Thursday, May 31, 2018

Viremia – Causes, Symptoms, Tests, Treatment

Viremia is a process by which virus enter into the bloodstream. The name viremia is obtained from the Greek word “haima” which denotes blood. The name “bacterimia” is given when bacteria finds its way into the blood. Once virus gains entry into the body, it can access anywhere inside the body, through the effective distribution system of blood. Virus will simply enter through cuts and wounds or any other common injury in the body.

There are 2 types of viremia called primary and secondary viremia. In the case of primary viremia the virus enters the blood spreading into the blood from the infected area. In case of secondary viremia, the virus travels further affecting other organs and tissues causing more complications.Similarly, active viremia is one in which is caused by the multiplication of viruses after it enters the blood. It can cause Measles, when it affects the respiratory tract and attacks the epithelial lining of the tract. It can damage the blood vessels and capillaries thus causing serious problem.

The process of passive viremia is explained as the entry of the virus into the bloodstream. For example, when a Mosquito Bites you, it gains entry into your body through blood. Once the viruses enter into the blood, it starts duplicating and thus spreads into the entire body. HIV disorder is one such example of secondary viremia.

Causes :

The exact cause of viremia is the harmful virus which tracks its way into our body through small cuts and wounds. However, the treatment depends on the underlying cause and symptoms and the aim should be to get rid of virus and not just the symptoms alone.

Virus can enter into the bloodstream by many sources like mosquito. Even blood transfusion may also give room for spread of virus.

Symptoms :

The affected person may have Fever, chills, Headache, flu like symptoms and Skin Rashes. Some people may also get Diarrhea and Constipation problems. In addition some people may get muscle pain, joint pain and stiffness in joints. Skin rash may appear anywhere in the body. For some people it may cause vomiting and nausea.


Tests :

Viremia can be tested by taking blood sample examination in the lab when studied under a microscope. It is for the doctor to check the viral load quantity before starting the treatment.

Treatment :

Anti-virus drugs are prescribed for controlling the spread of virus and destroying it. The doctor should first identify the cause of the problem before he starts giving treatment. He should aim for managing the symptoms and increasing the immunity of the affected person by several methods. It is not possible to destroy the entire virus with medicines alone, since some of them are resistant to drugs. In that case, the doctor should treat the symptoms and develop immunity to fight back against virus.

Those people with chronic blood disorders like AIDS and other types of infection are at risk of secondary infection again. So, the doctor will verify the viral load count of the patient and accordingly prescribe strong dose of medications. Chronic viral infections are very difficult to be cured since copies of virus always remains in the blood.

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