Sunday, June 26, 2016

Essential Oils for Cuts

Essential Oils for Cuts

Everybody gets a cut every now and then. Maybe you’re the type of person that keeps hordes of band-Aids in your purse at all times. Maybe you rarely get a cut, but you don’t want to apply topical creams that may upset your skin, or are looking for more organic ways to help your body. Your skin is delicate, but also strong; it keeps you separated from the dangers and the outside of the world, disallowing those that can hurt you to creep into your body.But, once you’ve formed a cut, you can contract anything and everything much quicker. Essential oils aren’t just for the spa or for relaxation after that yoga class; you can use essential oils for cuts as these oils can help speed up healing, slow down bleeding, decrease scarring and help stave off infections. However, if you just stepped on a rusty nail (or anything rusty, even a little bit at all), hagve a very deep set cut or a puncture, are bleeding profusely or if your cut hasn’t gotten better in a day or two, then seek medical attention immediately.

Essential Oils for Cuts
Oils aren’t just for the kitchen or diffusers; they make great accessories in a first aid kit or drawer. You can add these to make your life easier when dealing with a cut:

1. Lavender Oil
Typically used for the calming sensation that washes over you as you inhale the beautiful scent, this is perfect to add to your arsenal of essential oils for cuts. Besides healing your cuts, burns, insomnia, allergies, it can relive your Stress levels, which if a child (or anyone else afraid of blood) gets a cut, can come in handy.

2. Lemon Oil
Anyone who uses lemon as a cleaning product, raise their hand. Lemon oil is great at cleansing cuts, purifying water, helps with a cold or flu, and can also help keep stress at bay. Use as a disinfectant or antiseptic after washing the wound before applying bandages.

3. Peppermint Oil
Not only does it taste delicious in your coffees and hot chocolates during those winter months, peppermint oil is perfect for helping combat nausea, reduction of fever, increase focus and any muscle pains/Headaches. Due to its anti-bacterial function in conjunction with anti-flammatory benefits, peppermint oil is great to have when any cuts occur.

4. Oregano Oil
No, you’re not cooking Grandma’s pasta, here; although, that would be a delicious treat to cheer you up after a scrape. Just like the others, oregano oil helps with bacterial infections, joint pain and inflammation, as well as helpful in colds and flu, Warts and Skin Tags.

5. Tea Tree Oil
The best part of using essential oils for cuts is that you will smell great, while the healing powers get to work. Not just for big cuts, you can use tea tree oil for aczema, Psoriasis, bug bites, and of course, acne. Have a sliver? Tea Tree Oil can help get that sucker out.

6. Helichrysum Oil
This essential oil is great to use to help combat any bruising or swelling that may occur near cuts. Not to be used on broken skin (full cuts are out on this one), use around the cut if you’ve fallen or have a bruised arm, but a cut on your hand.

7. Myrrh Oil
Finally, an essential oil that helps with pain. Although also perfect for antiseptic qualities, pain relief is its main go-to function, helping reduce any swelling or bruising on open wounds. By stimulating blood circulation and tissue regeneration, your immune system gets pumped up to heal yourself quicker.

8. Clove Oil
Another essential oil to help combat pain, this one helps to drawn toxins out of the body, and helping with pain such as headaches. Feeling sick after a fall? Or, maybe you’re not the one to fall, but the one to help with the clean-up and blood isn’t your thing…clove oil can help combat nausea.

9. Frankincense Oil
When used in conjunction of other essential oils, you can speed up the effects that they may have on your body. Frankincense oil also helps with skin tissue recovery and helps keep the mind focused. Great for those who need to bandage themselves.

10. Lemongrass Oil
Using essential oils for cuts doesn’t just help in the department of open wounds; there are many other things that happen to your body when you tear the skin open. If any muscle soreness occurs, you can use lemongrass oil to help rejuvenate, and it is a natural cleanse.

11. Roman Chamomile Oil
As most essential oils do, this little bugger can help with inflammation, and as you guessed from drinking chamomile tea, calm down your nerves. This oil is great for those with sensitive skin, and also works great on Diaper Rash and eczema.

How to use Essential Oils for Cuts and Wounds
Although using essential oils for cuts is great to help with healing and any infections, keeping yourself safe and clean by stopping the blood-flow and cleaning the cut takes top priority. Clean with water, but leave open as oxygen is imperative to healing, as it is to life.

  • As a Wash

  • Essential oil is great to use to clean any open wounds by using boiled water and two drops of essential oil, stirring well. Use a clean cloth to clean the cut with the essential oil mixture. Feel free to use this wash every time you change bandages, or if left open, it becomes a little dirty.

  • Direct Application

  • Apply essential oil onto a cut directly may be painful, but can do more to help heal you up faster than simply as a wash. Don’t go overboard; use only 2 drops of essential oil to use on a smaller open wound. Clean the wound out with water, using a clean cloth when it comes to the essential oil.

  • Within Dressings

  • By far the easiest way to apply essential oils to cuts, you can add the essential oil right onto the bandages. Again, don’t go crazy with the oil (even if the lovely scent makes you feel you have to), applying only 1-2 drops in relation to the size of the bandages and cut(s).

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