Showing posts with label Red Itchy Bumps on Skin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Red Itchy Bumps on Skin. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Red Itchy Bumps on Skin

Red Itchy Bumps on Skin

Number of factors ranging from common Skin Rashes to Erythema Nodosum or psoriasis can cause red itchy bumps on the skin. It is difficult to tell what causes such skin inflammation and infection and why it affects only certain people. There are variety of treatment options available for itchy bumps and rashes but every one of them is good enough to address the symptoms and not the underlying disease.

Causes :

Itchy bumps on the skin can be caused due to several reasons given below :

It can be due to allergic reactions, hives, Chicken Pox, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and folliculitis.

Allergic reactions can happen by the intake of medicine or exposure to polluted atmosphere or due to virus infection. Hives can cause red bumps which spread rapidly on the skin and this condition is caused due to allergic particles.

Chicken pox is the disease caused by virus which spreads red small sized itchy bumps on the skin. This infection will appear as small red spots on the skin and it begins on the scalp and goes down till your legs.

Eczema is a chronic skin inflammation that causes red itchy lesions on the skin.

Pustular psoriasis causes red bumps along with pus filled blisters. Head lice and insect bites can trigger itchiness on the skin causing lesions.

People who are overly exposed to environmental poison like oak, ivy and sumac would get allergic rash with itchy bumps.

Individuals who are abusing substance and alcohol can get rashes along with anxiety, restlessness and nausea/vomiting.

Basal Skin Cancer will resemble scaly red patches on the skin. Alopecia, boils, erythema nodosum, Kawasaki Disease, Abscess and Phlebitis can also cause this problem.

Symptoms :

It would appear as tiny red spots initially on the face or scalp which further proceeds as dark red bumps or lesions on the body. There will be moderate to severe itchiness and pain. Fever, nausea, vomiting and Constipation problems may accompany the disease if it is caused due to allergic reaction or poison.

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Red Itchy Bumps on Skin Red Itchy Bumps on Skin Red Itchy Bumps on Skin Red Itchy Bumps on Skin
Treatment :

Most of the time, simple home remedies are enough to get rid of red itchy bumps.

First you need to stop scratching the skin even it causes itchiness. On continuous scratching you are increasing inflammation and the area becomes irritated and causes repeated lesions on the skin. Avoid the factors that trigger the formation of skin bumps. Don’t change your cosmetics often and avoid using harsh detergents on the clothes.

Simple allergic drugs like Allegra or Zyntec are available over the counter for getting relief from itching and inflammation. These drugs are prescribed for hives.

Apply moisturizing lotion on the rashes and do not allow the skin to dry. Accept that rashes or red itchy bumps will not heal overnight. It takes time for it to appear on the skin and similarly you should understand that it takes sufficient time for getting healed.

Your doctor will prescribe you antihistamines or corticosteroids like hydrocortisone. For intense form of rashes he may inject steroid directly on the skin to control irritation. In case of infectious rashes antibiotics are given orally and in the form of topical creams.

Red Itchy Bumps on Skin – Causes, Treatment, Pictures

Red Itchy Bumps on Skin – Causes, Treatment, Pictures

Red Itchy Bumps on Skin Causes

Allergic Reaction
Allergy to certain foods and medications or to environmental allergens can produce elevated or flat, irregular skin bumps and red sores. This skin reaction appears frequently one to two weeks after the administration of a drug in which the patient is sensitive to. In such situations, the hypersensitive individual must avoid triggers at all times. Some of the common triggers that can cause allergic skin reaction in people are detergents, soaps and house chemicals.

Insect Bites
Bites from insects like mosquitoes, fleas and mites are more likely to produce skin reactions which are commonly manifested as red swollen Itchy Skin bumps. This reaction emerges maybe because of the toxins injected by the insects into the body.

The most common skin rash which produces red to pink skin bumps are hives or urticaria. This type of rash may appear and diminish in a few hours. It can be caused by certain medications such as antibiotics or by an environmental allergen including pollens, animal dander, temperature changes, medical conditions, food and anxiety.
Dermatitis Herpetiformis
Dermatitis herpetiformis is a chronic dermatological disease described by the presence of multiple itchy red bumps on the skin, which are filled with pus. The primary etiology is not yet known but doctors assume that this is associated to gluten intolerance. Commonly, this condition affects skin areas in the scalp, back, knees, elbows and the back of the neck.

You're reading Red Itchy Bumps on Skin – Causes, Treatment, Pictures posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Scabies is a skin condition caused by Sarcoptes scabiei mites. The patient may exhibit pustules and blisters located on the soles of the feet and palms with associated severe itching. Since this is highly contagious, and can easily be transmitted by picking or scratching or by sharing personal belongings such as bed sheets, towels, beddings and clothing, preventive measures and early detection are significant. Rashes caused by scabies are distinguished by S-shaped tracks on the skin.

Heat Rash
Heat rash is a skin irritation brought by too much perspiration throughout the hot and humid season. It occurs at any age but is most widespread in young children. The rash appears as small pimples or blisters formed in clusters which can occur on the upper chest, groin, under the breast and elbow creases.

Red Itchy Bumps on Skin Treatment

Most of these rashes are not serious unless they are part of the infectious disease process. Most of these rashes disappear over time. The first step in treating the condition is to determine its underlying cause. Once the exact cause is determined and appropriate interventions have been rendered, the skin discomfort may begin to disappear. In addition, proper hygiene must also be observed to control the symptoms involving the skin. To clean the skin, use only mild soap and water two times a day. Never let your skin remain soiled for a long time as this favors the microorganisms to grow and multiply on the skin.

To relieve itching, a paste made out of baking soda and water can be applied on the infected skin with a cotton ball. Ice cubes can also be used by rubbing the cubes on the itchy bump area. For pharmacological management, counter pain killers like acetaminophen and ibuprofen are prescribed to control moderate to extreme cases of swelling and inflammation. Nonprescription remedies may also include antihistamines, moisturizing lotions, and creams which contain camphor, menthol, Benadryl and pramoxine. For fast recovery, topical hydrocortisone creams can be applied on the area. If these measures do not help the rash to expire, then a general physician or a dermatologist must be sought for advice.

Red Itchy Bumps on Skin Pictures