Showing posts with label Back Shoulder Pain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Back Shoulder Pain. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Back Shoulder Pain

Back Shoulder Pain

Among all joints of the body, shoulder joint is largely complicated. It has the shape of ball and socket and it involves various kinds of movement. Hence the shoulder joint is more prone to pain and injury than any other joint. Most common reasons for shoulder pain are dislocation, strains, tendonitis (over usage of joints), collar bone fracture and frozen shoulder.

Most of the younger generation are suffering from back pain or shoulder pain due to job pressure and nature of work environment. For many people both back pain and shoulder pain have become chronic. Statistics reveal that more than $50 billion is being spent each year for treating shoulder pain. Again back pain is the one of the main reason for taking alternative medicine and chiropractic treatment. Most of the shoulder pain can be treated within few days. But Chronic Pain is difficult to treat.

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Back Shoulder Pain Causes :

Back shoulder pain is caused due to number of factors like sports injury, sudden trauma, and bike or car accidents. Pain can range from moderate to severe depending on the causative factor. Sitting posture can be the main reason for causing chronic shoulder pain and back pain. Plenty of nerves and muscles are involved to maintain the normal curvature. These core muscles are de-conditioned from its regular position due to poor posture causing intense chronic pain. Core muscles give direct support between the portions of trunk and extremities of the body. By strengthening the core muscles one can get relief from chronic shoulder pain.

Herniated discs are another cause of shoulder pain. Vertebral fractures like Osteoporosis, scoliosis and stenosis can cause pain. Stress is yet another reason for shoulder pain, since it is closely related with musculoskeletal disorders. Such pain can affect the sleeping pattern of the concerned person thus disturbing the overall quality of life.

Diagnoses :

Your doctor will physically examine the shoulder and request for imaging tests like X-ray, MRI or CT scan. Sometimes electro diagnostic test like electromyography is done for measuring the nerve conduction velocity.

Back Shoulder Pain

Treatment :

Type of treatment for shoulder back pain depends on the intensity of pain, age, cause of pain etc. Not a single treatment/therapy is effective for shoulder pain. Hence it is recommended to use combination of one or more treatments regularly.

  • Avoiding Certain Activities :

Your doctor will ask you to stop doing certain tasks or certain movements that can worsen the shoulder pain. Some people are advised not to lift their arms above the head, in case if the shoulder pain is due to frozen shoulder. For people with shoulder instability, the person should avoid any tasks that would make the instability worse. Using slings is recommended for shoulder pain for giving extra support to the arm and facilitate quick healing of injured shoulder bones.

  • Apply Ice Packs :

For sports related injury that causes shoulder pain, applying ice packs on the affected area is useful to give relief from pain. Ice cubes should be wrapped in a clean towel and kept on the shoulder area for 10-20 minutes. You can repeat this process several times a day for reducing inflammation and quick healing of injury.

  • Painkillers :

Mild painkillers like Ibuprofen or naproxen are useful in controlling pain. Follow the instructions of your doctor and do not exceed the dosage. Taking this drug in recommended doses will help in managing pain as well as swelling.

  • Corticosteroid :

This type of medicine contains hormone for decreasing pain and swelling. Corticosteroids are effective for frozen shoulder. Some doctors prescribe it in the form of oral pills or in the form of injection directly on the affected shoulder joint to have immediate effect. This type of injections will relieve pain and you can remain pain-free for many days. However there is every chance for recurring pain for which you have to take injections again. It can produce side effects like tightening of skin on the injected site.

You can apply hot compression on the affected shoulder area to get temporary relief. In case of arthritis pain, corticosteroid medications or injections are given. Your physiotherapist will instruct some exercises for improving the functions of shoulder muscle. In severe cases wherein spinal cord problems are involved, surgery is done.

Back Shoulder Pain – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Relief

Back Shoulder Pain – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Relief

Back Shoulder Pain Symptoms

There are a few ways to test if you are one of many individuals afflicted by this problem.

  • The onset of pain in the subscapular region when a person stretches upward. This can vary in severity. Some people may complain of a slight discomfort while others may not be able to raise their arm fully.

  • Pain in the area when posture is adjusted. This may occur when a person straightens out their pose. There will be a recurrent pain in the area that may even throb in some individuals. The level of pain may also depend on the pain threshold of the person.

