Showing posts with label Gastritis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gastritis. Show all posts

Saturday, July 01, 2017

Top 10 Effective Home Remedies for Gastritis

Top 10 Effective Home Remedies for Gastritis Gastritis is not something many people are faMiliar with, because it is not a condition that occurs as commonly as the flu or a toothache. Gastritis is actually a condition in which the inflammation of the stomach lining is highlighted. There are several factors that can lead to this particular condition. However, it can be successfully concluded that the basic and most prominent cause behind this is bacteria.

When we look at gastritis more closely, we conclude that these bacteria are similar to those involved in the development of stomach Ulcers. Even though it sounds like a very dangerous and harmful condition, you can actually make efforts to treat it with home remedies for gastritis as the basic principle behind treating gastritis is to reduce the stomach acid in the body.

Home Remedies for Gastritis
Basically, the treatment for gastritis is dependent upon finding the cause of the condition. Only then can a person suffering from it decide how to effectively reduce the stomach acid in his or her body. When you start treating a disease, you have to first determine the cause and then figure out a proper treatment plan pertaining to the cause of the disease or the condition. However, you must bear it in mind to consult a medical expert before you start treating your gastritis.As a gastritis patient, you must take great care to balance a healthy lifestyle. You cannot deviate from your health plan because it can have bad ramifications upon your health.

1. Eat Healthy
You need to have a proper diet plan if you have gastritis. Avoid foods that cause irritation or pain in your abdominal region. Make sure that you consume foods easy to be digested. Eat meals in small quantities but do not leave large gaps between different meals.Eating healthy food is one of the home remedies for gastritis.

Foods to include in your diet:

  • Fruits and vegetables

  • Green and leafy vegetables

  • Carrot juice

  • Low fat products

  • Fat free dairy products

  • Wheat bran

  • Coconut water

Foods to avoid:

  • Red meat

  • Alcohol

  • Coffee

  • Beans

  • Cocoa

  • Orange Juice

  • Spicy foods

2. Mind Medicines You Take
When you have gastritis, it is best to consider switching pain relievers. If you do need to take some, then it is best for you to opt for Tylenol and other medicines which consist of acetaminophen as it will not have an adverse effect on your stomach.

3. Get Rid of Anxiety
Alleviating Stress is also one of the home remedies for gastritis. You need to know how to effectively manage stress as it can aggravate your gastritis symptoms. We all face problems, but it is important to learn how to battle these problems without adversely affecting your health and your daily life. Your lifestyle should not come under any harm due to the hardships you face in your life. Instead, try to cope with these problems properly.

4. Drink Plenty of Water
Water is good for you in any circumstances, which is why medical experts advise you to drink at least 8 glasses of water every single day. You can reduce the acidity in your stomach by drinking plenty of water. It can help reduce the inflammation in your abdominal region without making added effort. However, do not drink water in between meals, as it can prove to be harmful for your condition.

5. Coconut Water
While water may be good for you, it is not the only home remedy that you need to follow in order to get rid of gastritis. Many people believe that they can substitute juices and carbonated drinks for water, but that is something that actually does them more harm than good. Water cannot be substituted. Nevertheless, it is always good to drink tender coconut water side by side to make sure your body gets rid of gastritis.

6. Ginger
Ginger is a herb that will prove to be very beneficial for you if you are suffering from gastritis. As one of the home remedies for gastritis, you can add it in your tea and even eat a pinch of it in powder form. It can help reduce the inflammation as it is also an anti-bacterial agent. It can kill the bacteria which is causing your gastritis.

7. Fennel Seeds
The best thing for you to do would be to roast some fennel seeds and then chew them whenever you have a heavy meal. You can also add a small teaspoon of them in water and boil them, as if you are making fennel seed tea. However, only drink it when it has cooled down.

8. Papaya
Papaya has many healing qualities and it can even help with Cancer. It is full of beta carotene and helps with Digestive Disorders. It can help your body regenerate the lining of the stomach which has been stripped away by the bacteria. It can also help you break down your food easily.

9. Pineapple
Pineapple can also be one of the effective home remedies for gastritis. Pineapple is good for many conditions such as high Blood Pressure and gastritis. It has many digestive enzymes which assist your stomach in breaking down and digesting food.

