Showing posts with label Dark Circles Under Eyes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dark Circles Under Eyes. Show all posts

Thursday, March 08, 2018

Dark Circles Under Eyes – Causes, Treatment, Home Remedies, Prevent

Dark circles under eyes – Causes, Treatment, Home Remedies, Prevent. It is quite common to have dark circle under the eyes if you have crossed 65th birthday. Aging is the primary cause for the formation of dark circle under eyes. Simple reason of lack of sleep can cause shadows under your eyes. Certain medical conditions like atopic dermatitis, Nasal Congestion, over exposure to sunlight, drinking and smoking can cause dark circle. For some people it occurs due to genetic factors which are passed from the parent to the offspring.

Getting dark circle under the eyes is not a matter of concern in medical perception. But it can certainly damage your appearance. Various treatment options like laser therapy, photo therapy and home remedies are available for treating dark circles. Chemical peeling is another way of removing fine lines below your eyes.

What Causes Dark Circles Under Eyes :

Brown or black lines are formed beneath the eyes due to accumulation of oxygenated blood in this area. This process is known as hyper-pigmentation which can occur due to many factors like fatigue, lack of sleep and contact dermatitis. Lack of iron content in blood can also cause dark circle formation under the eyes. Hormone related diseases like Acanthosis Nigricans can cause dark circles.

Repeated rubbing of eyes and lack of collagen particles in the skin due to aging is common cause for dark circle under the eyes. Lack of quality sleep can trigger pooling of blood under the skin of eyes making it visible.

Other medical conditions like Asthma, renal dysfunction, Hypertension, Water Retention, hay fever, pulmonary disorders and Thyroid problems can cause dark circles under the eyes. Heredity plays a vital role for causing dark circle below your eyes. For some people it runs in families without any apparent cause.

Dark circles under eyes

Treatment :

Hydroquinone products are largely used for treating dark circle under the eyes. It acts as skin bleaching agent but this product has been banned in many of the European countries. Hydroquinone products can cause unwanted side effects and can be harmful.

Laser therapy is ideal for people who can afford to spend more for treating dark circles below the eyes. Apart from the money factor, this treatment can be painful and it may take several weeks to heal completely. When laser beam is passed in the region it destroys the melanin responsible for causing darkened skin. It also helps in tightening the loose skin below the eyes that causes “baggy eyes”.

Filler injections are another option for treating dark circle under the eyes. This destroys the melanin pigment and other blood vessels that cause discoloration under the eyes. You have to repeat this injection after certain period and it can be expensive. Injection therapy can also cause adverse effect like swelling of skin under the eyes.

Getting a shot of Botox is effective for removing dark circles below your eyes. But the effect can last for short period in some people and one has to repeat the procedure several times. Chemical peeling of skin using lactic peels and Arginine peels are largely used for treating dark circle under the eyes.

  • Blepharoplasty :

In this procedure excess of fat particles that causes loose muscles under the eyes are removed. This can be done by an expert cosmetic surgeon as outpatient process. In most of the cases this treatment is effective but for some people the problem can occur again after few months.

Read more on How to Get Rid of Dark Spots on Face

How To Prevent ?

If you are above 60 or 65 years, then you can do nothing to prevent getting dark circles under the eyes.

  • Get quality sleep daily. (7-8 hours)

  • If you are drinking or smoking, take efforts to reduce it and slowly quit this habit.

  • Identify allergens that trigger rashes and darkening of eyes and avoid them totally.

  • If your work involves sitting in front of computer or laptop take regular breaks from work.

  • Eat healthy diet with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits.

  • Do exercises or aerobics 5 times a week.

  • Practice yoga and meditation to overcome Stress.

  • If you are anemic follow the medications given by your doctor and take iron rich diet.

Dark circles under eyes

19 Home Remedies For Dark Circles Under Eyes :

You need not go to any doctor for treating dark circles under the eyes, since plenty of simple remedies are available right in your kitchen.

1. Rose Water – Rose water can provide cooling effect on your skin since it is enriched with antioxidants. Soak a cotton ball in rose water and place it on the darkened areas under the eyes for few minutes. Repeat this 2-3 times a day. You can see the difference within two weeks. You can add few drops of cold milk with rose water and try the same remedy.

