Showing posts with label Hemorrhoid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hemorrhoid. Show all posts

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Hemorrhoids After Pregnancy

Hemorrhoids After Pregnancy

Hemorrhoids after pregnancy is a common side effect, occurring in the rectal area both during the pregnancy stage and post-delivery. Women that have had them before conception have higher chances of developing them again, though most women acquire them for the first time around the pregnancy period. Most drug stores contain solutions that should help to rectify the situation with minimum hassle, especially if you avoid Constipation. However, there are also a lot of home remedies for this annoyance. In severe cases, it is better to seek professional help.

What do Hemorrhoids after Pregnancy Feel Like?
Hemorrhoids, which are medically known as Varicose Veins, are blood vessels that swell up and cause irritation and discomfort in the rectal area. They are not very large, usually not exceeding the size of a grape, and can be detected when one passes blood during bowel movements.

Besides passing blood, other signs that you might have a hemorrhoid are itchiness around the area or even extreme pain in some cases. Larger hemorrhoids are physically apparent outside the anus, taking the shape of a soft swollen bump. They are simple to treat, and in most cases, they disappear on their own, once the delivery has taken place.

Causes of Hemorrhoids after Pregnancy
During hemorrhoids, your uterus increases in size, which strains the pelvic veins and inferior vena cava (a large vein located on your right side, which receives blood from your lower appendages). When your natural blood flow is decreased, the lower half of your body does not get enough blood, causing the veins below the uterus to enlarge due to the increased pressure.

The reason that hemorrhoids are more common with pregnant women is because during pregnancy they produce a hormone called progesterone, which eases the walls around your veins so that they can enlarge easily. This hormone is also responsible for constipation, which occurs due to a slackening of your intestinal tract. This is why many women experience constipation during pregnancy and even after.

Constipation increases the pressure on your body, which can further aggravate hemorrhoids, so be careful to avoid it. Other reasons why women might develop them would be during childbirth, when they are pushing the baby out of their body. This increased anxiety can cause varicose veins to develop in other parts of the body as well, including the legs and the vulva.

Remedies for Hemorrhoids after Pregnancy
There are a number of things that can be done to ease suffering caused by hemorrhoids, including home remedies. Here is a list of some of them.

1. Apply Ice Pack
Applying an ice pack is a common solution to decrease swelling, so create a small pack for yourself, preferably in soft packaging. Keep this handy and apply it to the affected area multiple times during the day. Some women claim that when witch-hazel is combined with a cold compress and applied, it produces better results than an ice pack by its self.

2. Soak in Warm Water
Prepare a hot bath for yourself and let your bottom half soak in the warm water until you feel that your pain has decreased (usually 10-15 minutes at a time). This will relax your body, putting less strain on your veins, which will calm the swelling. You can choose to do this one of two ways. Either you can sit in your tub or you can prepare a sitz bath.

3. Try a Sitz Bath
A sitz bath is a plastic container that you can fill with water and place over your toilet, allowing you to sit comfortably in it. Sitz baths are available at drug stores and hospitals, so you can purchase one and keep it in your home.

The point is to target your rectal area, so your choice depends on whether you are more comfortable with the former or the latter. Make sure that you repeat this process a few times a day, depending on the level of your discomfort.

Tips and Precautions:

While buying your sitz bath, also purchase a peri-bottle, which is a small plastic squirt bottle that hospitals provide to patients in such situations. Use this peri-bottle to clean yourself thoroughly after a bowel movement. Also, try not to use toilet paper to clean yourself, as it is dry and might increase your pain. Use moist wipes which will be easier on the area, specifically ‘Tucks’, because they contain witch hazel and have been designed particularly for hemorrhoids.

4. Rotate Between Warm and Cold
Try to alternate the two methods mentioned above, as the hot and cold rotations will be more effective than just one. Use the ice pack first to decrease the swelling and then sit in a warm bath, repeating the process throughout your day.

5. Use Soft Tissue
If you have any stitches near the area, be sure to consult your doctor about after-care procedures. If you prefer not to use moist wipes, then make sure you buy toilet paper that is unscented and soft, with no artificial coloring. Scents and coloring will aggravate the situation, so keep that in mind.

6. Avoid Pressure on Rectal Veins
The point is to decrease the strain being placed on your veins, so avoid doing anything that will Stress you out or tire you. Do not sit or stand for long periods of time and lie down as often as you can manage- for example, during nursing, reading or TV watching.

7. Take Stool Softener
Regular, soft bowel movements will help prevent further irritation of the hemorrhoids. You can take a gentle laxative or stool softener (whatever your doctor says is safe for postpartum use) to help loosen stools and also to prevent straining during bowel movements. Your doctor may also suggest or prescribe a safe suppository.

