Showing posts with label What Is Blue Waffles Disease. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What Is Blue Waffles Disease. Show all posts

Monday, May 09, 2016

What Is Blue Waffles Disease

What Is Blue Waffles Disease

Blue Waffles disease has recently become the most searched term in “Google” and other popular websites. Apparently this term is spreading false alarm among the women population, particularly young women. The highlight of this matter is that it is believed to be one of the sexually transmitted disease (STD) causing severe infection in the vagina. Many websites have posted pictures of blue colored vagina stating that it is because of blue waffle disease. And top of that, they also emphasize that the disease has no cure. But so far there is no medical evidence to support that this disease exists and this may cause discoloration of the vagina.

First of all, the term waffle signifies “nonsense” or “rubbish talk” and there is no idea who coined these two peculiar words “Blue” and “Waffle” to indicate vaginal infection. Wikipedia states that some doctors would have applied Gentian violet (medicated liquid used for quick healing of wounds) to treat vaginal Yeast Infection which obviously gives blue color. And somehow this has given way for spreading rumors that Blue Waffle disease causes blue colored vagina which is a kind of severe vaginal infection, And there is no cure for this strange disease etc. etc.

STD Symptoms :

Vaginal infection can cause intense itching of the vulva and vagina, soreness and irritation. It can also cause considerable pain while having sex. Some women may feel discomfort while urination along with burning pain. In addition to the above, infected vagina may leak out thick cottage cheese like liquid now and then.

All the above signs indicate vaginal infection or vaginal thrush. For some women, the vagina may develop swelling and redness (erythema) and would be warm to touch. In severe cases lesions or blisters may develop on the vulva and in the surrounding parts. This can be due to fungal infection. Hence it becomes clear that vaginal infection may cause change in color (redness) of the vagina and by no means blue color as given in some websites.

Causes :

The major cause of vaginal infection is the yeast by name Candida albicans. Candida often thrives in parts of your body like mouth and vagina and even on the digestive tract. However they do not cause any problem unless they outgrow in number. But which factor exactly triggers the fungus growth in volumes is still a mystery.

This condition can develop when immune system of the body suddenly gets reduced or some other factors like excess of stress. Women who have intercourse with more men (with pre-existing infection) have maximum risk of getting the infection transmitted. When the fungus multiples in volumes on the vagina it can attack the soft lining of the vagina, causing inflammation and redness, pain and discomfort.

Factors to Consider :

Young girls are inviting risk by having sex with strangers. Similarly having sex with more number of partners makes you more vulnerable for getting vaginal yeast infection.

Only A Vaginal Infection :

Blue waffle disease (if at all it exists) is a peculiar name given to vaginal yeast infection causing swelling and itching of vagina. There is a chance of getting this infection through sex. Sex plays an important role for vaginal infection. Hence having sex with more men increases the risk of getting sexually transmitted disease. Even men can get this infection by having sex with an infected woman.

Blue Waffles Disease

No Blue Coloration of Vagina :

Like many other vaginal infection, blue waffle disease also causes vaginal itching and irritation. There is no evidence of changing of color of the vagina and the posted pictures or images of blue waffle are to create a hoax and nothing else. Young women need not panic anymore that vagina might suddenly change into blue color causing serious infection.

Risk Factors :

Young women with multiple sex partners are at high risk of developing vaginal infection when compared with adults. They have the tendency to enjoy unsafe safe sex when compared with matured women. Women employed as sex workers often have to deal with more number of partners each day and hence they are at increased risk.

Poor genital hygiene is another factor posing risk for getting any infection. Women who are not changing pads frequently and those who are using unclean sex toys frequently are likely to get vaginal infection. Women with prolonged immunity disorder have prospect of getting vaginal infection.

Diagnosis :

Vaginal yeast infection can be diagnosed easily by mere examination of reproductive organs. Any Gynecologist can detect vaginal infection on checking the condition of the vagina.

Treatment :

  • Cleanliness :

Vagina should be kept clean and dry all the time. Only moist area gives room for the growth of fungus and bacteria. Dry the skin thoroughly after taking bath and apply mild talcum powder (unscented) on the private parts. Changing pads frequently during periods is essential for healthy vagina. Do not exchange towels and undergarments with others since this increase the possibility of infection getting transmitted from them.

  • Genital Hygiene :

Having good genital hygiene will certainly reduce the chance of vaginal infection. Don’t use strong powder or sprays on the vagina. After taking bath, you can apply miconazole or clotrimazole powder on it to prevent fungus growth.

  • Antibiotics and Antifungal Medications :

Over the counter antihistamine creams can be used to manage mild itching of the vagina. For severe cases, antifungal drugs like Mycelex, Micatin or Monistat in the form of vaginal tablets are highly effective. Some of the creams that contain clotrimazole are also useful for vaginal infection. Always follow the instructions given by your doctor in taking medications.

Oral pills that contain fluconazole are prescribed for vaginal infection. Vaginal creams can be applied directly on the vagina and its opening. Some drugs available in the form of suppositories are to be placed inside the vagina which will dissolve automatically.

Home Remedies :

  • Oatmeal bath is known to reduce itching considerably.

  • Vaginal area should be kept clean and dry.

  • Yogurt can be applied on the vagina to manage burning pain and irritation.

Proper Hygiene :

Always make it a point to wash your private parts after each intercourse. Wear cotton undergarments and change pads frequently during menstruation. If your immunity is strong the chance of getting any infection is very less.

Prevention :

  • One way to prevent any kind of vaginal infection is avoiding sex with strangers and multiple sex partners. By sticking on to one partner the possibility of getting infection is drastically reduced.

  • Practice good hygiene by washing your genitals after having sex.

  • Eat nutritious food and do regular exercises to develop good immunity.

Blue Waffle disease is not a threat for women anymore, only people who are blue minded (evil minded) pose danger for innocent women who may not know the fact about this disease.