Monday, September 24, 2018

Home Remedies For Flu (Influenza) – 8 Best Flu Remedies

Flu also called as Influenza or grippe, is a viral disease that infects respiratory system. It is a more common disease that affects people across the world. Flu is contagious and its symptoms last up to 14 days. More than flu, the symptoms associated with it is deadly. You can prevent flu by taking yearly vaccinations.

However, it can be deadly, particularly in the case of high-risk individuals. Studies show that more than 10 million people are getting affected by the flu every year. Imaging tests and lab tests are rarely required to diagnose common flu. The reason is that it is a common viral infection and can be easily self-diagnosed and it resolves within days to weeks. Further, it can be self-treated with some simple home remedies. Effective natural remedies will help with relieving the flu symptoms.

Who Are At High Risk?The flu is something that affects throat, nose, and lungs. Individuals with a weak immune system, chronic diseases, carrying moms, older adults and young kids are at high risk. Symptoms associated with flu include fatigue, Headaches, runny nose and congestion. Even some patients will have cough, muscle aches, chills and Fever. Flu is basically treated with fluid intake and rest. These things will allow the body to fight the infection on its own.


How Does Flu Spreads?

It spreads by airborne respiratory droplets through Sneezing and cough. Even it can spread through hugs or handshakes. Also, it will spread through saliva by sharing drinks or kissing. In addition, touching a contaminated surface like a door knob or blanket can cause the flu to spread from one person to another.

Individuals with flu will experience pain in the muscles. They will have associated cough that can either be dry or with phlegm. Most people experience sweating, body ache, loss of appetite and flushing. Fever, fatigue, Dehydration, and chills are also common. Even, there will be Nasal Congestion, sneezing and runny nose. The other associated symptoms include shortness of breath, Swollen Lymph Nodes and nausea. Even headaches, chest pressure and head congestion are other symptoms to note.

Safety Measures To TakeWhen a person has flu, it is better to do certain things. Here are certain recommendations from healthcare providers:

  • Avoid getting out when you are sick. The external environment can worsen the flu.
  • It is better to cover your cough and sneezes using a tissue. It will prevent you from spreading the infections to others.
  • Remember to wash your hand then and there using a hand sanitizer.
  • Also, make sure to cover your nose and mouth with a cloth or mask. It will help with preventing the infection from spreading to any family member.
  • Further, to allow your body to fight flu, it is better to stay hydrated. Take plenty of fluids and Luke warm water when you are sick.

Natural Ways To Fight Flu

When you are sick with flu, rather than taking chemical-based medicines, the best thing to do is to rely on natural remedies. Here, let us discuss some useful home remedies that will help.

1. Use Essential OilsEssential oils are effective in relaxing your body. They can relieve muscle pain, cold symptoms like Running nose or congestion etc.

How To Use?

  • Take any essential oil; particularly you can take peppermint or frankincense essential oil. Rub the essential oil on bottom of the feet and neck.
  • Otherwise you can also use clove oil. It will help with speedy recovery and will fight against infections.
flu remedies


Alternatively, you can take eucalyptus oil in a tissue and smell it to relieve cold and headache.

How Does It Work?

Any essential oil like those mentioned above will help your body fight against infections as it has anti-inflammatory, astringent along with cold fighting and expectorant properties. Further, they will provide a natural boost to the immune system. In turn, your immune system will fight off the infection. Menthol in peppermint oil relieves cold and flu symptoms by treating congestion and reduces body pain and it also has mild warming effect.

2. GarlicGarlic is a natural remedy that is readily available in your kitchen. It is stated as a powerhouse of substances to boost your overall health.

How To Use?

  • Take 1-2 garlic cloves
  • Cut into smaller pieces or finely mince
  • Add the cloves to a small glass of water and consume it
  • If you are sick enough, you will not even notice the taste. Take this drink 3 times a day.
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The thing to remember here is that carrying moms should not take more than a single garlic clove for medicinal purpose in a day. Also, kids will not follow this remedy.

Alternative Way

You can also make garlic soup. You can consume it with pepper powder and salt to gain better benefits. If you can make the soup spicy, it will help. The reason is that the spiciness will help to get relief from congestion and cold. When you use garlic for medicinal purpose, it is better to crush it as it will increase the allicin content. Take garlic soup 3 times a day.

How Does It Work?

Garlic is rich in manganese, vitamin C, B6, and antioxidants. It is highly beneficial for its antiviral and antibacterial properties. So, it will relieve the symptoms of flu. It will also address congestion by bringing down inflammation in the nasal passages.

3. GingerGinger can bring excellent relief for many symptoms associated with flu. For instance, it can address vomiting and nausea.

How To Use Ginger?

Use ginger to prepare drink to get relief from flu symptoms.

  • Bring fresh water to boil
  • Once the water starts to boil, add grated ginger
  • Let it boil for some time
  • Once the liquid cools down to the temperature that you can drink
  • Consume it
  • It will bring relief from cold and it will also provide relief to a Sore Throat
  • Take ginger drink several times in a day.
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Alternative Method

  • Alternatively, you can add turmeric to the ginger extract and consume it
  • Turmeric is also known for its effectiveness against flu symptoms
  • Even, you can add honey to this ginger water to relieve flu symptoms.
What Are The Reasons For The Effectiveness Of Ginger?As ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, it will relieve a sore throat. Further, ginger has active ingredients like shagelol and gingerol. These ingredients possess antimicrobial properties. They will fight against viruses that cause cold. Further, it is an antioxidant that will boost the immune system. In turn, your immune system will fight the flu infection in an effective manner.

