Showing posts with label Multiple Myeloma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Multiple Myeloma. Show all posts

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Multiple Myeloma Life Expectancy

Multiple Myeloma Life Expectancy

Multiple myeloma is a Cancer in which cancer cells develop in bone marrow and start eliminating healthy blood cells. These cancer cells also produce abnormal proteins that cause serious damage to the kidneys. As it affects your ability to fight infection, you experience its effects in more than one area of your body. Patients have to deal with several serious symptoms that make them ask about multiple myeloma life expectancy.

Signs and Symptoms of Multiple Myeloma
You may experience several issues when you develop this cancer. The most common symptoms are fatigue, kidney problems, anemia, severe bone pain, too much calcium in the blood, sudden bone fractures in the ribs, arms, back or legs, and bleeding problems. You may also experience other issues such as vision difficulties, confusionand Headaches.

Multiple Myeloma Life Expectancy
So many factors go into determining the life expectancy of multiple myeloma. Your age and previous medical history play a big role in here. Other factors that can affect the prognosis of multiple myeloma are extent of kidney damage, your body's response to treatments, genetic mutations, and stage when the cancer was detected.

Your doctor will consider all these points to predict multiple myeloma life expectancy in your case. They also check the levels of serum beta-2 microglobulin and serum albumin in your blood to determine the stage of the cancer.



Medical Survival

Stage I

Beta-2 microglobulin is equal to or less than 3.5 and albumin level is greater than or equal to 3.5

62 months

Stage II

Beta-2 microglobulin levels are between 3.5 and 5.5

44 months

Stage III

Beta-2 microglobulin levels will be in excess of 5.5

Less than 44 months

It is important to bear in mind that life expectancyformultiple myeloma depends on a number of factors, and there are always chances that abovementioned numbers do not apply to your condition. You should discuss it with your doctor who will consider other factors and explain your personal prognosis better in detail.

Things That Can Be Done to Possibly Improve Multiple Myeloma Life Expectancy
There are certain treatment options available to improve life expectancy of multiple myeloma.Some common ones include:

1. Chemotherapy
The treatment involves taking certain medicines in the form of tablets or injections to kill cancer cells. Several factors determine the length of the treatment and the combination of medicines used in your case. You will have to take medicines even if the initial treatment achieves a remission.

Medicines can include steroids, interferon, lenalidomide, thalidomide, or bortezomib. Chemotherapy has become quite effective in the recent times due to developments in medicines. Your doctor will consider your age and other factors to select the most suitable medicine for you.

2. Stem Cell Transplant
A stem cell transplant is another way to improve multiple myeloma life expectancy and usually offers a complete remission, yet it is not suitable for every patient.Stem cells develop into blood cells in the bone marrow – these are immature cells that grow into mature blood cells.Your doctor will first obtain stem cells from your blood. The transplantation involves high-dose treatment with chemotherapy in order to eliminate the abnormal plasma cells. The procedure may also kill the stem cells that make healthy blood cell; therefore, it is important to give you some stem cells through a drip after the high-dose treatment. These cells go straight to the bone marrow and make normal blood cells, including plasma cells.

Research also shows that there are better chances of noticing an improvement in multiple myeloma life expectancywith a bone marrow transplant through donor cells. The treatment has a high success rate when the cancer is still in its early stage, but can only help manage symptoms in the later stages of the disease.

3. Radiotherapy
The procedure involves using high-energy beam of radiation to kill cancer cells. The beams focus on cancerous tissue and also help keep cells from multiplying. Your doctor may recommend radiotherapy to treat severe localized problems and plasmacytomas. You are a good Candidate for radiotherapy if you have severe pressure on nerves due to a damaged spinal bone.

4. Steroid Drugs and Other Medicines
You may have to take steroid drugs, such as prednisone or dexamethasone to destroy abnormal plasma cells. These drugs also lessen the stomach sickness associated with chemotherapy. Other medicines may also be prescribed to destroy cancer cells and keep them from replicating. Some of these medicines also help stop the growth of new blood vessels to kill cancer cells.

5. Treat Associated Symptoms
Multiple myeloma life expectancyis not much when you are in an advanced stage cancer. You may also be experiencing other associated symptoms. You have to manage those symptoms to improve your life expectancy, including:

  • Anemia: You will have to go for erythropoietin, a treatment that makes your body to produce new red blood cells.

  • Bone damage: You will have to take bisphosphonates, such as zoledronic acid and pamidronate to protect bones.

  • High blood calcium: You will receive IV fluids with the steroid prednisone and other medication to flush calcium out of your system.

