Saturday, June 04, 2016

Swollen feet after C section

Swollen Feet after C section

The surgical operation that is carried out by Doctors on the lower abdominal region of a pregnant woman in order to deliver a baby is known as cesarean section. This medical condition is necessary when the woman is having a stalled labor, a drop in the body heartbeat, when the baby's head is large, at bad positioning of the child or when there is an umbilical complications. The recovery after birth for a woman that undergone a C section takes longer time than that which was through vaginal birth. Having the knowledge of the reasons and what to do about it, why some women develop swollen feet after C section will help you a lot to prevent that medical complications.

When One Develop a Swollen Feet After C-section, Is It Normal?
It is not just normal but quite so common. Those that have a new experience in giving birth will always expect that the hard part of the pregnancy is over immediately after giving birth, or at least having the mindset that there body will return back to the formal body shape and structure like before the pregnancy state. This has turn to be a puzzle game for many as they found their body swelling or increasing postpartum which leads to a general body discomfort or even painful condition that has the ability to interrupt the task of that present condition. Some women who had no experience of body swelling during their pregnancy period may found themselves having swollen hands or swollen feet after C section.

Why Does It Occur?
Pregnancy Aftermath:
At pregnancy period, the body secrets a higher level of progesterone beyond the normal, and this in turn makes the body to conserve both sodium and water. When this is occurring, the normal expansion of uterus due to pregnancy condition will act against the veins in the legs, which hinders the blood flow to the legs, feet and ankles which results to fluids building up at the lower part of the body. With all these fluid accumulation within this period of nine months in pregnancy, there is no way that this body swelling will just disappear immediately after the child is born.
Iv Fluids:
Swelling as an effects of iv fluid should be a general expectant of newly nursing mothers. It is normal to receive anesthesia and some other medications through iv by a woman who have undergone a C section. Those that experienced a vaginal birth are always under the administration of some drug like Pitocin which is still via this iv. These high fluids can enhance the high levels of the blood and the already existing body fluid-this might take some days before the body get rid of it.
What Can Be Done to Release It?
There is no cause for alarm, swelling is a normal and a general something for women in such condition. Those that occurred at the feet and other areas are normally released after a week's time. At this interval, the kidneys are always subjected to excess work in order to get rid of these excess fluids out of the body via increased urination. Likewise, some extra fluid will be dissipated as sweat through the body pores. If this condition does not reduce on its own, then it is recommended that you should be administered with some remedies which can help in reducing the swelling after pregnancy.

1. Taking a Healthy Diet.
A healthy diet is a key factor to be put into consideration for a woman after delivery. When your diet is balanced and properly fixed, there is the tendency of getting rid of those excess body fluid, this will also enhance the energy system of both the mother and the baby as well. Have a good consumption of protein giving foods, fresh fruits, veggie and complex carbohydrates. Food substances rich in potassium should also be at your table, as they help to alleviating swelling. You should try as much as possible to stay out of processed foods, this is because of their content of bloat-causing sodium.
2. Acupuncture and Foot Reflexology.
Acupuncture and foot reflexology are some of these present day therapies which has the great ability to ameliorate discomfort and swollen feet after C section. Acupuncture which is from Chinese trado-medicine can go a longway to re-balancing the internal energies and also the kidney function and circulation.
3. Place Your Hand and Feet In An Elevated Position.
You should ensure that at least for 30mins every day that you maintain your hands and feet in an elevated position. Make sure that you lift them above the heart region so that there will be an adequate blood flow into these areas. It reduces swelling to extreme level.
4. Moderate Exercise.
You should not live a sedentary lifestyle, engage yourself with moderate exercises as it helps in normal body circulation and getting rid of excessive fluid contents via sweat. Nursing a baby can also be regarded as an exercise as it enhance the pumping efficiency of the heart. You need to consult your doctor before embarking on any of these.
5. Massage.
Massaging is a form of exercise that goes a long way in helping to easing off the swollen feet after C section if it does not put you in pain or swell more. It enhances circulation and cut off the accumulation of fluid. Your partner can massage the affected leg gently from the bottom towards the other area. You can make use of some base oil like grape seed oil for the act, or check for video tutorials which will elaborate ways of massaging during and after pregnancy.
6. Soak Your Feet.
You can hold back from aromatherapy oil alone for massage. Deeping your feet in a mixture of aromatherapy oil with water could be better. It helps in blood circulation and hinders Varicose Veins use cypress oil as that of the lavender or chamomile oil eliminate the discomfort.
7. Higher Intake of Fluids.
A lot of people are confused about this but you shouldn't be, having a good intake of water helps to flush out the already accumulated fluid content of the body. This is done by sending a signal to the body in order to flush out the existing fluid content of the body, it greatly enhance to relieve swollen feet after C section, but you should ensure that you empty your bladder always.

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