Showing posts with label Gonorrhea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gonorrhea. Show all posts

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Does Gonorrhea Go Away?

Does Gonorrhea Go Away?

Gonorrhea is an STD which comes from a bacterium known as Neisseria gonorrheae. It can be transmitted through contact with sexual fluids during sexual activity. You can get gonorrhea when having anal sex, oral sex, or vaginal sex. Gonorrhea is the second most likely STD in the US, with about 300,000 cases of gonorrhea occurring each year. The highest rate of the disease occurs in women aged 15-19 years and in men aged 20-24 years. One common question about it is whether it will be go away by itself or not. Just read on to find the answer.

Does Gonorrhea Go Away On Its Own?
You should know that it is very uncommonly cured by itself.

The infection can last for months at a time before going away and if you do not receive treatment, you can't know if it is going away. If you don't have treatment immediately, you run the risk of longstanding damage to your body and you may transfer the infection to another sexual partner.

For women, there is the possibility of spreading the infection to the fallopian tubes and uterus, which leads to pelvic inflammatory disease. Then you may suffer from Infertility or an Ectopic Pregnancy. If you happen to be pregnant when you get gonorrhea, this can affect the fetus. It can even cause problems during the delivery, in which the infant can come down with Pneumonia or an eye infection with gonorrhea, which can lead to blindness.

For men, having gonorrhea can be just as dangerous. The organisms can inflame the testes, your prostate or the tubules within the testes. This can lead to infertility as well as problems urinating because the urethra has developed scar tissue.

Both men and women run a 33 percent chance of getting a blood-borne gonorrheal infection that causes inflammation of the joints, known as gonococcal Arthritis. If you come down with this, you can develop chills, fever, lesions on your fingers hands, toes, and feet. The bacteria can remain in the bloodstream, resulting in Septicemia, which is an infection of the blood that can send bacteria to all areas of the body, including the heart and brain. Septicemia is dangerous and can result infections on the heart valve, Meningitis and even death.

So, What Should You Do If Having Gonorrhea?
It is relatively easy to treat gonorrhea; however, you need to have the test and get treatment as soon as you are suspicious you have it. Rather than worry about "Does gonorrhea go away?" you should do the following things.

1. Have a Test for Gonorrhea
You need to see a physician or nurse practitioner as soon as you can. There are two separate tests for gonorrhea that might be ordered:

  • A urinalysis. This is the easiest way to test for gonorrhea. You just need to give a urine specimen and the laboratory will evaluate the urine for the presence of gonorrhea bacteria.

  • A swab. The healthcare practitioner will use a sterile Q-tip and will take a sample of the fluid from any area that may be infected, such as the throat, rectum, or cervix. This fluid is evaluated under the microscope or cultured for the presence of gonorrheal organism.

2. Tell Your Sexual Partner
You need to notify all of your sexual partners, so they can also be tested for the disease and treated if necessary. If you do not tell them, you could get the infection back again after you have been treated. You should also avoid sex with anyone until both you and your sexual partners have been completely treated and cured.

3. Take Antibiotic Medication
Since the answer to "does gonorrhea go away by itself?" is no, you need to think about taking antibiotics. Antibiotics are about the only thing that can really get rid of the infection. Antibiotics will be given to the following people:

  • People who have had a positive test for gonorrhea

  • People who have had some kind of sexual contact with the individual who has tested positive for gonorrhea

  • Babies born to mothers who have the disease during the delivery of the infant

You should never miss a dose of the antibiotic or you can get the infection back again. The doctor may prescribe more than one course of antibiotics and you should take them as directed.

It can take a while to cure the infection. It all depends on how far the infection has spread and how long the gonorrhea has been in your system. If the disease is localized to the cervix or urethra, the infection will resolve itself after about 2 days. Even if the infection has resolved and you have no symptoms, you should take the oral medication for gonorrhea until the prescription course is gone.

4. If the Antibiotics Are Unsuccessful
If the symptoms do not resolve after you have taken the course of antibiotics, you may have gotten another infection from your sexual partner or the antibiotic may haven't simply working well. There are resistant strains of gonorrhea that do not respond to treatment if you have gotten a prescription of penicillin, quinolones, sulfa, or tetracycline the first time.

If you still feel as though you have symptoms of gonorrhea after taking the first course of antibiotics, the healthcare provider will obtain a gonorrhea culture, which has the capacity to check for antibiotic resistance. If your infection is of the resistant type, the doctor will choose another antibiotic for which the bacteria has not yet become resistant.

Can You Prevent Gonorrhea?
Now you have known the answer to "Does gonorrhea go away on its own" is no, you'd better avoid it in the first place. The best way is to be abstinent, especially with partners you do not know well or who have other partners. Other things you can do include the following:

  • Have the male wear a condom. Condoms are latex sheaths for the penis that prevents the ejaculate from coming in contact with the female vagina or anus. Put the condom on before you have sex. Things like a diaphragm, birth control pills, birth control shots, or IUDs do not prevent gonorrhea.

