Showing posts with label Burning Anus (Rectum). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Burning Anus (Rectum). Show all posts

Monday, May 09, 2016

Burning Anus (Rectum) – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention, Remedies

Burning Anus (Rectum) – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention, Remedies

Anus (also called rectum) is the area through which feces are expelled from our body. It is necessary to keep it clean and dry to prevent any infection. It is quite normal to develop any pain or infection in the anus since the fecal particles contains millions of bacteria and other toxins. Causes for burning anus may vary from mild to severe reasons. You need not have to worry about the burning anus if you get it once in a while after eating spicy foods or passing bowels. However if you have rectal bleeding or persistent burning pain in the anus it can be Hemorrhoids or some other problem which have to be diagnosed. In this article you will learn about the different causes of burning anus, its symptoms and the ways of treating it in detail.

Defecation :

Expelling of fecal particles via rectum is known as Defecation. Bowel movement can occur few times a day for some people and few times in a week for some others. Muscular contraction occurs in the walls of the colon so that fecal particles can easily move through the digestive tract into the rectum. Defecation is the last stage of digestion through which unabsorbed food is expelled from the body.

burning anus

Burning Anus Causes :

Burning sensation in the anus can be caused by many factors.

  • Eating spicy foods :

Some people may experience burning anus after eating in a restaurant previous night. Taking too much of spicy items that contain chilli and peppers can spoil the normal balance of the stomach. Normally the spicy item will get neutralized in the gut or stomach before reaching the intestine. If not, spicy foods can irritate the soft mucosal lining of the intestine as well as rectum leading to burning anus. For many cases burning sensation is felt immediately after passing stool. This is due to the effect of spicy foods.

  • Over cleaning :

Excess of wiping of the anus can disturb the normal balance causing pruritis ani or itchy anus. This action can cause inflammation of the soft lining of the rectum which drives one to scratch it. Repeated scratching of the area will cause burning anus.

  • Poor hygiene :

If you are not cleaning the anus region properly after using toilet you are likely to develop an infection. The reason is simple. You are expelling millions of bacteria via feces and when you are not cleaning/wiping the area powerful bacteria remains there causing irritation and itching. In the long run it may lead to burning anus and skin infections.

Piles (Hemorrhoids) often occur due to chronic constipation. Many men prefer to take extra time for passing stool by voluntarily pushing it out. This can damage the soft skin of the rectum gradually leading to piles. Stools are usually semi-solid in nature so that it can be pushed out easily. But for some reasons you are postponing the act of expelling feces, the stool particles get hardened inside and the next time you use the toilet it has to literally tear its way out. Repeated constipation can cause piles and burning anus. Hemorrhoids can also cause pain and discomfort throughout the day.

  • Fissures :

Fissure can also cause burning pain in the anus. Due to chronic constipation the stool hardens and causes minute tears in the anus region leading to Anal Fissure. This condition can also cause rectal bleeding and anal itching not only after bowel movement but even afterwards.

  • Incontinence :

This condition is exactly opposite to constipation. Here the person will not be able to control the bowel movement till he/she reaches the toilet and in many cases they would wet their pants resulting in fecal incontinence. This is also called impairment of bowel control. Here again particles of feces will be retained in the anus for long time resulting in burning pain. More women than men are likely to develop fecal incontinence. And elderly people would have this problem frequently since the nerves that control and retain bowels in the rectum would not function properly on aging.

  • Other Diseases :

Number of disorders can affect the normal functioning of the colon and rectum causing burning anus. Inflammation of the colon can occur or ulcer may develop on the rectum or colon causing irritation. Severe diseases like Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and any problem in gastroenteritis can cause burning anus and itching. In addition these diseases can also cause bleeding of anus, hemorrhoids and fissures.

In rare cases sexual diseases like Genital Herpes or Chlamydia infection can cause burning anus.

Burning Rectum (Anus)Symptoms :

  • Most of the time, burning anus is accompanied with other signs like itching and persistent pain in the anus.

  • Considerable pain is felt while passing stools and afterwards and for some people throughout the day.

  • Since the stools grow hard and large inside it can tear the soft lining of the anus causing more sharp pain while using toilet. Many times this can also cause rectal bleeding. This is quite common in people having anal fissure or hemorrhoids.

  • Persistent itching may be present in the anal area.

  • In rare cases burning pain can be felt while passing urine.

burning anus

Tests :

  • Based on your symptoms, your GP will be able to identify the cause of burning anus by physically examining the area with lighting.

  • Further he may insert a gloved finger into the rectum to check for any inflammation or ulcerous growth.

  • In severe cases (like fissures or hemorrhoids) Colonoscopy test is recommended to view the internal parts of anus.

Treatment :

Mild cases of burning anus will get resolved automatically within few days. This is meant only for people who develop burning anus pain occasionally after using toilet. Over the counter painkillers can be taken to get relief from symptoms. However in more serious cases like anal fissure or chronic constipation prescription drugs is necessary to manage the pain. Laxative drugs are suggested along with increased fiber intake. Your doctor may advise you to take plenty of fluids and water to soften the stool. You can apply topical anesthetic creams to get temporary relief from burning anus after using the toilet. Alternatively you can also take Ibuprofen to manage the pain. Sitz bath is effective in relaxing the muscles of the anus and giving relief from pain.

  • Medications :

  • Drugs given here are common and based on the condition and symptoms of the individual it may differ for every person.

  • Glyceryl trinitrate is given to dilate the blood vessels of the rectum and to facilitate healing of inflammation. Some doctors may give calcium channel blockers to relax the sphincter muscles of the rectal area so that stool can be passed easily.

  • Topical creams can be applied on the rectum to reduce inflammation.

  • If none of the above methods are effective, your doctor may consider surgery to treat anal fissure.

  • Tips for Prevention :

    • To prevent burning anus and Rectal Pain after passing the stool you need to take plenty of water/fluids and include plenty of fiber in your diet.

    • Never postpone going toilet since this is the primary cause for constipation.

    • Do not use perfumed tissue paper for cleaning yourself since it can cause irritation.

    • Do regular exercise to prevent getting anal fissure and constipation.

    Home Remedies :

    • Eat a healthy balanced diet and avoid spicy hot foods. Drink plenty of water.

    • Maintain good hygiene after using the toilet.

    • Do not strain yourself to push out the feces since this can lead to constipation.

    • Aloe vera is effective in reducing the pain or discomfort in the anus. Apply this cream liberally after passing the stool and every time you feel like.

    • Coriander seeds soaked in water can be consumed early morning in empty stomach. By repeating this simple remedy for few days you can get relief from burning anus and itchy feeling.

    • Banana is an excellent remedy for burning anus since it contains potassium which acts as a vasodilator relaxing the blood vessels of the anus. You can eat one banana a day with a cup of milk to check the difference.

    • Fig fruit is another treatment for managing burning anus. You can eat 4-5 figs soaked in water early in the morning before taking coffee. Similarly cumin seeds can be taken with water to get relief from pain after using the toilet.

    • Applying Witch hazel on the anus through cotton pads can reduce the burning pain in the anus.

    • Cranberry juice is a great remedy for hemorrhoids and burning anus. Drink this juice every day in the morning and you will be relieved off symptoms within a week.

    • Lastly maintain good hygiene in the rectum. Do not rub the area vigorously since it may worsen the symptom.

    • Alternative remedies are available in the form of Ayurvedic medicine for burning anus.

    Conclusion :

    Burning anus will not be a problem if you take extra care for the rectum. Eat healthy diet and drink lot of water and fiber rich foods. If you doubt you are having constipation don’t hesitate to visit your doctor and take proper treatment.