Showing posts with label Smiley Piercing #038; Anti-Smiley Piercing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Smiley Piercing #038; Anti-Smiley Piercing. Show all posts

Monday, September 24, 2018

Smiley Piercing & Anti-Smiley Piercing – Healing, Infection, Swollen, Aftercare

A smiley piercing is an attractive oral piercing that includes the frenulum in the lip. Frenulum is a little ridge or fold in the tissue that supports the motion of the part attached with that specific fold of the skin beneath the tongue, or between the gum and the lip. This process is also known as frenulum or scrum per piercing. It is a great way of perfecting a gorgeous set of teeth and lips. Smiley piercing is placed on a very thin layer of the skin which connects the upper lip to the gum line. Smiley piercing is very popular in modern culture and people consider it as an X factor to look attractive.

What Is Smiley Piercing?

Smiley piercing is performed inside the upper lip, specifically on the frenulum. It is called as smiley as it is visible only when the pierced person smiles. Even, the jewelry will be only seen when a person has a wide grin on their face.

What Is Anti-Smiley Piercing?

The piercing on lower lip, opposite the frenulum is known as anti-smiley or frown piercing. Anti-smiley piercing is performed on the lower lip frenulum which is exact opposite to the smiley on the upper lip frenulum. Anti-smiley piercing is very discreet and less popular as they are hardly visible. This kind of piercing is preferred by only those persons who do not want to show their body modifications. Just as smileys, anti-smiley piercing has lots of risks and complications.  Anti-smiley piercing is also not for the people who have small frenulum. It is important to use a right jewelry to avoid gum and tooth damage.

What Are The Pros and Cons Of Smiley & Anti-Smiley Piercing?

Any kind of piercing, person needs to know all the essential information, risk factors, and knowledge of dealing with them. It is good to consider all aspects before going for any kind of piercing or body modification.

Smiley Piercing

Advantages Of Smiley & Anti-Smiley Piercing

  • Very less tissue part is used for piercing
  • Easy to hide
  • It heals quickly
  • Looks attractive with teeth and lips
  • Have variety of jewelry options
Dis-Advantages Of Smiley & Anti-Smiley Piercing

  • Very painful process
  • High possibility of refusal and relocation
  • Not for the people who has small frenulum
  • Risk of tooth damage and gum problem
  • Natural movement of the lips develop pressure on the piercing
What Is The Procedure ?

Many people, especially young people consider their parents won’t allow them to do self-piercing or do not sign the relevant papers. But it is recommended to consult with a professional piercer to do any kind of piercing. A professional piercer can examine the size of the frenulum web and their possibility to make smiley piercing.  A professional can also advise about jewelry preference and gauge that best suitable for your frenulum. A professional can also be helpful to know aftercare methods and to reduce the risk of receiving an infection or rejection.

Jewelry Used In Smiley, Anti-Smiley Piercing

A captive beaded rings or a horse shoe bars are the most used smiley piercing jewelry. The standard size for smiley jewelry is 16-18 gauges and is half an inch in diameter. It is good to use small jewelry as the piercing is very delicate and large jewelry is visible all the time. Studs and barbells are easy to hide and less visible. It is also important to use material that is suitable for your skin type.

What Is The Procedure To Change The Jewelry?

A smiley is a small incision and takes little time to heal. So, it is possible to change first jewelry within the 2 weeks of piercing. Although, changing jewelry early may cause swelling, irritation, and infection so this process needs a proper procedure to perform the task. The steps include

  • Washing hands with mild antibacterial soap before and after any jewelry change
  • Unscrew the ball which depends on the type of jewelry
  • Just follow the old jewelry with the new one so that the hole remain available
  • Screw back the balls and safely place them
Does A Smiley, Anti-Smiley Piercing Hurt?

It is a difficult question as people of different thresholds have different believes. Mostly, people say that it is an easy process and won’t hurt much. But, it is a reality that any kind of piercing hurts and depends on where and how it is performed. Frenulum is a highly sensitive tissue of the mouth and it’s obvious that it hurt most. Although, frenulum is a very thin tissue and needle go fast through it but it is painful process and gives pain and swelling.

Smiley Piercing

Smiley & Anti-Smiley Piercing Aftercare

People may experience some pain and swelling during the initial healing process. An infection may cause due to improper care. There are some tips to relieve the pain and avoid getting any kind of infection.

  • Keep piercing clean by washing it with a mild soap and water
  • Use medications such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen to avoid pain and discomfort
  • Do not touch piercing with dirty hands as it can develop infection and pain
  • Rub piercing with saline solution for 10-15 minutes. It will heal the infection
  • Use ice cube and wrap it in a paper towel to place it on the areas around the piercing for several minutes
  • Use alcohol free mouthwash to clean mouth
  • Use new toothbrush to prevent infections
  • Do not play with the piercing jewelry as it may cause an injury or complications
  • Consult the doctor if pain or swelling persist
If a person shows symptoms such as redness, swelling, green or yellow discharge and sensitivity to touch, it is advised to visit doctor.

Smiley & Anti-Smiley Piercing Healing

Smiley/anti-smiley piercing heals quickly. It takes 4-8 weeks to heal properly. The healing process may get longer, if not getting good aftercare. The pain can reduce from 2nd week and can comfortably change the first jewelry. Improper diet, smoking and alcohol can increase the healing time.

Read more on Snake Bites Piercing

Infection Related To Smiley & Anti-Smiley Piercing

Getting infection is one of the main possibilities that anyone can get after the piercing. It is recommended to follow aftercare instruction very carefully to reduce the chances of getting infection. Keep in mind that anything from jewelry material to food pieces is a source of infection. The early signs of infection include

  • Extreme tenderness
  • Throbbing pain
  • Redness
  • Fever
  • Pus formation and discharge
If you notice any of these signs then immediately consult with your professional piercer. Also, do not try to remove jewelry self as piercing will heal and close infection. If we remove the jewelry then it will close the hole.

Read more on Body Piercings Problems


Risks associated with Smiley/anti-smiley piercing include

  • Gum recession
  • Tooth erosion
  • Wrong positioning of the jewelry in the mouth
  • Migration
  • Rejection
Smiley/anti-smiley piercing is fashionable trend and popular among young generation. It is significant to understand the pros and cons of piercing and select a well-known studio with experienced professionals to avoid problems. A small fault may give an asymmetrical smiley/anti-smiley piercing. It is also recommended to maintain your oral hygiene and keep a watch on teeth and gums. Chewing food and brushing should be done carefully to avoid injuries.