Showing posts with label Itchy Neck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Itchy Neck. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Itchy Neck

Itchy Neck

Itchy neck is called pruritus in medical terms and this gives you an irritating sensation to scratch the neck very often. There may be reddening of the skin in the neck along with swelling and irritation. The skin may become sore and start flaking when it is getting irritated intensely. Scratching the skin often will not give relief from irritation but it may worsen the situation causing more scarring and discomfort.

Causes :

Number of factors cause itchy neck. It can be due to insect bite from bee or other insects, infection or due to allergic reaction. Some medical condition like Chicken Pox can also cause reddening of the skin with itching. Eczema is another skin Allergy that causes itchy neck. It can also occur due to Dandruff or head lice and scabies.

Chronic problems in kidney can also induce itching sensation in the neck. Obstructive bile disease which may cause block in the bile ducts can cause this condition.

Normal type of itchy neck will get settled on its own after some time. But if itching continues with other symptoms like fever, breathlessness, vomiting or nausea then you have to seek emergency medical treatment, since it can be a symptom of serious problem like anaphylaxis or any other serious allergy.

Itchy neck can be the outcome of increased stress and autoimmune disorders. Some cosmetics like dye or detergents can trigger this reaction. Even wearing metallic jewelry can cause irritation due to allergy. Food allergy can induce itchy neck on some people.

Candidasis, chicken pox and eczema are some of the infectious diseases that cause itchy neck.

Other causes of itchy neck are certain medications, psoriasis and extreme cold or hot weather.

Symptoms :

Generally the neck portion will be itchy and it can cause mild discomfort to the person. For some people there can be other local symptoms like redness of the skin, warmth, swelling, Skin Rashes, flaking of skin and pain.

When itchy neck is due to some serious medical issues, then the person may get fever, chills, runny nose, breathlessness, stiffness in joints and profuse sweating.

Very rarely there may be serious itching along with fever and shortness of breath. If it is caused by serious allergy then there may be excessive swelling of the skin with tightness on the throat and difficulty in breathing. You should not delay in visiting the hospital if you have any of such serious symptoms.

Pictures of Itchy Neck :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Itchy Neck

Itchy Neck Itchy Neck Itchy Neck Itchy Neck Itchy Neck Itchy Neck
Treatment :

For mild to moderate itch, you can try some home remedies. Get yourself immersed in a tub of cold water to get some relief from itching. Apply topical ointments like hydrocortisone to control inflammation. You can take antihistamines obtained over the counter which reduces the itch considerably.

Try using the paste of water with baking soda on the itchy area to manage itching. Take oatmeal bath and immerse in the tub containing warm water with little salt.

Wipe the affected area with olive oil and apply some moisturizing cream. You can use Aloe Vera for getting instant relief from itching.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Itchy Neck – Causes, Treatment, Prevention, Pictures, Rash

Itchy Neck – Causes, Treatment, Prevention, Pictures, Rash

Itching is uncontrolled feeling that compels an individual to scratch. Pruritus is the medical term that describes itching. Itching can occur in any part of the body and in this article, you will know in depth about itchy neck, what causes it and what remedies are available. Persistent itching around the neck is an unpleasant condition that makes one uncomfortable. Ranging from atopic dermatitis to hormonal fluctuation there are many causes that causes itchy neck. Itching is said to be generalized if it occurs all over the body and is said to be localized when itching is confined to particular area.

Mild form of itching is quite common for most of the people but persistent chronic (long-lasting) itching can disrupt the quality of life. Eczema starts as early as first year of life in babies as per the data reported by National Institute of Arthritis and Skin Diseases. First signs of dermatitis can develop before the age of 5 years. Itching can be managed and treated by knowing the underlying cause. Medications like antihistamines and several kinds of home remedies are effective in controlling itchy neck.

Itchy Neck

Causes Of Itchy Neck :

Number of conditions and diseases can cause itchiness in neck. It can range from mild factor like skin rash to major condition like anemia or hormonal imbalance. Some of the important conditions that cause itchy neck are given here:-

  • Skin Conditions :

Skin diseases like eczema, atopic dermatitis, dry skin, hives, welts (Urticaria triggered by allergens), contact dermatitis, itchy rash (of unknown cause), psoriasis (causing flaky patches on the skin), Dandruff, folliculitis (inflammation of hair follicles), and prurigo can cause moderate to severe itching on the skin and neck.

  • Allergens :

Certain environmental factor and irritants can trigger itchy feeling on the neck. Fragrances, cosmetic ingredients, certain metals like nickel, new jewelry, clothing that contains resins and dyes, contact with certain plants like sunflowers and daffodils, prickly Heat Rash, Allergy caused by foods or medications, and sunburn (over exposure to harsh sunlight) are some of the common causes that triggers itchy neck.

  • Insect Bites :

Head lice, scabies mite, insect bites like mosquitoes, bees and wasps, bedbugs and threadworms are some of the common insects that trigger itchy neck.

  • Infections :

Some types of serious infections like chickenpox, athlete’s foot, and ringworm infection can produce itchy neck and itchiness in other part of the body.

  • Other Factors :

Certain underlying conditions can cause itching of neck and other skin areas. Thyroid fluctuation, enlarged blood vessels, anemia (iron deficiency), diabetes, increased production of red blood cells and certain liver disorders can cause severe itching. Even psychological factors like anxiety and Depression can cause itchy neck.

  • Pregnancy :

During pregnancy itchy neck is quite common due to increased hormone production and formation of skin rash.

  • Menopause :

Pre-menopause and menopause can cause change in hormone production that can induce itchy feeling. Estrogen hormone secretion can cause itching all over the body.

Itchy Neck

Diagnosis :

Your doctor will collect complete medical history after completing the physical exam. He may look for red sores, blisters or ulcerous growth on the neck and other body parts. If he suspects any underlying medical condition, he may request for blood test and other important tests.

Treatment :

Based on the causative factor treatment method will differ for itchy neck. For skin conditions like dryness of skin, itchy rash etc he may prescribe suitable medications and topical creams. For insect bites and other infections, antibiotics and antiviral/antifungal drugs are prescribed. Over the counter antihistamines can be effective to control moderate itching on the neck and other skin areas.

Tips for Prevention :

  • Trim your nails regularly. It is possible that you may inadvertently scratch your neck and other skin areas while sleeping.

  • Apply wet compress on the Itchy Skin so that it cools down and reduces itching.

  • While working on the garden wear protective gloves on your hand and feet.

  • Avoid more intakes of coffee, alcohol and spicy foods since it can make things worse.

  • During summer season, bathing twice with cool water can prevent itching and skin rash.

  • Do not use high fragrance products for bathing and other cosmetic purpose since it can cause allergy.

  • Don’t wear tight fitting clothing and use only cotton under-garments.

  • Apply moisturizing cream twice a day and use it liberally if you have dry skin.

Itchy Neck

Creams and Lotions :

Choose creams that contain menthol and check if particular lotion has crotamiton in it to control itching. For severe itching, you can use steroid cream for few days and apply it on inflamed areas. Hydrocortisone cream is effective for managing itchy neck.

A Word Of Caution :

Often antihistamine and itch creams would respond for your problem and give relief from itching. But if itching pertains even after using creams you need to consult your doctor/dermatologist. Itching due to underlying medical condition should be treated early since it can cause complications.