4. HoneyYou might be aware that honey is tasty. But, do you know that it is healthy and it will help with fighting cold and flu? Yes, you can use it is a safe home remedy to relieve many symptoms associated with flu.

How To Use Honey?

  • You can just use honey as syrup. It will bring down a cough
  • Also, it will induce good sleep. During the flu, you should take complete rest. Also, your sleeping time should be more than normal. So, honey will help your body repair itself when you sleep.
Other Ways To Use Honey

  • If you like milk, you can add a spoon of honey to a glass of warm milk. This remedy will also help with the relief from flu symptoms
  • Studies show that kids taking honey has a better immune system to fight the flu-causing virus
  • Otherwise, you can use honey with lemon tea.
flu remedies

How Does Honey Work Against Flu Symptoms?Honey is rich in antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties. It means that it will effectively fight against flu symptoms. It is a natural remedy to address a sore and scratchy throat. Further, it will improve the immunity function to fight the flu virus. In turn, it will help with quicker recovery.

5. Chicken SoupIf you are a non-vegan, you can consider taking the chicken soup. However, it might not be a cure-all for flu symptoms.

How To Use?

  • You can prepare chicken soup as you do in your home
  • Just add more of vegetables to get the complete benefits
How Does It Work?

Studies show that it can slow the movement of neutrophils in your blood. These are type of white blood cells that safeguard your body against infections. When they start moving slow, they will stay in the specific areas of your body that need the most healing. It is known to bring down the symptoms of upper respiratory infections to be specific.

6. Use LemonBeing rich in vitamin C, lemon will help with fighting flu and its symptoms.

How To Use?

  • Take a lemon extract
  • Then, add a spoon of honey to the extract
  • Add sugar or salt as per your taste
  • Take the extract for quick relief. Follow this remedy 2-3 times in a day.
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Alternative Method

You can also consider taking garlic lemonade. For this recipe, you will need 2-4 chopped garlic cloves, 3-4 sLices of fresh ginger, raw honey, water and 2-3 lemons.

Add ginger and garlic to a bowl of water and bring to boil. Just let it steep for about 20 minutes. Finally, add lemon and honey for taste. You have the option to strain or you can also consume the liquid with ginger and garlic.

How Does It Work?

Lemon is effective in reducing the strength of the flu and cold virus. Further, it will also help with reducing phlegm. Even, with a regular use, you will develop resistance to flu and cold. The reason is that it will boost your immune system. Further, it will help with quicker healing as well.

7. MustardOf course, you might be using mustard in your cuisine. But, do you know that it will help with relieving flu symptoms?

How To Use Mustard?

  • You will have to make a paste by using a tablespoon of mustard.
  • Take 2-4 tablespoons of flour
  • Mix the mustard paste and flour to one egg white. You can mix them using warm water. Mix until it forms a paste
  • Once the paste is ready, apply it on a clean cloth
  • Again take another clean cloth, place it on the cloth having mustard paste
  • Lie down by applying olive oil on your chest
  • Just place the mustard cloth over the chest
  • Leave it some time. But, make sure to check then and there. The reason is that mustard can burn your skin
  • After some time, wash off the chest with cloth soaked in warm water.
  • Follow this remedy 1-3 times a day in regular intervals of 5-6 hours.
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Alternative Method

Do you feel that the above-mentioned method does not fit you? You can take a large bucket of warm water. Add a tablespoon of mustard powder to it. Soak your feet on to the bucket until the water cools down. This remedy will draw blood to your feet, thereby improving blood circulation. It will relieve congestion and will quicken your healing as well.

How Does Mustard Work For Flu?Mustard is known for its healing properties. Further, it is a kitchen remedy with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. So, it will help with quick recovery from cold and flu symptoms. Its pungent smell relieves symptoms of cold by unclogging stuffy nose. Warmth improves blood circulation and also eases congestion.

8. Tulsi or BasilBasil is an excellent immune booster that will safeguard you during a flu season.

How To Use Basil?

  • Take water in a bowl and boil it
  • Once the water starts to boil, add basil leaves or powder to the water
  • Let it steep for some time
  • Once it is cool, filter out the leaves and take the tea instantly sip by sip. Do this 2-3 times a day.
Alternative Method

  • You can also add honey and lemon extract to the basil tea prepared
  • You can also add cinnamon and ginger when boiling basil leaves
  • Finally, you can filter away the ingredients and can take the tea for cold and its symptoms relief
  • Even, you can use it as a tonic for gargle.
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How Does Basil Help?

Studies show that in addition to addressing flu, basil will also address the associated symptoms. Yes, it will treat fever, cough, congestion and cold as well. It will reduce the mucous build up and it will also cure a sore throat. The antiviral properties of basil will help with fighting flu and its symptoms.


Nowadays, most people are aware of the ill-effects of flu shots. So, it is better to rely on natural remedies. With the regular use of some kitchen items like lemon and basil, you can boost your immune system. When the immune system is stronger, it will fight against any infections trying to invade your body.

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