  • Kidney problems: The treatment depends on the extent of damage, but you may get prednisone, IV fluids, and allopurinol that lowers levels of uric acid and slows kidney damage. In some cases, you may also need dialysis.

6. Self-Care
While receiving your treatment, you can take certain measures to feel better.Maintain a well-balanced diet and opt for foods after consulting your healthcare provider. Also, staying active helps to protect your bones and improve your energy level as well.Be sure to take plenty of rest and take short breaks during the day to maintain energy.

Just do not feel shy to ask for help and join support groups to understand how manage your condition better and improve multiple myeloma life expectancy.Spend time doing things you enjoy most.

Multiple Myeloma Stages

Multiple Myeloma Stages

Blood is made up of two parts – white cells and red cells. White blood cells monitor and determine different types of medical disorders. One form of these cells is called plasma. Plasma generates antibodies which attack germs and aid in fighting off infection throughout the body. Multiple myeloma is one type of plasma related Cancer where the cancer cells pool in the bone marrow and make it difficult for healthy cells to function. This results in the production of abnormal proteins which weaken the body and contribute to kidney problems. There are different multiple myeloma stages and successful treatment depends on how far the disease has progressed in the patient.

How Is Multiple Myeloma Staged?
The stages of multiple myeloma are determined with two different systems which categorize the disorder as stage I, II or III.

The first is ISS or International Staging System. This system is based on serum albumin and beta-2 microglobulin levels. The ISS stages are outlined as follows:

  • Stage I – Beta-2 microglobulin level is less than 3.5 mg/L; albumin level greater than 3.5 g/dL.

  • Stage II – Beta-2 microglobulin level is greater than 3.5 mg/L but less than 5.5 mg/L with any levels of albumin. Or when the Beta-2 level is less than 3.5 mg/L and the albumin level is less than 3.5 g/dL.

  • Stage III – Beta-2 microglobulin is 5.5 mg/L or higher.

The second system for staging is the Durie-Salmon system. This system bases the levels on four different factors which are blood calcium levels, bone damage, hemoglobin levels and levels of abnormal monoclonal immunoglobulin. The stages are outlined as follows:

  • Stage I – Myeloma cell count is low. Hemoglobin level is below normal but above 10g/dL. Bone damage is minimal and located to one area of the body. Calcium levels are normal. Immunoglobulin in urine or blood is minimal.

  • Stage II – Myeloma cells are found in the blood and it is between stage I and stage III.

  • Stage III – High myeloma cell count. Hemoglobin level below 8.6 g/dL. Calcium in blood above 12 mg/dL. Multiple areas of bone damage. High levels of immunoglobulin in urine or blood.

Know the Symptoms of Multiple Myeloma Stages
Diagnosing blood disorders can be a slow process at your local medical office. With disorders such as multiple myeloma, it is often necessary to test for other disorders first and rule them out before diagnosing the true condition. Once diagnosed, patients will face an array of symptoms depending on the stage of the disease. Symptoms based on stages of multiple myeloma are as follows:

Stage I
In stage I, patients will experience aches and pains around the body, fatigue that can be light or feel like exhaustion, pain within the bones, problems with the kidneys, and an increase in episodes of infections. In average, patientswithstage I multiple myeloma in terms of the ISS system can still live for another 62 months.

Stage 1 indicates the disease has not progressed beyond the early phases. In some cases, more treatment options may be available than with other stages of this disease.

Stage II
Stage II is an advanced state of the disease where patients may feel aches and pains, exhaustion, and chronic illness with basic colds or infections. The immune system is compromised which makes patients to suffer more in this stage. However, it is also possible for patients to have little to no symptoms in stage II.

Life expectancy for those diagnosed at this stage is about 44 months.

Stage III
The terminal phase of this disease is stage III. At this point, the cancer is untreatable. Symptoms include body pain, chronic infection, muscle weakness, Weight Loss, thirst, decreased appetite, nausea, fatigue and Constipation.

Life expectancy at this stage, based on the ISS system, is less than 29 months.

How to Treat Multiple Myeloma
Treatment for multiple myeloma comes in many variants and is designed to slow the progress of the disease and help patients live as normal of a life as possible. You can choose the following methods to alleviate symptoms of different multiple myeloma stages:

1. Wait and See
Patients who are in stage I or without any symptoms will likely not need any treatment. But a physician will test your blood and urine regularly for changes or signs that indicate the disease is progressing. If symptoms do show up, you can turn to the following treatments.

2. Corticosteroids
Corticosteroids including dexamethasone and prednisone may be prescribed to help regulate your immune system and minimize inflammation in the body. They are offered in pill form but may also be injected if a patient is hospital bound.