  • Have a test. See the doctor about having both you and your sexual partner checked for STDS like gonorrhea. Make sure you do this before you decide to have sex.

  • Have just one sexual partner. If you limit yourself to a single sexual partner and your partner does this too, you have a decreased risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease.

  • Don't use douches. When you use a douche, you sweep away the normal bacteria residing in the vagina, which makes room for STDs to take hold.

  • Stay away from drugs and alcohol. If you use these substances, you are more likely to take risks or to be a victim of sexual assault with someone who already has gonorrhea.

The following video will give you more info about gonorrhea.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Oral Gonorrhea

Oral Gonorrhea

Many people believe that having oral sex is safe for reducing the chance of getting sexually transmitted diseases. However practicing oral sex can land you in trouble if your partner is affected with Syphilis or gonorrhea. It does not matter whether you exchange body fluids through genitals or by saliva orally. Still you are prone to infection of getting oral gonorrhea when you engage in sexual activity of fondling the partner’s genitals or anus or rectum with your mouth. It is not considered to be safe sex by many medical practitioners.

Oral gonorrhea is also called as pharyngeal gonorrhea is a kind of STD infection in which the pharynx of the body is attacked by gram negative bacteria. Neisseria gonorrhoaeaea is the name of the bacteria that causes oral gonorrhea. The bacteria mix with the vaginal fluids of the body and enter into the partner’s body through oral mucus membranes. The bacteria then find its way into the pharynx and in most of the cases the disease is without any symptoms. In some cases, there may be Sore Throat and slight discomfort while swallowing and drinking. It looks like Strep Throat when it gets infected by this virus and for some there may be white spots.

Doctors believe that using condoms cannot protect you from infection since there is every chance for the secretions to pass through it. Oral gonorrhea can be treated by strong antibiotics drugs prescribed by your medical practitioner.

Pictures of Oral Gonorrhea :

Images, Pictures, Pics and Photos of Oral Gonorrhea

Oral Gonorrhea Oral Gonorrhea Oral Gonorrhea Oral Gonorrhea Oral Gonorrhea Oral Gonorrhea

Chlamydia Gonorrhea

Chlamydia Gonorrhea

Chlamydia is a type of sexually transmitted disease and is caused by the bacteria by name Chlamydia Trachomatis. It would attack the cervix of the women and invades on urethra of men. It can also affect other body parts like eyes and throat in rare cases. Since the disease does not produce any prominent symptom it often gets unnoticed by women. Statistics say that 75 out of 100 women are asymptomatic when affected with Chlamydia Gonorrhea.

Some women do have symptoms like increased vaginal secretion, frequent urination, pain during sex activity and low back pain. For some women, there may be bleeding between periods. In men presence of whitish discharge from penis and burning sensation while urinating is observed. You can easily get this infection if you have unprotected sex and even through oral sex the bacteria is transmitted. The bacteria are also passed on from the mother to her baby when secretions of vagina enter the body of the child during child birth.

Nowadays effective treatment is available for Chlamydia infection by starting a course of antibiotics. It is very much necessary that you complete the course of taking antibiotics since the bacteria may not get properly destroyed.

Pictures of Chlamydia Gonorrhea :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Chlamydia Gonorrhea

Chlamydia Gonorrhea

Female Gonorrhea

Female Gonorrhea

Women who are infected with gonorrhea often have the infection of Chlamydia also. The female gonorrhea often known as “clap” is caused by bacteria by name Neisseria gonorrhea. The bacteria will invade wet areas of the body like throat, mouth, vagina, penis, eyes, anus and rectum. There is every chance for the infected women to pass on the bacterial infection to men who has sexual intercourse with her. It is not mandatory that he should have penetration sex with her for receiving the infection. Even oral sex and anal sex would suffice to get transmitted with the female gonorrhea infection.

The symptoms of female gonorrhea are abnormal bleeding, burning sensation while urinating and pain when having sex. Women who are sexually active are more to get gonorrhea than normal women. Women who have sex at early ages and those who have childbirth before 18 years are also at the risk of getting vaginal infection.

Treatment of gonorrhea can be had by taking strong antibiotics for killing bacteria. Cefixime, ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone and doxycycline are some of the pills prescribed for female gonorrhea. The best way to prevent getting infection from gonorrhea is to have safe sex, following clean habits and maintaining hygiene.

Gonorrhea Pictures

Gonorrhea Pictures

Gonorrhea is the common term given for bacterial infection that spreads through sex. It is one of the common sexually transmitted disease (STD). Men and women are equally attacked by this infection and people who are in the age group of 15-35 have the highest risk of getting gonorrhea. Neisseria Gonorrhoeae is the name of the bacterium that causes gonorrhea and it resides on moist areas of human body. Sometimes the bacteria will attack mouth, throat, eyes and other moist areas of the body.

