Showing posts with label Cradle Cap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cradle Cap. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Cradle Cap

Cradle Cap

Cradle cap is called “seborrheic eczema” in medical terms. In simple terms it is the Dandruff caused to infants. Sometimes, the baby’s scalp is affected with seborrheic dermatitis or dandruff. It may affect the skin causing red coloration and it causes thick scaly white patches on the scalp. Very often, this does not require any treatment since it resolves on its own. Application of mild shampoo can easily rectify the problem. In case the problem becomes severe, you can consult your doctor.

Causes :

It is believed that cradle cap is caused due to excess of oil secretion on the skin. Yeast Infection may also cause irritation and dandruff on the scalp of the baby. Some doctors opine that seborrehic eczema runs in families. There is chance for passing of dandruff from the mother to the infant before birth.

Sebaceous gland produces a type of skin oil called sebum and if there is increased production of sebum it will cause seborrehic eczema or cradle cap.

In case of adults, dandruff is caused due to dryness of hair, oily skin and changing shampoos often. Several skin problems like acne can also cause dermatitis.

Symptoms :

This disease is characterized by the presence of dandruff or scaly yellow patches on the scalp. It may occur on different areas of the body like ears, chest, and eyelids and even on nose and lips. However this type of dandruff is harmless. It is observed in the form of thick whitish or brown scaly patches on the infant’s body. It is seen on the newborns and may wither off in one or two months.

Unlike dandruff, cradle cap does not spread to mother or others who handle the baby. It may be itchy for the child and may cause irritation on rare occasions. Plaques or skin lesions, flaking of skin, itchy feeling and hair loss are some of the other symptoms of this disease.

Diagnoses :

It is easy to diagnose cradle cap on physical examination.

Treatment :

You can apply mild shampoos or moisturizing oil on the affected areas of the child. It would loosen the scales and the lesions will wither gradually. You can also scrub baby oil on the scalp gently for 5 minutes. Use shampoo that contains selenium or any other corticosteroid in case if the dandruff is severe.

You can consult child doctor in case the dandruff spreads to other parts of the body. He may prescribe ketoconazole or medicated shampoo for relieving the symptoms. Medicated lotion can be gently massaged on the skin to get relief from irritation. Some doctors prescribe topical creams like immune modulators for treating the symptoms.

Do not use antifungal creams bought over the counter since it may contain toxic substances that may harm your child’s skin.

Pictures of Cradle Cap :

Images, Pictures, Pics and Photos of Cradle Cap

Cradle Cap Cradle Cap Cradle Cap Cradle Cap Cradle Cap Cradle Cap Cradle Cap
Home Remedies :

Use shampoo daily on your child’s hair by gently massaging it. You can use your fingers to scrub the lesions gently so that the scaly patches get loosened. Until the scales are present, you should use gentle shampoo each day. After applying shampoo make sure to rinse it off with enough water.

Use soft brush for combing the infant’s hair gently several times. If the dandruff does not respond to the above remedy you can consult your pediatrician.

Cradle Cap – Treatment, Pictures and Home Remedies, Causes

Cradle Cap – Treatment, Pictures and Home Remedies, Causes

What is Cradle Cap?

This is a fairly common disorder of the skin which normally affects the scalp creating itchy, scaly, red skin as well as persistent Dandruff. Cradle cap is what this condition is called on infants.

Cradle cap of the scalp is not harmful, but can be unsightly and uncomfortable. Most frequently it develops in the first few months after delivery and normally clears up on its own in about 6 to 12 months – although in some cases the baby may have it for several years. It might be noticeable around the baby’s eyebrows or ear and even in armpits as well as other creases. When it is not in the scalp, this condition is called seborrheic dermatitis.

