Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Sinus Pain

Sinus Pain

Sinus pain is the condition in which the sinuses develop swelling causing pain and tenderness on the face. You will get sinus pain when the sinuses are totally blocked. Common Cold is characterized by runny nose and sneezing and intense form would have throat infection. But sinus pain will have all the above symptoms accompanied with tenderness in your face. It may also cause Headache or pressure on one side of your head or cheek and nose.

What is a sinus ?

They are air filled cavity present behind the forehead and inner part of cheekbones on either side of the nose. Totally there are eight such cavities which are responsible for bringing in the air into the nose with optimal temperature. The sinus does the function of discharging the mucus from the nose when you are suffering from cold.

Frontal sinuses are located in the forehead, maxillary sinuses are found behind cheek bones, ethmoid sinuses located between the eyes and sphenoid sinuses are found behind your eyes.

When a person gets infected with cold, his nasal passages become stuffy making it hard for the air to get exhaled from the sinus. It would give back pressure on the walls of the sinus causing sinus pain. It would also cause tenderness and pain on the cheeks and headache.

Acute form of sinuses may last anywhere between 5-7 weeks but chronic form of sinuses are long lasting.

Symptoms :

There are four pairs of sinuses and the symptoms differ with respect to location and extent of infection.Ethmoid Sinusitis is located behind the eyes and any infection in ethmoid may cause Nasal Congestion, postnasal drip, Sore Throat, pain on the inner corner of the eye, headache and fever. In case of maxillary sinusitis there may be symptoms like pain in the cheeks, pressure or pain on either side of the face, nasal discharge, and intense pain when bending the head forward and tenderness on the cheekbone.

For frontal sinusitis located behind forehead, some of the signs include fever, moderate to severe headache, nasal discharge and discomfort. For any infection on sphenoid sinusitis, there may be symptoms like fever, intense headache, and trouble in vision, nasal discharge and intense pain when lying on your back.

The symptoms are severe for chronic sinusitis and the signs may recur after taking treatment.

Causes :

When there is infection on the upper respiratory tract it can cause sinusitis and pain. Presence of allergens (Allergy causing particles) may induce sinus problem. When the walls of the thin nasal passage get thickened due to the damage of cells caused by virus infection, it develops swelling. This thickened wall will disrupt the function of removal of bacteria through cilia causing more and more blockage and infection.

Streptococcus Pneumoniae is the bacteria that cause acute sinusitis. Fungi and other microorganisms may also cause infection of nasal passage. This type of infection is more common in people with autoimmune disorder like caner, AIDS and diabetics.

Pictures of Sinus Pain :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Sinus Pain

Sinus Pain Sinus Pain Sinus Pain Sinus Pain
Treatment :

Plenty of home remedies are available for getting rid of sinus pain.

Stay hydrated. You need to drink plenty of water and other fluids to thin out the mucus. Repeat the process of steam inhalation 4-5 times a day and apply warm compressor over the face for relieving the sinus pain. You can make use of saline spray for thinning the mucus so that it gets drained out. Avoid going to dry places when you have sinus and if it is required you can carry a humidifier for keeping the air moist. Avoid smoking and using strong perfumes.

Taking Ibuprofen or Paracetamol can provide great relief from sinus pain. It would reduce the tenderness on the face gradually. You can also use decongestant obtained over the counter in the form of nasal spray or drops like Afrin or Forte for removing sinus. It provides almost instant relief from nasal block once you inhale it for once or twice. You will also get some products that contain analgesics along with decongestant to relieve sinus pain.

Prescription medicines include penicillin, amoxicillin like Trimox or Polymox for treating sinus pain. In case if the person is allergic to penicillin, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics that contain sulfur.

All these medicines are effective in reducing the symptoms of chronic sinusitis and pain.

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