Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Mouth Ulcers

Mouth Ulcers

If there is any painful sores or lesions in the mouth, or a break in the mucous lining of the mouth it can cause mouth ulcer. A mouth ulcer often occurs in the lips and under the tongue area and sometimes on the roof of the mouth. It is characterized by the inflammation or infection on the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

Two type of mouth ulcers are recognized namely aphthous ulcers called Canker Sores and Cold Sores (Oral Herpes or fever blisters).

Causes :

The main cause for getting mouth ulcer is trauma or minor injury on the mouth area. It may be due to bacterial infection or due to the wound caused by using sharp pointed objects on the mouth. Sometimes, taking hot foods and excess of salt can damage the soft tissues or lining of the mouth causing ulcer. Many times, mouth ulcers will get cured if the source of injury or object is removed. It may occur due to dental braces or due to the painful process during wisdom tooth removal.

Poorly fit dental fillers or fixtures can also cause mouth ulcers and it can be easily cured, if the fixtures are removed. Getting mouth ulcer is common if you visit dentist for any lengthy procedure like fixing teeth or removing it.

Strong chemicals like alcohol can harm the soft tissues giving rise to ulcer. Those who are in the habit of smoking will get mouth ulcers, if they suddenly quit smoking.

It may be due to viral or fungal infections on the mouth.

Symptoms :

Presence of lesions or blisters on the lips and inside mouth is a common symptom of mouth ulcer. The lesions will be reddish white color with little pain. For some people, it may give burning sensation when touched. It may feel hot. There may be problems in talking and swallowing food. Sometimes, it will spread to other parts of the mouth if the infection is very severe.

Pictures of Mouth Ulcers :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Mouth Ulcers

Mouth Ulcers Mouth Ulcers Mouth Ulcers Mouth Ulcers Mouth Ulcers Mouth Ulcers
Treatment :

Normally oral ulcers are approached with symptomatic treatment which means the symptoms are controlled first.

Follow proper oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly for cleaning plague or other food particles.

Using topical antihistamines may provide great relief from pain and inflammation. Doctors may recommend corticosteroids for treating severe mouth ulcers. Taking lozenges and drugs like Ibuprofen and paracetamol gives some relief from pain. Using mouth rinses that contain benzocaine is recommended for individuals with moderate mouth ulcers.

Avoid taking hot and spicy foods which will automatically reduce inflammation. Generally, ulcers will fade within a week or maximum 10 days. If you have similar symptoms, with pain and swelling for more than 2 weeks, you need immediate medical care.

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