Showing posts with label Bump on Lip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bump on Lip. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Bump on Lip

Bump on Lip

Bump on lip is a small blister or ulcerous growth occurring on the lips. It is also called mucocoele or lip sores. The surface of the bump can be smooth or broken and for some people the lesions may be scabbed or crusted. It causes pain, irritation and discomfort. It can occur anywhere on the lips inner surface and on the floor of the mouth. For more than 50% cases bump on lip occur on the inner surface of the lower lip. It occurs due to several causes like injury, Allergy, Cold Sores, and infection and even due to stress.

Symptoms :

Bump on lip will be small in size, red in color, fluid filled blister and painful. For many people it would be painful and bleeding. For some people the bumps on lip will appear on the corner of the mouth. It would be itchy and dry giving warmth feeling. There can be swelling of lips and tenderness on the lips. In case there is underlying medical issues bump on lip will be accompanied by body pain, discomfort and general ill feeling. In some cases, bump on the lip will appear along with body rashes.

Causes :

Several factors lead to the formation of bump on lip. It can be due to minor trauma or injury to the lips which would damage the salivary ducts of the lip. This in turn would lead to the collection of mucus on the connective tissue of the lips causing blisters. It can occur while eating hot/spicy foods. Some people would bite their lips in anxiety or stressful condition. Dental fixtures like braces can harm your lips causing bumps. It can occur due to cold sores or due to infection caused by bacteria or virus. In some cases bump on lip can develop due to vitamin deficiency.

The causative factor for the formation of bump on lip can vary from mild to severe. In most of the cases it can develop due to Herpes Simplex virus infection. Cold sores are the main cause for getting bumps in many people. It would form fluid filled blisters which may rupture after few days. In rare cases Oral Cancer can be the cause for bump on lip. The lesions will remain there even after weeks and will not heal naturally. The swelling of lips would spread to neighboring areas like tongue and gums.

Fordyce’s spots can cause bumps or lesions on the lip that are red or white in color. It may occur as single or in group. In rare cases acne can be the cause for lesion formation on the lips. This may also develop due to bacterial infection caused due to poor oral hygiene and sharing of personal cosmetics with others. Changing cosmetic products like lipsticks and lip glosses frequently can give rise to bump on lip. Cheap products may contain chemicals in them that can cause allergy to the lips forming lesions or blisters. Finally bumps are formed due to sunburn caused by over exposure to ultraviolet light.

Complications :

Bump on lip does not cause any complication. However if the lesions are formed due to infection it has chance to spread to other areas like tongue and oral cavity.

Diagnosis :

The doctor can easily detect bump on the lip by mere physical exam.

Treatment :

Normally bump on the lip do not require any treatment since it will heal within few days. But some types of bumps formed due to infection or cold sores need to be treated. Topical creams that contain steroids are effective in healing the lesions. Antihistamines can be taken to reduce swelling. These drugs are recommended for bumps on the lips formed due to allergic reaction. Antibiotics are prescribed by the doctor if he suspects bacterial infection. For viral infection antiviral medications are prescribed.

Over the counter topical painkillers are useful in managing the painful lip sores. Drugs like acyclovir are effective in healing process. For treating lip sores due to Fordyce’s spots laser therapy is useful if you are very much bothered about your looks. The root cause of the problem is to be addressed while treating bump on the lips.

Home Remedies :

Do not change the lip products often. Stick on the branded products. Do not share personal cosmetic items with others since there is every chance for getting infection. Avoid choosing products that contain additives or strong flavor since it can irritate the soft mucus of the lips to form blisters. If you are involved in outdoor activities largely it is best to use lip balms that contain high SPF. Do not allow the lips to become dry since dryness can lead to blister formation. Drink sufficient water daily to prevent dehydration and apply Vaseline on the lips during winter.