3. Targeted Therapy
Targeted drugs focus on certain abnormalities in cancerous cells that make them thrive. Medications like carfilzomib (Kyprolis) and Bortezomib (Velcade) can block the breakdown of proteins in cancer cells, leading to the death of myeloma cells. These drugs are injected via veins in your arms.

4. Radiation Therapy
Using the power of light energy like X-rays, radiation therapy damages cells to inhibit growth of cancer. This quick process will shrink the cells in one area and possibly relieve some types of pain.

5. Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is the go-to option for treating many types of cancers like multiple myeloma. Patients will get high doses of chemotherapy drugs in an effort to kill the multiple myeloma cells and prevent further growth. You can get these drugs in pill form or get injected through veins in the arms.

6. Biological Therapy
Biotherapy is a unique process where doctors prescribe specific drugs to help activate the immune system and help it fight off the infection. Some of the drugs used are pomalidomide (Pomalyst), thalidomide (Thalomid) and lenalidomide (Revlimid), which can be taken in pill form.

7. Stem Cell Transplant
Among all multiplemyelomastages, stem cell transplantation is the last resort.If you qualify, stem cell transplantation may be an option for more advanced cases of multiple myeloma. For this to work, first you have to find a donor whose blood type matches yours or you can use healthy stem cells of your own; then your diseased bone marrow are destroyed by chemotherapy; at last, healthy stem cells are infused into your body and to your bones. The body is then able to rebuild bone marrow, if the transplant is successful.

8. Other Treatment Methods
In addition to these treatment options, some patients may receive treatments for the various symptoms of multiple myeloma. For example, pain medications or surgery may be used to control bone pain, dialysis for kidney problems, vaccines to minimize infections, and supplements to combat anemia. Any patient who believes they have the symptoms of multiple myeloma should seek medical attention for a blood panel to determine if they are in fact in one of the stages of this life threatening disease.

If you still have any confusion about multiple myeloma, watch the video to get a better understanding:

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Multiple Myeloma

Multiple Myeloma

Myeloma is the cancer that develops on the plasma cell. The condition in which group of plasma cells (myeloma cells) become malignant (cancerous) is known as multiple myeloma. The cancer causing cells start multiplying rapidly affecting more number of myeloma cells or white blood cells. As the plasma cells (myeloma cells) is responsible for producing proteins that fight against infections, the body’s immunity gets impaired when myeloma becomes cancerous. This would ultimately affect the normal functioning of bones, kidneys and total immune system. However, myeloma can be cured by effective methods of treatment.

White blood cells are found in the bone marrow and protect the body against infection. Red blood cells are the cells that transport oxygenated blood to the tissues present in the body. Platelets are a type of cells that AIDS in clotting of blood that helps the body to recover from loss of blood during injury. These are the major three types of blood cells.

Plasma cells are a type of white blood cells which produces protein to fight against infection thus protecting the body from virus, bacteria and other germs. During myeloma, these plasma cells abnormally starts developing cancer causing cells in fast rate that will not allow the body to destroy dead cells.

Causes :

Exact reason that causes multiple myeloma is unknown. But factors like old-age, lowered immunity, belonging to specific race (African American) and family history induces the risk of getting myeloma. If a person has illness like MGUS (Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance) in which abnormal M protein cells are produced, then it increases the risk of getting myeloma. But this disorder is not contagious.

It all begins suddenly when one plasma cell becomes abnormal which would eventually multiply in number causing damage to the healthy blood cells.

Symptoms :

Some of the common signs of multiple myeloma are broken bones (fracture), abnormal pain in the bones (more specific in back and ribs), and loss of weight, unusually thirsty, fever, fatigue, nausea and frequent urination. Symptoms may vary from one individual to another. It can cause kidney problems and even failure due to increased level of M proteins in blood. High level of calcium can cause multiple problems like confusion, nausea, vomiting and Constipation.

The person becomes susceptible to repeated infectious diseases like Pneumonia, sinus, kidney infection and other skin infections. He may also get anemia (reduced iron content in blood) since the fast growing myeloma cells will replace the regular oxygenated red blood cells.

Diagnoses :

Routine blood test can help your doctor to detect the presence of multiple myeloma. It can also be identified due to repeated fractures. The doctor may also test the urine and a biopsy of cancer causing cells.

Treatment :

In case there is no symptoms of myeloma then no treatment is required, but you need to regularly visit the doctor for monitoring the health condition.

