Sunday, June 05, 2016

What Causes Excessive Vaginal Discharge?

What Causes Excessive Vaginal Discharge?

A white liquid that comes out of your vagina is secreted from glands in your cervix and the vaginal wall. This discharge prevents infections by flushing out bacteria and dead cells from your genital area. It has a physiological role, but sometimes, it also has a psychological importance, especially when its consistency, color or amount changes. Should you really be worrying about excessive vaginal discharge? Is there something serious going on if the color of your vaginal discharge changes? Keep reading to learn more about it.

Why Do I Have Excessive Vaginal Discharge?
It is obvious to feel concerned when you notice a sudden increase in the volume of your vaginal discharge. You may experience this due to many different reasons. Here are some common causes of experiencing excessive vaginal discharge.

1. Ovulation
Both the walls of your vagina and the glands in the cervix initiate a healthy vaginal discharge. Certain hormones also play a role in regulating the volume of discharge. The levels of progesterone will increase during ovulation that will lead to a continuous and heavy discharge from the vagina. Don't worry about it. This is completely normal.

2. Sexual Excitement
Vaginal discharge is the best natural lubricant for a smooth intercourse. Certain hormones regulate the secretion of this lubricant, but you may notice excessive discharge when you're sexually aroused.

3. Pregnancy
There is no need to worry if you notice a clear milky vaginal discharge during pregnancy. This usually happens due to hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. The excess flow in this case is quite beneficial and helps prevent urinary tract infections that are quite common during pregnancy. The secretion provides healthy bacteria in your vagina with a healthy environment to thrive. You may also experience excessive secretions before labor, which lubricate the birth canal for easier delivery. An increase in vaginal discharge may be evident in women who take oral contraceptives because these medications make your body think that you're pregnant.

4. Stress
It is just impossible to live in today's world and not feel stressed out at times. Regular stress can lead to hormonal imbalance in your body that can trigger the secretion of vaginal fluids. You don't need to worry about an increase in your vaginal discharge in this case, but it is important to take steps to relieve stress because it will eventually lead to other complications.

5. Vaginitis
Excessive vaginal discharge may indicate an infection. An imbalance of good bacteria in the vaginal tissues may lead to a condition called Vaginitis, which is characterized by a change in the color, amount and smell of vaginal discharge. The secretions will increase dramatically and the color may turn to green or white. So many factors can contribute towards the development of this condition, such as using fragranced soaps, wearing tight pants and douching. You will have to take oral antibiotics to treat Vaginitis.

6. Bacterial Vaginosis
You may notice an increase in Mucus secretions due to a condition called bacterial vaginosis, an infection caused by the Gardnerella vaginalis bacteria. Even though it's not clear how women contract this infection, it doesn't spread through sexual contact. If you've seen an increase in mucus secretions with symptoms such as yellowish or gray vaginal discharge with vaginal itching, redness of the vagina, vaginal burning and a fishy odor, you may have developed bacterial vaginosis. Go see your doctor who will prescribe antibiotics to help clear the infection.

7. Trichomoniasis
It is a bacterial infection caused by Trichomonas vaginalis. Once you have developed this condition, you will experience symptoms such as itching when urinating, pain when urinating and unusual discharge with foul odor. Moreover, the mucus secretions will become rather watery with greenish or yellowish appearance. Even though you can find a treatment, it usually takes a longer period of time for the symptoms to go away completely.

8. Sexually Transmitted Infections
Are you living a sexually active life? Do you have multiple sex partners? If that is the case, the increase in your vaginal discharge could be caused by a sexually transmitted infection. If you notice a foamy, green, yellow or gray discharge with strong odor, you may be infected with a parasite known as Trichomoniasis. Abnormal vaginal discharge may also be a symptom of Chlamydia or Gonorrhea, which are sexually transmitted infections causing symptoms such as bleeding between periods and burning while urinating.

9. Endometrial Cancer
It is a common type of Uterine Cancer and usually affects women between 60 and 70 years of age. If you're experiencing a sudden increase in vaginal discharge, which is thin white or clear and appears after menopause, it may indicate endometrial cancer. You may also experience heavy bleeding between normal periods or even after menopause.

10. Cervical Cancer
In some rare cases, excessive vaginal discharge is a sign of cervical cancer. It usually happens when your immune system is exposed to HPV and cannot clear it on its own. The virus works slowly and eventually converts some cells in your cervix into cancerous cells. If you notice an increase in vaginal discharge with symptoms such as bleeding between periods or after sexual intercourse, pelvic pain and bloody discharge with a foul odor, the chances are that you've developed cervical cancer. You should go see your doctor for further evaluation and to determine the best treatment option as per your condition.

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