8. Try Creams and Pain Relievers
Due to the frequency of hemorrhoids, drug stores now have many creams and pain relief products that you can buy over the counter. It is best to consult your doctor before buying any of these, as they will know which one is best for you. Ask your doctor for a topical anesthetic or medicated suppository that you can purchase to help with your pain.

Also keep in mind that most of these medicines are not meant to be used for longer than a week, because their continued use can aggravate the situation rather than help. If you have any episiotomy or tear in/near the area, consult a medical care expert before applying anything.

9. Take Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen
For women that are breast-feeding, it is very important to remember than any product containing aspirin or aspirin itself must be avoided. If you need something to alleviate the pain, then acetaminophen or ibuprofens are better options. Do not exceed the recommended amount either and if this does not decrease your pain, then call your midwife or physician.

How to Speed Healing of Hemorrhoids after Pregnancy
Here are a few tips to help you heal faster and avoid developing this issue again:

  • Foods and Drinks. Avoid being constipated at all costs by eating a diet that is high in fiber, drinking a lot of water and exercising regularly. You can also ask your doctor to prescribe a stool softener or a fiber supplement.
  • Don’t Hold the Urge. Go to the bathroom as soon as you feel the urge, because delaying can cause the bowel to dry up, making it harder to pass and resulting in you having to strain your body. Do not stay on the toilet for longer than you have to either.
  • Do Kegel exercises. These are meant specifically for your rectal area, help to increase the circulation around the rectal area and are an excellent preventive measure. Performing them regularly helps prevent hemorrhoids, as well as tone and strengthen your muscles after pregnancy.

If the home remedies do not ease your pain or you start to see blood, it is time to call your doctor. Usually hemorrhoids after pregnancy disappear without any help, however in some cases they can become dangerous, so it is very important that you go in for a checkup and consult a professional for treatment. Minor surgery might also be performed in extreme situations.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Hemorrhoids also known as “piles” are nothing but inflammation of the veins found in the anus and rectum area. It can be defined as cluster of masses or cushion like tissues that lie within the anal canal. It occurs due to enlargement of veins that gets swollen. The anal canal is the part through which the stool is expelled outside. Anal canal includes rectum and anus and hence any infection or inflammation caused on the anal canal will cause pain and discomfort while passing stool.

They are of two types of hemorrhoids. One is internal hemorrhoids which lie well inside the anal canal (being rectal side) that includes blood vessels and muscles. External hemorrhoids will affect and cause inflammation of the big blood vessels that engulfs the anus. Normally internal hemorrhoids are harmless but in some cases they get enlarged causing bleeding from anus. External hemorrhoids cause Chronic Pain due to clotting of blood in the blood vessels. Hemorrhoids can be treated well using medications and other methods. Either they are found inside the rectum or below the skin that covers the anus area. Hemorrhoid is a common problem and is found in many adults who have crossed 50 years causing bleeding, discomfort and itching.

How common are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are quite common in almost every adult above 50-55 years. But they cause problem only when the tissues get enlarged. About 4% of the people with hemorrhoids will have problems and complications. The growth reaches its peak during the age group of 45-65 years in both men and women.

Causes :

Hemorrhoids are believed to be formed due to repeated strain caused to the rectal muscles while passing stool. Actually the blood vessels and the anal cushions develop inflammation leading to the increased size of the supporting tissues. This tissue accumulates into a bulging mass and protrudes well into the anal canal causing bleeding and pain.

Mostly, hemorrhoids are caused by strained bowel movements during which the veins of the rectum will develop swelling. Chronic Diarrhea or Constipation can also cause hemorrhoids. If you sit for long time on the toilet pushing the stool it will obviously exert pressure on the veins of the anus making it tear and swollen. Taking low fiber diet, obesity and having anal intercourse can also cause hemorrhoids. Aging is the common reason for developing hemorrhoids since the rectum will get weakened due to old age.

Symptoms :

For some people there will be only bleeding while passing stool and not pain. Small volumes of blood are seen in the bowel which is an indication of presence of internal hemorrhoid. For many people it will cause pain, discomfort, itching sensation on the anal region and rectal region. The soft tissue around the anus will develop swelling and becomes enlarged and red. It can also form lump or lesions around the anus which can cause pain while sitting.

Strain while passing stool will affect the delicate tissues of the hemorrhoids causing bleeding. Sometimes repeated strain would push the internal hemorrhoid outside into the anal opening which can be felt by touching. This is called protruding hemorrhoid which can cause irritation and discomfort. This type of prolapsed hemorrhoid can be pushed inside using your finger but it may again push out when you pass stool next time.

In some cases the stool will leak into the anal skin causing itchiness on the anus. For many people hemorrhoid is related to difficulty in passing stools. The range of pain may vary from mild to severe based on the size of hemorrhoid and some causes severe inflammation.

