Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Yeast Infection Symptoms

Yeast Infection Symptoms

Yeast infection occurs both in men and women. Some men do not have visible symptoms and hence they don’t realize they are infected by yeast. In many case, men feel awkward to admit that they do have infection.

Yeast infection is caused by Candida which destroys good bacteria and multiplies in great number. Lowered immunity is one of the causes of yeast infection in men. Men who have history of HIV or AIDS are likely to get yeast infection. You may get infection if you are in stressful moments for long time, if there is imbalance in pH levels and due to chemotherapy for cancer.

For women who are infected with yeast, there will be whitish discharge from the vagina with foul smell. Swelling around vagina, pain while having intercourse and burning sensation while urinating are some of the other symptoms of yeast infection.

In men, the infection attacks the penis and in rare cases it invades the scrotum and even thighs and legs. They may feel intense pain on the penile area with burning sensation when yeast infection is present. Severe itching and bad odor are also seen on some men. When the yeast develops and multiplies it may react on the cells giving out gases which reflects in the Men and Women Body Parts.

Pictures of Yeast Infection Symptoms :

Images, Pictures, Pics and Photos of Yeast Infection Symptoms

Yeast Infection Symptoms Yeast Infection Symptoms Yeast Infection Symptoms Yeast Infection Symptoms Yeast Infection Symptoms Yeast Infection Symptoms Yeast Infection Symptoms Yeast Infection Symptoms Yeast Infection Symptoms

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