Showing posts with label Vitiligo Diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vitiligo Diet. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Vitiligo Diet

Vitiligo Diet

Vitiligo is a skin condition in which the skin loses melanin, which is the pigment responsible for the color of our eyes, hair and skin. Vitiligo can occur because the cells that produce melanin either die or simply stop forming it and it causes white patches with irregular shapes to slowly enlarge on various areas of the skin. In most cases it begins with a small area that loses its pigment and then expands over time. Although there is no cure for this skin condition, it is possible to slow down or even stop the pigment loss. One essential remedy is to keep a vitiligo diet. This article will elaborate on what you need to eat and what you need to avoid. Things to Eat in Vitiligo Diet
Many people believe that keeping a healthy diet that is specific to vitiligo can control this skin disorder and promote cell regeneration as well as healthy skin. 1. Whole Grains

Whole grains are a crucial part of any vitiligo diet as they contain a great deal of fiber, vitamins and minerals, all of which work together to support a good overall health. Oats are an especially good addition to the diet because they have high amounts of vitamin E. Vitamin E has been linked to improving the body’s immune responses as well as helping fight harmful bacteria, which plays an essential role in keeping the skin healthy. 2. Vegetables

Although vegetables are part of any healthy diet, there are certain ones that are excellent to add to a vitiligo diet. Spinach is a great option as it contains many nutrients that can promote skin regeneration and repair the body’s damaged blood vessels. Garlic is also a great choice because it is not only a natural antibiotic, but it also has several different nutrients which work together to help keep our cells health. Cabbage is another great addition to a vitiligo diet because it contains multiple nutrients and other substances that help our body break down any harmful chemicals. In addition to vegetables, certain fruits such as tomatoes and blueberries also have healing properties making them a great addition to a vitiligo diet. 3. Healthy Fats

Someone on a vitiligo diet should always do their best to include healthy fats. Olive oil is an excellent option as it is easy to add to your food. A wide range of nuts are also a great source of healthy fats in addition to protein, but someone on a vitiligo diet should avoid pistachios and cashews. 4. Natural Supplements

There are several natural supplements that have been linked to reducing the effects of vitiligo in terms of depigmentation. Gingko biloba is one example and experts usually recommend finding a standardized extract that comes in 40 milligram doses and taking this three times a day. Some studies have also shown that khellin, which is an extract from the fruit found on khella, a Mediterranean plant. Foods to Avoid in Vitiligo Diet
If you are on the vitiligo diet, you should always try to drink a lot of water as this will hydrate your skin, keeping it healthy. There are, however, certain foods to avoid including tea and red chili.
  • You should also avoid certain berries including cherries, raspberries and blackberries.

  • Milk products including curd, milk and buttermilk should also be avoided.

  • Beef, red meat, fish are also not recommended.

  • You should also keep away from spicy or oily foods, carbonated drinks, soda bicarbonate, coffee, chocolate, junk food.

Successful Experience with Vitiligo Diet
The following is the experience of Zaklina, who successfully got vitiligo under control by sticking to vilitigo diet: “I have vitiligo but by changing my diet, I’ve been able to almost completely get rid of the symptoms. I went to several different doctors and they weren’t able to do anything so I gave up on gels, creams and drugs. Instead, I decided to go see someone who specializes in alternative medicine and have been on this new diet for three months with amazing results. Here is the diet he told me to follow: There are certain foods that you can’t have while on this diet. They include fizzy drinks, water from the tap, spicy foods, vinegar, meat, milk or other dairy products, oranges, olives, cooking oil, pasta, white bread, white wheat, sugar and salt. Instead, I’ve replace all those foods with some of the following: garlic, onion, mushrooms, rice, honey, vegetables, fruits, mineral water (sparkling or still), sea food, goat cheese, whole wheat bread, sea salt, lemon vinegar and olive oil. I’ve also been eating anything else that isn’t forbidden, but these are some of the key foods. The most important ones that I’ve been eating as often as possible include unbaked nuts, pumpkin, zucchini and carrots. I’m also taking a beta carotene pill each day. More Tips on Vitiligo Recovery
Enjoy Sunlight
After you change your diet, you will notice that your body is better at absorbing the sunlight it needs in order to help re-pigment the skin. That means that once you’ve changed your diet, you can start going out in the sun (carefully) to try to get the skin back to its old color. Other Tips
  • You should also make sure you get enough DHA (which is an omega-3 fatty acid which is hard to get in a vegan diet) and vitamin B12.

  • Make sure that you get enough vitamin D in your diet and that you go out in the sun occasionally. You can also take a supplement if you need to.

  • If you want to eat animal products while on the vitiligo diet, you should stick to wild fish or organic eggs and always have them as close to raw as is healthy.

  • It also helps to stay emotionally balanced and keep your various Stressors in check.

  • You should also try to get a good amount of sleep each night, preferably 9 hours.