Cradle Cap Causes

Though the cause of cradle cap is not exactly known it is not caused by Allergy, poor hygiene or infection. One contributing factor could be hormones which pass to the baby from the mother prior to birth. It is believed that these hormones produce an abnormal production of oil or sebum in the oil glands as well as the hair follicles. This sebum is a greasy substance which makes older cells of skin attach to the scalp as they try to dry and fall off.

Another factor could be a yeast or fungus called malassezia which grows in sebum along with other bacteria. Antifungal treatments for instance ketoconazole are at times effective, supporting the indication that a causative factor is yeast.

Cradle cap is really not a serious problem and is only temporary. It normally disappears by the time the infant is 6 to 12 months old but can in some cases continue for longer. Seborrhoeic dermatitis can then develop again when the child reaches puberty. A different type of dermatitis, which is known as “atopic dermatitis” or “infantile eczema”, also can progress as the cradle cap is improving. This atopic dermatitis normally lasts for a number of years and is a disorder which is very scratchy.
Cradle cap is not contagious. It may or may not itch. If it itches, excessive scratching of the area can cause additional inflammation as well as breaks in the skin might cause mild infections or bleeding.

You're reading Cradle Cap – Treatment, Pictures and Home Remedies, Causes posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Cradle Cap Treatment

While cradle cap is often a very minor situation that merely causes a little shedding on a baby’s scalp, certain infants can have more extensive cradle cap with heavy scaling that anguishes some parents.

When treatment is necessary, many experts normally recommend that home remedies are tried first. If extensive cases of cradle cap continue, the pediatrician may recommend other treatments, including:

Applying steroid lotion or cream, starting with an OTC steroid for instance Cortaid and then moving up to something such as Derma-Smoothe FS lotion for cases which are really tough, especially when the scalp around the scales is very irritated as well as red.

  • Washing the child’s scalp and hair with an antiseborrheic or antidandruff for example Sebulex shampoo, Selsun Blue or T-Gel a few times each week.

  • Prescribing an antibiotic for any secondary infections of the scalp.

  • Using a topical or oral antifungal medication or antifungal shampoo

Here is also some other information you need to know:

  • Once the baby’s cradle cap is treated, you probably need to take steps, such as continuing to use an antiseborrheic shampoo, in order to prevent it from returning.

  • Some babies with cradle cap may as well have a rash behind their ears and in the crease of their neck, face, arms as well as diaper area, and at this time it is referred to as seborrheic dermatitis. Even though this rash may look like eczema, unlike eczema, it is normally not very itchy.

  • Cradle cap is believed to be influenced by hormones from the mother during pregnancy which possibly can over stimulate the oil glands.

  • Infants who have widespread seborrheic dermatitis as well as other symptoms, such as a failure to thrive as well as chronic Diarrhea, could have other medical problems such as Leiner’s disease or Langerhans cell histiocytosis X.

  • Other experts believe that cradle cap could be a mild Yeast Infection which is why oral or topical antifungal medications sometimes are used as treatments.

  • Although most infants outgrow cradle cap by 1 year, some continue to have some scales until they are much older. It is usually much milder as well as harder to notice than when they were younger.

Cradle Cap Home Remedies

Most experts recommend that home remedies should be tried first before consulting the baby’s doctor. Some of these include:

  • Frequently shampooing baby’s hair

  • Using a soft brush to try and brush off the scales

  • Rub a tiny amount of baby oil or mineral oil and then shampoo the oil off. Leaving the oil on too long could make the cradle cap worse

  • Cooking oil can also be used to loosen up the flakes on the baby’s scalp and then lightly brush with a soft toothbrush. Any loosen scales can be removed by shampooing with regular baby shampoo. Leave the cooking oil on the scalp for about 15 minutes.

  • Others have found lavender oil is good to remove some redness from the scalp.

  • Steep a teabag made from one of any of these herbs: chamomile, burdock, meadow sweet, comfrey root or slippery elm bark in a bowl of hot water. After the tea cools use this solution to wash the baby’s scalp.

Cradle Cap Pictures