2. Cucumber – Cucumber sLices can be left under the eyes for 10 minutes. This would produce soothing effect for the skin under your eyes. You can add few drops of lemon juice on the freshly cut cucumber slices and leave it for 15 minutes in the affected area before rinsing it with water.

3. Almond Oil – Almond oil is effective for puffy eyes owing to its vitamin K content. Apply few drops of pure almond oil on the darkened skin under the eyes and gently massage it for few minutes. You can leave it overnight before rinsing with plain water. A combination of honey and almond oil can also be used for effective results.

4. Lemon Juice – Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C and hence effective in bleaching the dark skin. Soak a clean cotton ball in lemon juice and apply it under your eyes. Rinse it with water after 10 minutes. Repeat this remedy 2-3 times a day.

5. Turmeric – Add 1 tsp of turmeric powder to rose water to make a paste. Apply this mixture on the darkened skin area and allow it to dry before washing. Turmeric is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent used for reducing swelling.

6. Tomato – Fresh tomato puree can be applied on the area under the eyes where the skin has become dark. Combine equal volumes of lemon juice and tomato juice and apply this paste on the affected site. Repeat this process daily until the skin color gets back to normal.

7. Apple – Fresh apple juice or apple cider vinegar can be applied on the affected site. Apple is packed with minerals and nutrients essential for our body and skin.

Dark circles under eyes

8. Cold Compress – Dip a soft towel in cold water and wring the cloth to drain excess of water. Keep it on the affected area for 10 minutes. Cold water can effectively constrict the blood vessels so that puffiness would be reduced.

9. Mint Leaves – Mint leaves have antibacterial effect and cooling effect on your eyes. Apply fresh mint juice on the dark spots of the eyes and leave it for a while before rinsing. You can add few drops of lemon juice or tomato juice with mint leaves juice to have added benefit.

10. Tea Bags – Antioxidant property of tea bags helps in removing dark circle under the eyes. Place used green teabags in the refrigerator for half-an-hour. Now keep it under your eyes for 10 minutes. You can feel the cooling effect of tea bags.

11. Coconut Oil – Add few drops of coconut oil in your palm and gently massage it on the affected area before going to bed. Repeat this process daily until you can see improvement.

12. Fenugreek Seeds – Make a paste of fenugreek seeds in a blender after soaking it for few hours. Add 1 tsp of milk to this paste and apply it on the dark circle under your eyes. Potassium and vitamin C content present in fenugreek seeds can quickly damage the repaired skin restoring the original color.

13. Castor Oil – Fatty acids present in the castor oil are effective in reducing puffiness under the eyes. Apply pure castor oil below the eyes and gently massage it for few minutes. Leave it for 10 minutes and rinse with plain water.

14. Chamomile Tea – Chamomile has excellent bleaching property and hence good for treating dark circle under the eyes. Place this teabag under the eyes after cooling it in the refrigerator. Leave it for few minutes and repeat this process daily.

15. Avocado – Avocado is enriched with several vitamins and fatty acids and ensures moisture to the skin. Apply small slices of avocado on the affected region and let it sit for 10 minutes. Repeat this 2-3 times a day for a month to see improvement of skin texture.

16. Night Jasmine – Mix few drops of night jasmine oil and almond/olive oil in a cup. Apply this mixture on the darkened skin area and leave it for 5 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

17. Arnica – Arnica is known for healing bruises and repairing strained muscles. All you need to do is to add few drops of arnica oil with olive or almond oil and gently massage it on the dark circles below the eyes.

18. Witch Hazel – Soak cotton ball in witch hazel and apply it on the affected region below the eyes. Repeat this process regularly till dark circles are removed.

19. Nutmeg – Add 1 tsp of nutmeg to milk to make a paste. Apply this paste liberally on the affected region and allow it to dry. Rinse with plain water after 10-15 minutes.

Conclusion :

Remember one thing. You have to follow any home remedies listed above for at least 2-3 months for getting any positive result. Don’t expect you can get rid of dark circles overnight. Formation of dark circle is a process (gradual) and hence wading off dark circle takes the same time as its formation.