Showing posts with label Primary Syphilis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Primary Syphilis. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Primary Syphilis

Primary Syphilis

Primary Syphilis is an infection caused by bacteria and it is passed on other person through sexual intercourse. Syphilis is one of the sexually transmitted disease caused by Treponema pallidum. The bacteria gains entry into the genitals by means of broken skin in the area and is often acquired through sexual contact.

Adolescents are getting syphilis in great numbers and it is more particularly present through men-to-men sex. In some states it has become mandatory for pregnant women to get tested for syphilis to avoid the risk of passing it to the infant.

Secondary and tertiary syphilis have become uncommon in USA due to public awareness and prenatal screening tests.

Causes :

Syphilis is transmitted through sex when a person has sexual activity with the infected person. However it can also spread through other ways.

Symptoms :

Firstly, small open sore called chancre (ulcer like growth) is found on the rectum or vaginal area which does not need any treatment. This chancre like ulcer appears from 3-6 weeks of exposure of the skin to infected person’s ulcer. For some people, the lymph nodes get enlarged in the area of infection.

In case the symptoms are not treated in this stage, then it would develop into chronic syphilis.

In case of secondary infection, it may cause skin rash, fever, muscular pain, patches on the genitals and Swollen Lymph Nodes.

Diagnoses :

Your doctor will examine the pelvis and would collect the fluid discharge for testing.

Treatment :

Primary syphilis can be completely cured with antibiotics if detected at initial stage. Penicillin is given in the form of injection for treating the symptoms of syphilis. Antibiotics like doxycycline, benzathine and tertracycline is given for people who have Allergy for penicillin. The patient will be put on medicines for long time depending on the severity of infection. Further blood test will be done to check if the infectious bacteria are completely destroyed or not.

Generally the symptoms are mild during the initial stage and taking proper antibiotics can give permanent relief.

In case of syphilis infection on pregnant women, antibiotic penicillin gives the best cure.

Syphilis During Pregnancy :

A pregnant woman is likely to pass it on the infectious agent to her child if left untreated. It can cause abortion and it is reported that Miscarriage occurs in 5 out of 10 women who is infected severely with syphilis.

The child born to the infectious mother will inherit syphilis congenitally and may show symptoms from 3rd week onwards. He may get fever, skin rash, feeble crying sound, swollen lymph nodes and lowered red blood cells.

In case the infant is left untreated without noticing the symptoms, it can cause serious complications in later stage of syphilis like permanent damage to bones or teeth or eyes and even brain.

Complications :

In case of severe type of syphilis, it can cause heart problems and muscle weakness. Sometimes it can affect the brain causing syphilitic Meningitis. When the bacteria causing syphilis enter into the nervous system it can cause neurosyphilis. Individuals who have developed neuro-syphilis should take medicines for minimum 2 years for getting it cured totally.

Pictures, Images, Pics, and Photos of Primary Syphilis :

Primary Syphilis Primary Syphilis Primary Syphilis Primary Syphilis Primary Syphilis

Prevention :

Avoid having sexual contact with women who are involved in flesh trade. It is necessary to use condoms if you are having sex with strangers. Many times, the ulcers or open sores are active and clearly visible on the genitals. Hence avoid having contact with the infected person since the bacteria can spread through body fluids.

The infected person should go for screening before indulging in sex.

Secondary syphilis can totally be prevented if pregnant women are screened regularly.

Primary Syphilis – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Primary Syphilis – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
What is Primary Syphilis?
This is a syphilis infection caused by the bacteria Treponema pallidum.

Primary Syphilis Causes

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted contagious disease. The bacterium causing this infection gains access into any break in the mucus membranes or skin, normally around the genitals. It is mostly transmitted thru unprotected sexual contact, but it also may be passed on in added ways.

Since individuals often are ignorant about being infected with syphilis, there are many states which need tests for syphilis prior to a marriage license is issued. All pregnant women who obtain prenatal care are normally tested for syphilis to stop the infection from being passed from the mother to the newborn baby – which is called congenital syphilis.

There are three stages of syphilis:

  • Primary syphilis

  • Secondary syphilis

  • Tertiary syphilis

The later stages of syphilis as well as congenital syphilis are normally not seen too frequently in the United States as they were in past times. This is almost certainly because of the accessibility of free, government-run sexually transmitted disease clinics, tests for screening for syphilis, education which is public about STDs, as well as screening during prenatal exams.

Primary Syphilis Symptoms

Syphilis often does not have symptoms in the early stages. However, when left not treated, it will advance to involve the complete body.

Typically, syphilis has 3 stages with diverse symptoms in every one.

Primary Syphilis
Symptoms of this primary stage of this infection usually develop ten days to three months after sexual encounter with a person who is infected. Usually a red, painless sore labeled a chancre will develop on the genitals or in the region where the infection has occurred. Lymphatic nodes enlarge – swollen gland – and also will be there in the area. Depending on the kind of sexual contact, a chancre could also grow on the mouth or even in the area of the rectum. Chancres are the main way that the syphilis is passed on among individuals but they are normally not recognized. Even with no medical treatment, the chancres can cure after three to six weeks. Nevertheless if the illness is not treated, this disease will develop to the 2nd stage.
Secondary Syphilis
The second stage normally starts weeks to months after the chancre sore become visible. The bacterium of syphilis enters the blood as well as extends thru out the body, and causes a plethora of diverse symptoms, for instances:

You're reading Primary Syphilis – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

This rash of second stage of syphilis can grow on any area of the body, including the soles as well as the palms of the hand. White or gray wart-like patches of skin called condylomata may develop on the moist regions around the anus, around the mouth as well as vagina. This rash is very contagious and full of bacteria. These symptoms will ultimately go away. But at this stage, syphilis may begin to affect the kidneys, liver as well as the eyes, or can cause Meningitis. These symptoms of this stage of syphilis will go away but without any treatment, the infection will proceed to the 3rd stage. This is correct even when an individual who is infected does not have signs of any stage of syphilis.

Late or Tertiary Syphilis
After the 2nd stage, individuals who have not had any treatment will progress to the 3rd or latent stage, where they have no symptoms but are still infected. Many of them go on to develop symptoms of late stage syphilis, which may develop several years later as well as can injure the large blood vessels, eyes, bones, heart as well as the central nervous system. This is known as neurosyphilis.

Symptoms of the later stage of syphilis can include:

  • Memory loss

  • Problems with mental function

  • Bladder control

  • Vision

  • Impotence

  • Loss of feeling in the legs

Primary Syphilis Treatment

Syphilis may be treated with antibiotics for instance penicillin G benzathine, doxycycline, or tetracycline. The length of treatment will depend on the degree of the syphilis as well as factors such as the individual patient’s health overall.

Several hours after receiving the treatment for this early stage, individuals can experience Jarish-Herxheimer reaction, which is normally a result of an immune reaction to the broken down products of the infections.

Symptoms of this reaction can include:

  • Fever

  • Chills

  • Headache

  • Malaise

  • Muscle aches

  • Nausea

  • Joint aches

These symptoms normally disappear within 24 hours.

Follow-up blood test need to be done at 3, 6, 12 as well as 24 mouths to make sure that the infection is gone. Avoid any sexual contact when the chancre is present as well as use condoms until at least 2 follow-up tests have indicated that the infection has been cured.