  • A feeling of discomfort as the arm is rotated. Pain is usually greater when the arm is rotated in an inward direction. Many have reported that they have trouble rotating outwardly as well.

  • Throbbing discomfort in the area when you hunch forward. This is common to those who have spinal irregularities like scoliosis.

Causes of Back Shoulder Pain

There are many factors that can lead to this condition. Many individuals forget that their lifestyles, occupations and habits may cause or exacerbate the problem.

Incorrect posture
We often forget to pull our shoulders back. This results in a hunched posture that leads to pain from various points in the back. Imagine hunching forward while lifting a heavy load. This incorrect stance has caused severe injury to those who do not correct themselves.

Sleep habits
Those who make it a habit to sleep to one side without changing positions may become main-stays at their local chiropractor’s clinic. Picking a favorite side has many people waking up with an aching back. Try a few variations like sleeping on your back every other night.

Lack of stretching
Athletes make it a point to perform warm-ups or stretches before they start training. This warms up their system and keeps their muscles pliant and flexible for the exercises. The lack of this vital step may result in torn, inflamed or achy muscles.

Job Related Reasons
This occurs in individuals with jobs that require them to constantly lift their arms past their heads. This includes painters, carpenters, swimmers, volleyball players and football players to name a few. These people are prone to back shoulder pain.

Back Shoulder Pain Treatment

There are many ways to rehabilitate the area. Individuals opt for a number of treatments to make back shoulder pain a thing of the past.

You're reading Back Shoulder Pain – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Relief posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Hot and Cold Therapy
Athletes and their coaches rely on this procedure at the onset of back an shoulder pains. They use ice that is covered in a moist towelette because direct contact to the skin can cause burns. The towel is applied to the area for 20 minutes every 2 hours to ease discomfort. When the area is less sensitive to movement, a hot water bottle is applied to the area or roughly 15 to 16 minutes. This can be performed before stretching and exercises to strengthen the area. It would be best if the person refrain from exercises or chores that require mobility of the region.

Flexibility Exercises
They can be done to stretch out the area as long as the pain is bearable. A popular remedy is putting the arm parallel to the wall and directing your body to face away from it. This helps the area gain flexibility and may relieve the pain.

Shoulder Strengthening Work-outs
Your trainer at the local gym can come up with a variety of exercises that aim to strengthen your shoulder muscles. Buchberger exercises are commonly prescribed for back shoulder pain. This should not be attempted without the consent of your chiropractor.

NSAID Treatment
Your doctor may prescribe Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs. They have an analgesic effect which results to lesser pain levels in the affected area. It has anti-pyretic properties that can lower your body temperature upon the onset of a fever. Higher doses have anti-inflammatory qualities which battles inflammation in the region of concern. Naproxen, aspirin and ibuprofen are common examples. Remember to stick to the dose your physician prescribed.

Cortisone Injections
These are often administered as a last resort. The patient is given a shot right under the shoulder blade. The pain may worsen in the next 48 hours. But it usually resolves gradually with time. Patients must remember that this should not become a habit. Receiving multiple shots can cause the breakdown of the rotator cuff tendon. This is administered to those who have a severe injury like subscapular Bursitis which is the inflammation of the bursa.

Surgical Procedures
Should all the non-operative treatments fail in a patient with subscapular bursitis, arthroscopic surgery will be performed. This involves excising the bursa under the scapula or shoulder blade. Rehabilitative therapy is then done at a later date. This will help the patient regain strength and movement of the area.

Back Shoulder Pain Relief

Some simple Procedures to Relieve the Area:

  • Minimal stretching can be done to relieve stress in the region. This can be done alone or with a personal trainer. This will help lessen the stress in that particular area. Always consult a physician before you decide to go back to the gym.

  • Massage therapy can be beneficial to those that suffer from back shoulder pain. It should be performed by a licensed physical therapist as opposed to a rookie at a spa. The area may hurt during the procedure but that is expected.

  • Cold therapy can provide some relief during the onset of the symptoms. The cooling properties of ice works by numbing the area of concern.

  • Pain relievers might help but it would be best if you did not depend on them so much. Taking them to often may desensitize you and lead you to increase you dosage. This may produce severe if not fatal effects.

Important Note :

Before trying any instant relief medications, please seek the advice of a physician to avoid any ill effects. Back shoulder pain can be a bane to your existence but it can be relieved and prevented from coming back again.