cut into small pieces. Get a full cup of water. Boil the pieces of garlic with the water for approximately 5 to 10 minutes. After this juice cools down, drink it. Do this daily for nasal congestion. If you do not like the smell or taste of garlic afterwards, drink some tea mixed with slices of ginger.

Tomato juice

Add 1 cup of tomato juice with 1 teaspoon of chopped fresh garlic, ½ teaspoon of hot sauce, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and a pinch or 2 of celery salt. Heat all the ingredients and drink hot.

Other home remedies include consuming pungent or spicy foods. Chicken soup with heavy doses of black pepper seems to work well as do some ethnic foods known for being spicy. Many individuals get relief after eating spicy Indian, Mexican or Chinese dishes that have hot peppers in them.

Nasal Congestion During Pregnancy

Women when pregnant often have problems with nasal congestion because of the increased flow of blood thru the body. A clogged nose can lead to problems breathing, speaking, hearing and interferes with the pregnant woman’s sleep routine.

Getting plenty of rest and sleep is important while pregnant and many women have found relief or reduction in nasal congestion by sleeping on one side or with the head elevated. Other suggestions include:

  • Saline nasal drops

  • Wet, warm towel against the face

  • Inhaling steam

  • Increasing humidity in the air with humidifier or vaporizer

  • Drinking lots of fresh fruit juices and water

  • Hot tea, broth or soup helps in thinning mucus

  • Add onion or garlic to regular meals

  • Foods rich in vitamin A for instants mangoes, leafy vegetables, papayas, tomatoes, carrots, eggs, and yogurt help to prevent infections

  • Vitamin C helps form healthy epithelium tissues