The doctor would prescribe Bortezomib intravenously to destroy the cancer causing cells in white blood cell. Thalidomide and Lenalidomide are other drugs given for treating multiple myeloma. But these medicines are given for curing the symptoms of patients with initial diagnoses.

Chemotherapy is the standard treatment given for curing the symptoms. It is given either orally or in the form of IV injection to reduce the number of M proteins in plasma cell. Corticosteroids are traditionally given for treating multiple myeloma.

Apart from these, there may be some complications in particular organ for which you need to take separate treatment.

Stem cell transplant is done for many people with multiple myeloma in which high dosage of medicines are given for killing both myeloma and healthy cells. Eventually, healthy stem cells are injected to the person through vein.

Multiple Myeloma – Symptoms, Prognosis, Causes, Stages, Treatment

Multiple Myeloma – Symptoms, Prognosis, Causes, Stages, Treatment

What is Multiple Myeloma?

This is a form of cancer of the plasma cells – which are a kind of white blood cells which are present in bone marrow. These cells usually create proteins known as antibodies which help an individual fight any infection.

With multiple myeloma, the group of atypical plasma cells – myeloma cells – reproduces, increasing the plasma cell numbers to a much higher level than is normal. Because these cells usually create proteins, the amount of atypical proteins within your blood also can go up. Because of this, health problems which are caused by multiple myeloma will affect your immune system, bones, red blood cell count as well as kidneys.

Multiple Myeloma Symptoms

The symptoms and signs of multiple myeloma usually differ from individual to individual. While the illness often may not cause symptoms initially in the beginning stages of the disease, it is likely that you will experience several of the below listed symptoms as this illness progresses:

  • Pain in the bone, especially in the skull, ribs, pelvis as well as the back.

  • Presence of proteins which are abnormal – that are produced by myeloma cells – in the urine or blood. These specific proteins – which are antibodies or portions of antibodies – are referred to as monoclonal or M, proteins.

  • These proteins are usually revealed during a normal yearly physical exam, and may designate multiple myeloma but can also indicate other disorders.

  • Calcium in high levels in the blood. This occurs when calcium from bones which are affected, dissolves into the blood. This high level of calcium in the blood can cause some of the following:

  • Excessive urination as well as thirst

  • Constipation

  • Loss of appetite

  • Nausea

  • Confusion mentally

  • Additional symptoms and signs of multiple myeloma can consist of:

    • Fatigue related to anemia as the myeloma cells start to replace red blood cells in the bone which carry oxygen.

    • Bone fractures which are unexplained

    • Recurrent infections – for example Sinusitis, Pneumonia, kidney or bladder infections, Shingles as well as skin infections

    • Weakness as well as numbness in the legs

    • Weight Loss

    Multiple Myeloma Causes

    The exact cause of this disease is not known, but medical professionals do understand that multiple myeloma starts with only one plasma cell which is abnormal in the bone marrow. Bone marrow is the blood producing, soft tissue that fills the center of most human bones. This one cell which is abnormal then begins to multiply.

    Since these abnormal cells do not mature and die as any normal cells should, they accumulate and ultimately overcome the creation of normal, healthy cells. In bone marrow which is healthy, fewer than 5% of the cells are plasma cells. But in those individuals with multiple myeloma, more than 10% of the cells can be plasma cells.

    Since myeloma cells can circulate in low numbers thru the blood system, they can ultimately populate bone marrow in other areas of the body – even far from the initiation point. This is why the name of the disease is multiple myeloma. Plasma cell evolution which is not controlled will damage bones as well as the adjoining tissue. It also can interfere with the immune system’s ability to combat infections by obstructing the body’s creation of normal antibodies.

    Multiple myeloma is not contagious. And most individuals who develop multiple myeloma have no identifiable risk factors for the disease. But there are some factors that might increase the risk of multiple myeloma and they include:

    Most individuals who develop this type of cancer are older than 50, with most being diagnosed in their middle 60s. There are very few cases in individuals 40 are younger.

    Males are most likely to develop this illness than females.

    Blacks are approximately 2X as likely to develop this disease as whites.

    History of MGUS
    Every year 1% of individuals who have MGUS in the US develop multiple myeloma.

    The risk of multiple myeloma increases if you are obese or overweight

    Other features which can raise the risk of developing multiple myeloma can include exposure to radiation as well as working in petroleum-related industries.

    Multiple myeloma can cause several complications:

    Impaired immunity
    Myeloma cells interfere with the production of antibodies which are needed for normal immunity. An individual with multiple myeloma is more likely to develop infections such as sinusitis, pneumonia, kidney or bladder infections, shingles as well as skin infections.