Gangrene :

In rare cases, hemorrhoids would protrude from the anus and becomes enlarged so that it cannot be pushed inside again. This condition is described as incarcerated hemorrhoids. These bundles of tissues will not get any blood supply forcing the blood vessels to die inside leading to gangrene (death of tissue). In such situation it is necessary to seek medical care immediately.

Hemorrhoids Grade :

Hemorrhoids can be graded based on the severity of the symptoms as follows:-

• First degree hemorrhoids will cause bleeding but often they would not protrude outside

• Second degree hemorrhoids will protrude outside but retract (pulled inside) without any effort. This may or may not cause bleeding.

• Third degree hemorrhoids are one that are protruding and can be pushed by your finger.

• Fourth degree hemorrhoids are quite serious. Here the cushions will protrude and cannot be pushed inside. It may contain Blood Clots along with the lining of the rectum. When this happens the stool will automatically leak into the anus skin causing irritation and moisture.

Risk Factors :

Chronic hemorrhoids can cause severe blood loss leading to anemia making you less energetic and weak.

Diagnoses :

Individuals with hemorrhoids will feel it in one way or the other. It can cause rectal bleeding and they would find drops of blood when they wipe. Protruding or prolapsing hemorrhoid can be felt under the anus after passing stool. It can cause pain, discomfort and irritation.

Your doctor will look for the above symptoms but he has to carefully rule out other complications like Anal Fissure, fistulae or infections or skin diseases on the anus. It is believed about 20-25% of the people with hemorrhoids can have anal fissures also. For detecting external hemorrhoids your doctor will check for the presence of bump or lesions under the anus. The lump may be tender which indicate that it contains blood clots.

Internal hemorrhoids are easy to diagnose since they protrude from your anus. Having cancerous tumor on the rectal and anal area is a rare phenomenon. He may use a special device called anoscope which is sent into the anus through the anal canal. When the instrument is pulled out the area of the hemorrhoid can be clearly seen. In some cases he may use sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy procedure for testing the entire colon to rule out other problems like polyps and Colon Cancer.

Treatment :

Very often hemorrhoids can be managed by making some changes in your lifestyle and by carefully choosing diet. However for some people medications as well as surgery is required. To start with you can use topical creams or ointments to manage pain and itching sensation. There are suppositories or pads available in the drugstore that would control itching temporarily.

Local anesthetics, vasoconstrictors (ephedrine sulfate), protectants (aluminum hydroxide gel, glycerin), and analgesics (menthol) are used widely to manage initial symptoms. It is not advised to use these products for prolonged time since it can make the symptoms worse. Your doctor will make a simple incision for removing blood clots and the tissues for giving relief. Invasive procedures will be done in the doctor’s office.

Rubber band ligation is the process in which your doctor will use few rubber bands and tie the basal area of the internal hemorrhoids. This will eventually cut the blood supply making the tissues to wither off within few days. Sclerotherapy is a procedure in which your doctor will give a shot directly to the hemorrhoid for shrinking it. Laser therapy or Infrared techniques are used for shrinking the hemorrhoid tissues using heat.

Surgery :

If the patient does not respond to other therapy or treatments surgery is to be done for treating hemorrhoids. Removing the hemorrhoid tissue is called hemorrhoidectomy. The surgeon will gently cut down the excess growth of tissues from your anus or rectum using local anesthesia for numbing the area. Sometime epidural or spinal anesthesia is given for this procedure. This is the most effective way of treating severe hemorrhoids. Stapling of hemorrhoids is done in which the tissues are stapled together to block the blood flow.

Lifestyle Changes :

You need to avoid straining bowel movements if you have had hemorrhoids since it can recur. Hence it is necessary to include plenty of fiber foods like fruits and vegetables and whole grains daily. You can also consider taking supplementary fiber with consulting your doctor. Mild swelling can be treated using hydrocortisone creams or other topical ointments.

Soak yourself in warm water bath for 15 minutes daily. You can repeat this procedure several times a day. Now you can get sitz bath in most of the drugstore that can be easily fitted into your toilet. Avoid using perfumed wipe or alcohol containing wipes. Use moist toilet tissue for wiping. Keep the anal area clean by gently washing it with warm water.

Pictures of Hemorrhoid :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Hemorrhoid

Hemorrhoid Hemorrhoid Hemorrhoid Hemorrhoid

Prevention :

You can prevent hemorrhoids by passing stools easy and quickly.

• Eat fiber rich diet in plenty. In case it is not working, include fiber supplement in your schedule.

• Drink plenty of water/liquids

• Do not strain by pushing the stool which will tear away the veins in your rectum.

• Do not suppress the urge to pass stool which can lead to constipation

• Do not sit for extended time on the toilet which can exert more pressure on the veins of rectum and anus.