Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Metallic Taste in Mouth

Metallic Taste in Mouth

Metallic taste in mouth can be the result of certain strong medications which produces bad taste. In medical terms this condition is called as disgeusia. Number of drugs like eszopiclone, acetazolamide, oretoposide and metronidazole is known to cause metallic taste in mouth.

Causes :

The reason for having metallic taste varies widely from medicines to Gastritis and underlying health issues. Health disorder like cancer, lead poisoning can also cause this taste. It resembles very much like acidic or sour taste in mouth. Certain underlying medical issues like stones in kidney may develop metallic taste in mouth. Taking strong drugs or antibiotics can also produce this effect. Several type of antidepressant medications is known to cause metallic taste.

Other factors that cause metallic or acidic taste in mouth are captopril given for heart problem, metronidazole given for Giardiasis, tinidazole given for Trichomoniasis, disulfiram given for treating Alcoholism, auranofin prescribed for Rheumatoid Arthritis, captopril given for treating Hypertension, calcitriol prescribed for low calcium levels and metformin taken by Weight Loss patients.

All the above medications have side effects that include producing metallic taste in mouth.

Oral problems like periodontitis and gingivitis can also cause this taste. It can be the symptom or warning sign for underlying disease like cancer, ulcer, food Allergy and Lichen Planus. Many kinds of poisoning like lead poison, mercury poison, iodine poison, cadmium poison, selenium toxicity, increased copper level can produce metallic taste in your mouth. Sometimes this can be a sign of underlying kidney problems and too much of iron content in blood.

The symptom of metallic taste cannot be taken for granted to have some health issues. It becomes serious problem if it is accompanied by other symptoms of chronic health issues.

Generally metallic taste will be there for some days or even a month.

Pictures of Metallic Taste in Mouth :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Metallic Taste in Mouth

Metallic Taste in Mouth Metallic Taste in Mouth Metallic Taste in Mouth
Treatment :

Having a metallic taste is common for many people who take powerful medicines for other health issues. Your doctor should first find out the actual reason that produces this effect and proceed with the treatment.

In case of oral health problems like gingivitis and periodontics it can be set right by your dentist.

Home remedy is available in the form of citrus fruits which will reduce the acidic taste largely. It will stimulate the salivary glands to secrete more saliva which will eliminate the metallic taste. Consuming products that contain baking soda will help to great extent to remove this taste. You can also try eating vinegar packaged foods or marine products in which vinegar is used.

You need to check the water supply in your house since too much of copper in water can also cause metallic taste. Fix this issue by either changing your water supply or adding antidote for reducing copper toxicity in water. You can simply do water testing in laboratory to identify the level of copper and other minerals present in it.

You can also maintain regular brushing and flossing to prevent any kind of dental problems. In case you are not using any medicine and you are not diabetic then you need not worry about the taste. You can use mint mouthwash and colorful chewing gums of different flavors to reduce this taste.

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