    Problems with bone
    Multiple myeloma affects bones, leading to the erosion of bone mass as well as frequent fractures. It can also cause compression of the spinal cord.

    Impaired function of the kidneys
    Multiple myeloma can cause problems with kidney function, including Kidney Failure. Calcium levels which are high in the blood related to eroding bones can interfere with the kidneys’ ability to filter blood waste.

    As the cancerous cells crowd out normal blood cells, multiple myeloma may also cause anemia and other problems with the blood.

    Treatment and Drugs

    An individual’s primary care physician can identify signs of multiple myeloma before the individual even has symptoms – thru urine as well as blood tests performed during routine yearly complete physical exam. When the individual does not have symptoms, these tests can be repetitive every few months so that doctors can track if the disease is progressing and decide the appropriate time which is best to begin treatment.

    A blood test called “serum protein electrophoresis” splits up the blood proteins and can identify any incidence of M proteins, known as an “M spike”, in the blood. As well parts of M proteins may also be identified in a test of urine but when established and found in urine; they are denoted as “Bence Jones” proteins.
    Other tests which may also be order by the physician include:

    You're reading Multiple Myeloma – Symptoms, Prognosis, Causes, Stages, Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

    X-rays of the skeleton system can display whether the bones have any thinned-out areas, which is common in multiple myeloma. The physician may use computerized tomography or CT scanning, magnetic resonance imaging or MRI, as well as positron emission tomography or PET scanning.

    Bone marrow exam
    The physician may also conduct a bone marrow exam by using a needle to confiscate a small sample of bone marrow tissue. The section is then inspected under a microscope to look for myeloma cells.

    Standard treatment for Myeloma

    There is no known cure for multiple myeloma – but with good results from treatment an individual can normally go back to almost normal activity. There are also official clinical trials on new drug protocols that an individual may wish to ponder as another choice for treatment.

    Standard treatment possibilities include:

    This is the 1st drug approved in a fresh and different classification of drugs called “proteasome inhibitors”. This is administered by IV. It kills cancer cells by stalling the actions of proteasomes.

    The drug was initially used as a tranquilizer as well as to treat morning sickness back in the 1950s and was taken off of the marketplace after it caused terrible birth defects. But in 1998, the FDA approved thalidomide for the management of newly diagnosed individuals with multiple myeloma and is given orally.

    This is designed comparable to thalidomide but it seems to be more powerful and causes fewer side effects, it is normally used more often. It is given orally.

    This involves using drugs – both orally or given thru IV – to kill cancer cells. Most chemotherapy is given in phases over a time period of several months, trailed by a period of rest. If the M protein number remains steady chemotherapy is stopped but may need to be started again if the M protein begins to rise. Common chemotherapy drugs used to treat myeloma are Cytoxan, Alkeran, Oncovin, Adriamycin and Doxil.

    Normally dexamethasone and prednisone (Decadron) have been used for many years to treat multiple myeloma. Normally given as pills.

    Stem cell transplantation
    Treatment option which involves the use of high-dose chemotherapy – usually high dose melphalan – as well as transfusions of formerly gathered immature blood cells referred to as stem cells, to exchange for diseased or impaired marrow.

    Radiation therapy
    This therapy uses high-energy piercing waves to destroy myeloma cells and stop them from growing.

    Since multiple myeloma also causes numerous complications, you need to also have some treatment for definite conditions. For example:

    Back pain
    Pain drugs as well as wearing a back brace can comfort back pain.

    Kidney complications
    Individuals with extreme kidney damage will need dialysis

    Antibiotics is used to help treat infections

    Bone loss
    Drugs called bisphosphonates such as Aredia or Zomet can be taken to help to stop or at less reduce bone loss. Management with these drugs is often linked to harm of the jawbone.

    With persistent anemia, the individual may need erythropoietin injections. This is a obviously occurring hormone made in the kidneys that motivates the production of red blood cells.

    Multiple Myeloma Staging

    There are tests to help your doctor to classify the stages of this disease. These stages are classified as stage 1, stage 2 or stage 3. People with stage 3 myeloma are much more likely to have one or more signs of advancement of this disease, including greater numbers of myeloma cells as well as kidney failure.

    Multiple Myeloma Prognosis

    A prognosis for any type of cancer diagnosis is a medical opinion as to the likely course as well as outcome of the disease.

    Many factors will affect an individual patient’s cancer prognosis, including:

    • The location and type of the cancer

    • The stage of the disease – extent to which the cancer has metastasized or spread

    • Its grade – how abnormal the cancer cells look and how fast it is likely to grow and spread

    • The person’s general health, age and response to treatment