10. Do Some Yoga
Yoga is good for the body and the mind. Many unwanted gases are released from the body if you practice yoga. It can also help strengthen the abdominal muscles and the back. You can get rid of these problems by practicing yoga daily.

Atrophic Gastritis

Atrophic Gastritis When someone has atrophic gastritis, it interferes with the normal functioning of the stomach. The ability to store and digest food gets hampered. Atrophic gastritis symptoms may include illness, discomfort or people might remain asymptomatic as well. It can be caused by bacterial infections and other conditions. Various methods can be used to prevent atrophic gastritis and many treatment options are available to relieve the symptoms as well.

What Is Atrophic Gastritis?
Atrophic gastritis can be divided into type A (A for anemia) or type B (B for bacteria) atrophic gastritis. Type A atrophic gastritis is also called autoimmune gastritis. One of the problems caused by it is deficiency of vitamin B12, which in turn leads to megaloblastic anemia and iron deficiency anemia. Therefore, in type A atrophic gastritis, the fundus of the stomach gets affected and is common with pernicious anemia. Type B atrophic gastritis is caused by frequent infection from Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). In this case, people are at risk of suffering from gastric carcinoma, achlorhydria and Hashimoto’s thydroiditis. Type B atrophic gastritis is more common than type A atrophic gastritis.

In both conditions, there is chronic inflammation of the mucosa in the stomach. This causes damage and loss of the glandular cells in the stomach and they get replaced by intestinal and fibrous tissue. The secretion of the digestive juices like hydrochloric acid, pepsin and intrinsic factors gets disturbed and leads to Digestive Disorders.

What Are the Symptoms of Atrophic Gastritis?

Since many people remain asymptomatic, atrophic gastritis can go unnoticed. The symptoms can differ depending on the causative factor. When it is caused by H. pylori infection, the symptoms are:

  • Stomach pain, loss of appetite

  • Nausea, vomiting, Weight Loss

  • Stomach ulcer, stomach Cancer

  • Iron deficiency anemia which does not get better with treatment

The symptoms caused by autoimmune gastritis are mainly due to the presence of vitamin B12 deficiency. Some of the symptoms are:

  • Weakness, lightheadedness and dizziness

  • Chest pain, palpitations and ringing in the ears (Tinnitus)

In case the vitamin B12 deficiency has caused nerve damage, it can also cause symptoms like:

  • Mental changes

  • Numbness and tingling in the limbs

  • Unsteady walking

When to See a Doctor
Indigestion and irritation in the stomach is very common and everyone experiences it sometime. However, if the symptoms mentioned above are persistent for more than a week, you should consult a doctor. For very short term indigestion you need not do this. In case the symptoms occur or aggravate after taking OTC or prescription medicines like aspirin, you should inform the doctor.

When there is blood in the stools or your stools are black in color and you are also vomiting blood, it is important to consult a doctor immediately.

What Are the Causes & Risk Factors of Atrophic Gastritis?
The cause for type A atrophic gastritis is the antibodies produced by the body to attack the stomach cells which produce acid. The intrinsic factor produced by the stomach cells is also attacked by the antibodies, resulting in pernicious anemia. Since intrinsic factor is responsible for absorbing vitamin B12, lack of vitamin B12 causes inability to produce adequate red blood cells. The diagnosis of the condition usually happens later in life.

Type B atrophic gastritis is common with infection caused by H. pylori, which usually occurs during childhood and slowly progresses with age if it remains untreated. The infection transmits from person to person through contact with feces, vomit and saliva of an infected person. It can also get transmitted if there is contact with contaminated food or water.

Risk Factors
Atrophic gastritis is common in poverty and overcrowded areas, as H. pylori infection is associated with these areas. In addition, Hispanic and Asian people are at more risk of developing the condition.

Although type A atrophic gastritis is quite rare, the risk for people of African American or North European origin is relatively higher. Also people with Thyroid disorders and Diabetes are at increased risk.

What Are the Treatments for Atrophic Gastritis?
Although atrophic gastritis cannot be cured, the symptoms can be controlled by medications like antacids, proton pump inhibitors and histamine-2 blockers. Since developing vitamin B12 deficiency is inevitable, patients will be given injections of vitamin B12 under the instruction from doctors.