Without having exchange of fluids, there is no way you can get gonorrhea. It can be in the form of oral sex, anal sex and rectum sex. It need not be necessarily from having vaginal sex. Gonorrhea bacteria can easily enter the body through mouth, lips or saliva. It attacks the soft and smooth mucous membrane of the spot in which it invades and spread infection.

The symptoms of gonorrhea in men are very few and hence it is difficult to diagnose the infection. In women the symptoms of vaginal pain, pain while having sex, burning sensation while urinating and Vaginal Bleeding. Some women may develop complications like Abscess formation and pelvic inflammation disorder due to gonorrhea infection.

Gonorrhea can be treated with powerful antibiotics but practicing safe sex is the best way to prevent gonorrhea.

Pictures of Gonorrhea :

Images, Pictures, Pics and Photos of Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea Gonorrhea Gonorrhea Gonorrhea Gonorrhea Gonorrhea Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea Chlamydia

Gonorrhea Chlamydia

Gonorrhea Chlamydia infects mainly women who may have symptoms like vaginal discharge, foul smell from vagina, pain while having sex, pelvic pain, Sore Throat and anal discomfort. For men the symptoms are urethral discharge, sore throat, pain in penis, burning sensation while urinating and anal discomfort.

If you have any of the above symptoms, it need not be only due to Gonorrhea but any other Yeast Infection. Your doctor may ask you to some questions about the sex pattern you have and the type of contraceptive you are using. In case of females, you have to check for the last date of menstrual cycle and in case you are using antibiotics consult your doctor, if you are pregnant.

The possible tests and diagnosis your doctor may ask you to do is NAAT test, gram stain test, serologic tests and GC culture.

The disease can be treated by Fluoro quinolone resistant Chlamydia. Alternatively it can be treated using cephalosporin which is very effective in killing G. Chlamydia. Whatever type of treatment you take, ensure that you are following the doctor’s advice while taking medicines. Complete the full course of antibiotics failing which there is chance for you to get back the disease. Adding more, you should also bring sex partners who were having sex with you for receiving treatment.

Stay away from sex for at least 7 days until you are completely cured. In some case, your doctor will ask you to restrain from sexual activity for 3 months in case if the infection is severe.

Pictures of Gonorrhea Chlamydia :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Gonorrhea Chlamydia

Gonorrhea Chlamydia Gonorrhea Chlamydia Gonorrhea Chlamydia

Gonorrhea Male

Gonorrhea Male

Some of the common symptoms of Gonorrhea in men are discomfort in penis, whitish discharge form penile area, and pain while having sex. Some men will also get greenish yellow discharge with foul smell which is due to the infection of yeast. Gonorrhea is one type of sexually transmitted disease spreading through body fluids.

Though some symptoms are mentioned above, many men do not show any symptoms at all, making it difficult to detect the disease. To be safe, just stay away from sex, if you have any one of the above signs and consult your family doctor. In case if the doctor confirms the infection of Gonorrhea ensure that you are taking your sexual partner for treatment and checkup for sure.

Untreated gonorrhea in men may affect the glands, seminal vesicles, the scrotum and even the bladder. It can create further complications like swollen testicles, urethral Abscesses, and discomfort in urinating.

There is every chance for getting infected through gonorrhea by having oral sex or anal sex. Many people believe that having oral sex is completely safe but it is not true and men, in particular is likely to get infected while having oral sex. Sometimes, it can affect your rectum also causing bleeding and pain while passing stool.

Pictures of Gonorrhea Male :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Gonorrhea Male

Gonorrhea Male Gonorrhea Male Gonorrhea Male Gonorrhea Male Gonorrhea Male

Gonorrhea Mouth

Gonorrhea Mouth

Gonorrhea on mouth is also called as pharyngeal gonorrhea which is also sexually transmitted disease. It is caused by gram negative bacteria called N. Gonorrhoeae and spreads through saliva or other body fluids. Having oral sex is not completely safe and you can only avoid pregnancy and not infection. There is every chance for getting HIV, Chlamydia, gonorrhea and Syphillis by having oral sex and anal sex.

People are likely to get infection when they come into contact with body fluids like pus, white discharge and secretions from vagina from infected person. This fluid will then mix with the person’s fluid like seminal or vaginal fluid and mucous membranes causing gonorrhea.

The symptoms of Oral Gonorrhea are Sore Throat, difficulty in swallowing food, Strep Throat, white spots and redness on throat. Some people will also have fluid like white discharge from their mouth with foul smell.

Both men and women can get gonorrhea on mouth and will share the same symptoms. It starts usually with kissing activity since bacteria will be present on mouth cavity or even tongue. Bacteria will also enter your body when it is present in the pharynx and your sexual partner piuts his/her fingers, genitals or anus inside.

Doctor will examine the condition of the throat and will do throat swab test for detecting the presence of N. gonorrhoeae( Neisseria Gonorrhoeae ).

Pictures of Gonorrhea Mouth :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Gonorrhea Mouth

Gonorrhea Mouth Gonorrhea Mouth Gonorrhea Mouth Gonorrhea Mouth Gonorrhea Mouth Gonorrhea Mouth