How to Prevent Atrophic Gastritis
Prevention of atrophic gastritis is difficult; however, spread of H. pylori infection can be controlled by good hygiene. Washing hands after using the bathroom, prior to handling food should be practiced. Parents should teach children good hygiene, and when dealing with babies, should ensure they wash up after handling soiled diapers and linens.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Gastritis is the general term given for inflammation in the stomach. It can occur due to bacterium or injury or many other factors. The soft inner lining (gastric mucosa) of the stomach is inflamed. Gastritis is of two types namely, acute (occurring suddenly) and chronic (long term). Acute gastritis can be erosive or non-erosive type causing damage of mucosal cells. The intensity of chronic gastritis is found by the appearance of inner lining of the stomach.

Symptoms :

Gastritis can cause feeling of fullness or bloated sensation in your stomach after eating. It can cause burning ache or moderate pain in the upper abdomen which may worsen after eating food. In some cases it causes nausea and vomiting, Diarrhea.

Most of the time gastritis will not show any symptom. But the affected person may always feel “full” and bloated with lots of burping and belching. The symptoms are not seen daily but they come and go. If your stool is of different color (black) and you have some of the above symptoms you can fix up appointment with your doctor.

Causes :

Infection is the major cause of gastritis. Helicobacter pylori are the bacteria that affect the delicate lining of the stomach causing infection. It would first infect the gastric mucosa (lining) and further proceed to other areas of the stomach. It may remain there for years being both dormant and active. Prolonged usage of Non steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) can also develop infection. Certain drugs like cocaine and continuous consumption of alcohol can damage the mucosa of the stomach.

Stressful events, allergic reactions and radiation therapy can also cause infection of the stomach. Severe type of food poisoning can damage cells of the intestine leading to infection. There is a thick protective layer which serves as a barrier from the enzymes and acids discharged during digestion of food. Sometimes, this barrier gets affected allowing the digestive juices to enter the lining causing inflammation.

Risk Factors :

Individuals who are once infected with Helicobacter pylori would experience symptoms of chronic gastritis. Some other risk factors include old age, overuse of corticosteroids and pain relievers and alcohol consumption can cause inflammation of the stomach lining. Stress undergone during major surgery or severe injury/trauma to the stomach can cause gastritis suddenly.

Bile reflux disease is caused by the action of bile (an enzyme) which travels through small intestine affecting the layers of stomach. Pyloric valve normally prevents the entry of bile into the stomach but sometimes it may not work properly thus causing the discharge of bile into the stomach. People with autoimmune diseases like HIV, cancer and Crohn’s disease are prone to chronic gastritis.

Tests :

The medical history of the affected person is collected by the doctor before treating gastritis. The doctor would ask a series of questions about the list of medications you are taking and about alcohol consumption. He would collect small tissue sample of the stomach by biopsy for testing the presence of H. pylori. Further blood culture, urine and stool analysis of the person is done for detecting any changes. X-ray and barium enema test is conducted for getting clear picture of the abdomen. Stomach endoscopy is done by passing thin tubing through the throat into the stomach and till the intestine. The doctor would then look for symptoms of inflammation and finally collects sample tissue for testing.

Treatment :

Medications are given either for blocking the acid production or for destroying the bacteria. Antibiotics like Biaxin, Flagyl, Amoxicilin, clarithromycin, and tetracycline are prescribed for destroying H. pylori. Follow the instructions of your doctor for completing the course of antibiotics.

Drugs like Omeprazole, lansoprazole and rabeprazole are effective in blocking the acid production. They are proton pump inhibitors in treating acute and chronic gastritis. However long term use of these drugs can cause damage to your hip bone and hence consult your doctor before taking this medication. Antacids helps in neutralizing the acid produced in the stomach and also gives relief from pain.

Pictures of Gastritis :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Gastritis

Gastritis Gastritis Gastritis

Home Remedies :

Take small amount of meals frequently instead of eating large quantities of food. It helps in easy digestion and absorption. Avoid taking spicy and hot foods and fried items that can cause irritation to the soft lining. Restrict the amount of alcohol you consume. In case you are using pain relievers consider stopping it or try using alternate drugs. H. pylori can be transmitted through food or water. Hence wash the hands thoroughly before eating and always take fully cooked foods. Follow healthy habits in eating and drinking.